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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I am not sure I would get close enough to a giant fanged bear to take a photo op. Hello 10 damage bite.
  2. I am guessing a few horrors
  3. More I have played the game the more I have held on to it. Honestly I would like a rule that says you cant play a joker from your hand. All most every time a joker gets played from the deck it is exciting. When some one plays it from there hand it just is not as fun.
  4. I would say if she did not have the ability no. It says the cost is for a performer and mannequin. He would not have the ability to hire both so he could not do it. Same thing for levi. Performer is not a valid option because he cant hire the showgirl even tho he could hire the mannequin
  5. Doh don't click on the pics and go clicking through the photo bucket account. The rest of the crew kicks arse as well.
  6. You might want to look in to rasputina crew. Would give you a second arcanist and Raputina and silent ones put out some nice firepower. You probably have a duet all ready and it can be a nice addition to rasputina as well.
  7. Intresting but this prevents totems for the most part. Some masters simply do not work with this idea.
  8. The spell does not heal it enabled a healing flip. Second viki would flip
  9. Eh its ok I hate painting so its easy to kill
  10. Lol I can tell you it just killed my motivation to finish my last 5 models for my own crew. Lol this is the reason I dont go to coolmini.
  11. Sigh I used to be impressed with my own girls. Very very nice work.
  12. Looking cool I cant wait tomarow my hoffman set will finaly be in.
  13. I agree with this Colladii in his current form is beyond crazy good. Dirt cheep units that can move to any point on the board. They all have fast its death of 1000 cuts 1 point of damage at a time. Try him some time with just spams of wicked dolls they eat face.
  14. Amazing model. Your Ramos was what got me in to this game. It is very very nice to see another work by you. Just awesome.
  15. Curious what groups do you play vs on a regular basis? I was a hard core Levi player for a long time. Local meta beat that out of me. There are some match ups that Levi just sucks when fighting.
  16. When I bought 12 I thought the same thing. My friend laughs at me now when I bought another pack as a I told you so thing.
  17. At the moment I have 15 and have run out mutiple times
  18. At the local store we have been playing with 1 card and just using some thing on the table to mark rats who have a wound.
  19. My personal thought is just this. Wyrd should use the single biggest thing they have going the storyline. I would like to see them move in to a yearly storyline. Release some models that a designed for a story pack type thing. Models that move the story forward for example a res version of lady J. Keep the current models in production but for this year work on limited edition lady J res crew who only works with her. If you get her during the story arc play with her have fun but they don't expand on the crew down the road. You get new one of a kind crews each year and you can keep adding crews with out constantly adding to an expanding powerbase. I think the idea of hero's coming and going would help the game feel like it has a story. Make players results in tournaments effect what they do next for the story. Other games have done this sort of thing and it does a great job of getting fans who realty care about the game.
  20. You cant not cast a spell with a resist check on yourself per the rules manual.That means no giving hoffman reactivate. Not sure crit strike works with shield effect. Not 100% sure that it does not work however.
  21. Thats intresting. What do you find about them that is so potent? It takes a bunch of shots to take down a single catcher and that only kills off 4 points. Killing off hamiin is not exactly worthwile as he just respawns from a stolen. Nix is the only solid target to kill and you can just keep him in cover and with spirit he is pritty tough to take down. I have not found them to be all that potent vs this crew at all let alone an auto win like you have sugjested. Only thing that changes imho is you cant just insignificant every thing. Rat swarms do a number on them its just a tactics change.
  22. I bet there is some way to make the angels in to a great Malifaux crew somehow.
  23. I find this pic interesting if for no other reason his jacked would have been the last part I would have painted. I all ways paint the most recessed areas first and the outer layers after. Is there a reason you started with the cloak?
  24. Did they rule that poison just has to hit not damage so he would be stuck with poison doing that?
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