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About elril

  • Birthday 06/17/1977

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  1. Let me know, my schedule is a bi#$% but we an see what we can work out.
  2. Huh, it has been awhile since I looked at 40k stuff... But it looks like quality has dropped a little
  3. Heya, I am from just south of Madison (~1.5 hours from you). Madison is a PP stronghold. A number of people there play Malifaux as a second game, but none of us have the time to really drive it. If you wanted to get together for a weekend game or three, drop a line. oh, and just to round things out, the arcanists are where it is at, our hookers aren't undead.
  4. Good as usual. My only complaint being it too brief...
  5. Realizing he is alone with two women, C. Hoffman promptly embarrasses himself (-10) Lady J can't see the result of his discomforture, but Sword Vik has a good laugh (+5) Sword Vik - 85 C. Hoffman - 65 Lady J - 65
  6. It is a war (several in fact) and wars aren't believable unless people die. I am going to miss wintertide, but I am guessing his death is going to fuel the other protagonists on.
  7. It is part of a set. Check here: http://southpawart.bigcartel.com/product/victorian-horror-token-set
  8. Holy carp! This made me check ebay, and someone is trying to sell the book one for $150. Seriously?
  9. Because this ability doesn't specifically give them reactivate. It is an ability, but not one that says reactivate. Any ability that allows reactivate, specifically says "reactivate". Without that, the rule is one activation per turn. The general rule is: follow the general rules unless a rule specifically violates them. The absence of holding the rule does not allow the violation. And for the second question, since it doesn't allow reactivation, it doesn't do anything unless Ramos goes first to allow the models to go.
  10. I can't (and won't) judge a product's price point by the "secondary market". The reason there is a secondary market it because how small it's demand/supply is.
  11. A game about aliens, raising the dead, arcana, voodoo, and an apocalypse is OK, but flipping a card is tantamount to witchcraft?
  12. 15$ for one puppet war mini? Um that doesn't sound right.
  13. Happy Anniversary, now get back to work!
  14. Good as always AB. Don't know if it was intended as a twist, but I was certain the little boy was your namesake, not his brother. Well Done.
  15. Good luck! With the race, the fundraiser is kinda a double edged sword eh?
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