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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Eh havimg gone from having a few models for a given crew to well over 3/4 of the entire range it changed little for me. Only thing it ever changes is when i pick a say nb most of the time i play pandora. The other guy goes guild i pick z or chomp because i know i can face.a very bad matchup in guild with pandora. Other then that 90% of the time i know what models im going to take before hand.
  2. The spell is not doing any damage itself. It triggers the model hiting for a damage flip. There is no strike flip so no mod beyond the spell required neg flip. It also cant trigger the models triggers but will do built in actions such as if the hit has a built in slow. Its also not magic damage unless the model has a magical weapon.
  3. Well magic thats cool and well done way to counter hamlins slaughter issue. Sounds like a heck of a game.
  4. I understand why you feel that way but the fact that you have some masters who simply can no fight others with any solid chance of winning you cant play it. How many people brought a master like levi. I have not sceen a list but im guessing none. Its the only counter this game has to bad matchups.
  5. My personal though is the skiping of the steps with the fixed lists in the uk masters deminished it. That removed part of the skill of the game. Knowing the faction is just as important as knowing the goal. Its the only factor in the game built in to balance the faction vs faction idea. The game would need compleat balance overhaul with out this step.
  6. Never understood the whole hit and run marcus idea as being his str. Run ya he can be fast as hell. Hit sure he can put out some nice damage but how do you get him in and out with out getting blasted. He does not ignore disengaging strikes has a free charge in but not a charge out. Just does not feel like he does more then hit and get hit back.
  7. Intresting. Do you find him easy to kill in rasputina crews? Allways felt like one of the more durable although expensive models for arcanist.
  8. Any one have any thoughts on how they pair up.
  9. Lol ebon me and you going to have to have a marcus vs marcus game some time that way one of us can win a game with him
  10. For some more out of the norm fun give ss miners to rasputina. Give them 2 extra armor and frozen heart. Put them in defensive stance and bury them each turn. Makes one hell of a nasty trick for slaughter. Armor 3 and +2 for df flips. Nice thing is when you want to blast off them you can take the lowest of the 3 cards and being as her max damage us 4 they take only 1 damage and you can flop out the blast markers
  11. Its a fun game. That being said i regret getting it as i would rather play malifaux when i get some one to game with. The teddy thing bugged me as well but i am sure teddys and viks will be available with time.
  12. Says when hireing as a merc. If she is using her living less then 4 wp she would not be hireing as a merc.
  13. Hey rat man perhaps i AM wrong on the rules but when hiring Von Schill shoudent Zoraida be able to hire desperate Mercs due to there willpower.
  14. Cool thanks very intrested in seeing what all was taken for the fights.
  15. Sounds exciting. Have the lists been put up some where yet?
  16. Best example i can give is an effect is some thing that is not a damage, counter or token thats effects a model. Regret trigger is an effect on the attacker not candy so no. Unnerving is an aura. Being as a model is not effected by its own aura i would say no here as well. This is my best understanding hope it helps
  17. Was a lot of fun. Thanks for the tournament.
  18. Yay today is the day. I shall crush you all muhahaha.
  19. Gunsmith leadstorm is pritty damn close. 2 bad you cant take them and pere
  20. Pandora collodi. O nm thats the i want to make other player cry list
  21. Ya i dont think of grow type lists as all that good. Very few things in the game i would.view as.true sleezeball tactics.
  22. Eh unfortunetly there are a few book 1 minions that were kind of sub par book ome and have been totaly back burner book 2. I hope some of them will eventualy get some love some how. Beyond that best use for them. Teach new people the game and use them there.
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