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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Update shot after dust removal
  2. So any one else think the blue one is about to do a crane kick ?
  3. Ya was just filled with greenstuff and I cut out boards. Then each board got 2 nail holes at each end.
  4. I went brave and gave it a toothbrush polish. I think I got most of the dust off with out jacking the model up. I will try and shake a lot longer before I try another model. Wish the picture was a little sharper. The floor has nail holes that are 2 hard to see in the picture. Few people told me they love the look. Also I love the floor I did first successful green stuff sculpt so i am happy
  5. Armory matte finish. I noticed it as well but was far 2 late to do any thing about it. If any one has any clues on how to get it off with out jacking the model it would be great to know.
  6. Still working on crew. Have the Duet and another perform/mani combo left. If you have any sugjestions feal free to offer them up.
  7. Looks cool look forward to seeing your rats
  8. tadaka

    Shootiest Crew?

    For a shooty list if your takeing ryle then hoffman would be top of my list for masters. Hoffman may not be able to shoot but the number of shots he can make ryle put out is crazy. Plus if any one gets in close hoffman can smash face.
  9. Eh perhaps I am missing some thing. How does the ability for a mannequin to compainion make for an alpha strike? I guess you could compainion mutiple mannequin to another showgirl but I just dont see that as being all great. Teach me Your right about me doing 2 well with other models the rest of the crew has been kicking butt for me. I just dont see how the showgirls themselves are usefull. I take one set each game but like I said they just get stranded on there own.
  10. I am curious what do you use your performers for. I often find they get left behind the rest of the crew and don't ever seam to do much but die for Colette. Am I missing some thing? Often the same thing with the mannequin. It links to some thing but being as they don't move with push it seams like every game link gets broken and they become useless .
  11. I would have to say for the hardest masters to win with. Ramos. I have never played or watched this guy played where he did not get tabled. Marcus. He is ok for some missions and crap for others. For the most part I have found the best thing you can do for him is forget the beast idea at all. Just use him to pound things and take non beast minions, well other then shikomi they are nice. Overall tho he is subpar imho. I am sure no one will agree with me but levi would be 3rd. Once people know how to kill him he dies so easy its not funny.
  12. I would love to know what goals you find Perdita, Lilith, Pandora, Dreamer, Colette to be sub par at? I think every master has missions they are good at I think a couple of masters are good at all missions and that's where the imbalance comes from.
  13. I know that's how I feel when I sit down with a levi crew vs the Ortegas/dreamer. I know every game I have to at the very least play with out a master at all. Not to say I have never won but I have to greatly outplay or get lucky as hell to even have a chance.
  14. Um lol not exactly. Hoffman has 2 copy abilities. One says when he is hit he copy's the armor of a model and it does not stack with other armor. Another can copy a talent or a spell from another model. If a model has 2 armor from Guardian and 2 base armor when Hoffman is hit he can copy the 4 armor because the right now the guy has 4 armor. However the guys "talent" never changes his "talent" has only 2 armor. So before he is hit Hoffman could take his talent that would have him 2 armor because even tho his has a bonus the talent is only 2. You just have to keep in mind its 2 different abilities. More often then not Hoffman will not use Assimilate for armor but he can. The best you will see most games is Guardian with shield wall would give hoffman 6 armor when struck in combat to copy. You can hit 8 with 2 Guardians however.
  15. You can't do that Lobo. Hoffs own ability to take armor can not stack with other armor it says so. Other armor can stack but not that ability
  16. Levi says he may only hire undead, constructs and soulless that's it nothing that does not fit those 3.
  17. Wasp just noticed in a past post you put out that your playing showgirls. They are one of the best all around crews for most any goal. I find it odd you are having a hard time with Crid. Have you looked at the showgirl tactica they are a solid all around crew that does not need much help.
  18. Wow they actually changed A rule to make guild do more damage?
  19. The problem is starting players get screwed by bad match ups. Then when players start tournaments it starts all over again. I see it all over the forums when a tournament is run players want to limit what crews you can use so many points sideboard or one set list. So then you get stuck in bad match ups in a competitive environment and you lose because x has a much easier time winning there mission then another player. Unfortunately this is the worst for many of the lower power masters who need to be at there best for example Marcus. While Pandora or Ortega crews can do any mission well with. The fact is some crews need to be able to bring the right tools for a given fight or they will get crushed.
  20. You cant copy an effect with assimilate. Just because armor can be a talent does not make all armor a talent. The model would have armor 4 as an effect and armor 2 as a talent. If you copy you would get armor 2 not 6. If attacked he could use the 6 armor to block the attack as he can copy the armor from a model when attacked but that only lasts for the single attack. Reactivate is also not a talent on any model in the game so it can not be taken through assimilate.
  21. Lol I am still trying to find the counter Ortega crew. Perhaps that is what makes Perdita so good she is good vs everything.
  22. I am not a large fan of the idea that some one will have multiple masters from the same faction. I know many people who do that and just as many who have a grab bag of masters from multiple factions. The idea that people will be a part of a faction has IMHO not worked out all that well and people are more attached to masters. But that being said the addition of Hamlin will finally give me a second outcast master so I have an option for that environment. I simply don't like any other outcasts. Another side point is that a lot of tournaments don't let people run more then one master. This is because of the idea that more money = advantage that is common. I will say I don't agree with it but this game has to be played by a lot of different people.
  23. You´re right. Armor doesn´t stack this way. You can stack armor as long as they are from different effects that one effect on hoffman says it does not stack so it cant. You can stack other armor effects. One question here: What´s exactly the M&SU term? What rules are connected to it? Does it have any further impact on crew selection? M&SU is a type of special forces just like ryle is part of the Elite division special forces unit. You cant combine one special forces type with another so no M&SU with Elite division. (Keep in mind there is M&SU member that is not a special forces group and M&SU asset that is special forces)
  24. Good point must keep that limit in mind. Dont have the book handy tho what low cost models does this cost you. The lowest cost I can think of is the spider and its 6 ss for hoffman not exactly a cheap model.
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