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Everything posted by Xango

  1. very good work i hope i could paint like that
  2. The hat is great, i am mexican and you capture the feeling really good!
  3. Welcome to this great game, enjoy!!!!
  4. Welcome nemissary to this fantastic game, what neverborn master will you play?
  5. I do not have much experience with a lot of crews but from the 6 that i have played with and against, for me Ramos is the king of combos.
  6. Thanks for this comments guys, i was really close to drop ophelia and went with another master, so i stick up with her for chsmas present! what good additions to the box you recommend for her?
  7. i think this game has a very deep strategy, combos and new tactics are coming up every day, a 30ss match keep you thinking and lasts for about 1 hour (if you already know your crew and rules) so escalating this game? i really don`t see the point, just my opinion.
  8. so this crew perform great as a master? i was thinking on droping them cause everybody said that ophelia is better as sommer hench, but i like that crew a lot.
  9. Hi and welcome, i am another 40k player, i drop it like 4 years ago, now i am a huge fan of skirmish, great game this is i assure you will be pleased.
  10. welcome RT this game is a blast, you will not be dissapointed.
  11. hi folks, my name come from the "cuban santeria god Xango" he used to like games, justice, he is the "Orixa" of light and thunder (Thor equivalent) he has quite a nice story, and also the word chango in spanish means ape, and gorillas are of my favorite animals, so my nick is a mix of both words.
  12. Gottkaiser, thanks a lot for your quick reply, yeah jack daw is expensive, i have to balance to probably 2 hanged, another question, is rising powers my only source for wicked doll stats?
  13. it`s a fever man! i would trade my 4000pts necron army for malifaux in a blink, good decision!
  14. welcome, long time 40k player, now i do not play anymore, i am a skirmish fan and this is a fantastic game you`ll see, greetings!
  15. welcome bug, great, great game you wont regret it, i have 3 masters, Zoraida, Ramos and LJ whom i have not played yet but Z and Ramos are great crews, Z my favorite master of the game, greetings from Mexico.
  16. great ideas bro thks, sadly no players where i live, just my wife and i for the moment
  17. already have my dream list for Z Zoraida w/vodoo doll wicked dolls 2 or 3 silurids 3 1 or 2 stitched together and jack daw what do you think?
  18. Rath need help again bro, i have seen some batreps where the ss cost of voodoo doll and wicked dolls are not counted in the total, is this correct? and what can i use to proxy wicked dolls and to get their info? i do not have rising powers yet, thks again.
  19. @druchi the small bases for the pillars was for no particular reasons, and for lady j i have this circles from some bits and it came to me the idea of the tablets with laws written and i love the way the little mini in this huge circles look (just for LJ and the judge)
  20. Hi guys, the bids are almost the same as the ones showed by dragonwolf but they are plastic no crystal, they were glued in difrent shapes one on top of the other and then glued to a base, then just add thin lines of white paint to the edges, nice and easy, very glad you like them!
  21. sorry, double link, here`s the other one.
  22. Hi all, i wanted to do something with lady justice related theme, so i have this idea to put on her base some law writings to resemble some tablets with laws written on them, so i like the result, also some pics of my wife`s raspy and ice pillars, greetings!
  23. Hi guys, read somewhere that i can change my v1 cards for the v2 but i do not remember where, is this possible? or this was a dream?...err dreamer are u there?
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