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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. It was ruled that ryle has to make Irrestible wp checks on Performer's as well. I guess that would apply to the Lithu or however it is spelled as they changed hers to match the performer as they had 2 different abilities with the same name.
  2. Eh I supose I could try a new photo and post it up after a bit. Thinking I should not take them so close as well. The super zoom effect on my photos makes even the most tiny mistake stand out. After looking at my photo I cant help looking at her arm. The paint from the arm goes up just a tiny bit on the sleave. When I look at it all I see is that stupid tiny part I never noticed before the picture.
  3. I know they are harsh over there but seeing that hit me like a brick. I even told my wife when I was putting her up that exact thing. I know I dont have the best stuff in the world. I put Collette together looked at her for my goal of being able to put her in a local shop painting contest and not be ashamed. I dont think she would win I know there are much better painters but eh tabletop after painting minis for war games for around 10 years now was hard to see.
  4. Ug last time I do that. Apparently my best work is tabletop quality.
  5. I have not had any luck with joss glad some one else does. Every time I have played him he is dead long before he can do any thing.
  6. Does any one know if you have to do some thing special to make people be able to see your photo's on cool mini ? I cant find my picture and I know what I am looking for so not sure how any one else would run in to it to vote. It says my picture Status is waiting.
  7. Bah he is awesome with out hoffman. With him he is death incarnate.
  8. I am starting to think Hoffman. Not the guild they suck but hoffman can do all kinds of fun tricks. And I am loving how durable his crew is tanking constructs for the win.
  9. Looking good. Same paint plan I had for my hoffman crew. You need to finish up Lady J we are all waiting to see the end result
  10. Thanks glad you like them I have been at a loss on how to add cards in different ways then just sitting on the bases. I have not figured out what I am going to do with the second set of performers yet. May not do any thing at all with them as colette would look odd being the only one with out cards. You cant see them in the picture but in the other hand/blade they have a card between the 2 blades. Eventualy I will try and get a pic up of the other side.
  11. Very nice crew. Hoff will be my next project when I finish up my showgirls.
  12. Posted colette on coolmini to see what kind of results I will get. http://www.coolminiornot.com/276790
  13. Huge Update for my crew. Few changes to models I have all ready posted as well as a couple new models. Collette is by far the best model I have ever painted. Very happy with her. The duet when combined will have card confetti to replace the cards on there blades. Sort of envisioned them combining in a flurry of motion and cutting the cards up.
  14. Only thing that would have made it better is if she stole his purple lightsaber and took him down.
  15. [ame] [/ame] I am not a big fan of viral stuff but if you have not watch it this is great.
  16. All good. Not being able to pick his spot would be a bad bad thing for Hoffman. He is far to slow to actually move in to a needed spot. I love my little guild terror. If only he would join another group and get away from the evil that is guild. I here the Arcanist are fun.
  17. Where do you get that idea lobo? Where in the book does it say it has to be the shortest route? Toward/away wording would require the shortest route possible. Hoffman's drawn to metal lacks this working so you can move him where ever you want in base contact as long as he would be able to actually move to that spot. Pg 35 rules manual. Models forced to move : Toward/awayfrom something must move by the shortest route.
  18. Wow I would have never thought armor would effect something like a red joker.
  19. Well Stitched together will give you benifits with all the Neverborn Masters simply because of the Obscuring effect they can put up (Which Hunter can't see through! Hahaha take that Nino!). Sigh if only the steamborg aura was as good.
  20. He also hits a trigger for 2 rams for another card. Total of +4.
  21. A 15 buck book and around 40 bucks for a starter box is a dirt cheep entry price for a mini game. Not sure what other book you need. If any thing I could see people complaining the old books are useless.
  22. Sorry for first question I have to stand by the first rule of PDFight club. I have read through it but knowing the rules before hand made it easy to follow. It was mostly just going o thats different then how they played it. I think the PDF works ok to play a game or to if you have a computer handy. I would not want to play over the long hall from a pdf but I think it works ok as a intro rules set.
  23. I enjoy the red joker effect when it comes out of the deck but not out of some ones hand. That being said I enjoy crit's and fumbles found in other game systems.
  24. I have a printed copy i look at frequently. I all ready know the rules so it hard to learn the game from it. I find it to work well enough to look through when I dont have my rules manual handy ( I keep it at my desk at work when I try and figure some thing out) I dont see any reason you could not use it to play a game tho.
  25. I have had no issues with it down loaded and works fine.
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