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Everything posted by Hand_of_Vecna

  1. I like the idea of color coded alternative woes. I agree it's the wrong source material but for using the deadly sins sorrow>wallowing in self pity>sloth (the doldrums ability supports this). Perhaps just a triad of negative emotions sorrow(blue) anger (red) fear (white or black). I think the best way to introduce fairies would be as nephalim conversions. Terror tots-give them insect or butterfly wings and get creative with the paint job and you've got a pixie or give them halberds and hats and you have a redcap. young nephalim- take off wings, add instrument (optional) paint appropriatly and it's a satyr. mature nephalim- a bit harder my first thought was really heavy conversion. He's pretty much a big freakin' demon. Then I remembered that many classic images of satan are taken from the horned god meaning we can reverse engineer from a daemonic model. So shave off the goat horns and replace them with stag horns or tree bits, paint in browns and greys shave down the cloth on the torso and add some flock moss. Voila Malifae©! Oh, as for African figures I think the best way to go would be expanding Order of Chim adding a non unique human (who will count as a beast for buffing purposes) and maybe another master. It already has a black master and it's fluff fits with many African traditions. Also this just got me thinking about how most railworkers were black, chinease or irish so I think I'm going to make my Jonah black with white tatoos like the big guy in the first pirates movie "You will speak when spoken to!". Indians would be a great way to introduce non unique mounted figures. That and a good stealth model would make a very solid sub-faction it would be very strong in reconoiter and treasure hunt and at avoiding slaughter and assassinate. Oh, I have one new model idea of my own big guy with a hammer that's head is a big chunk of soulstone. Whenever he gets a kill he adds one to his crews ss cache. I'd probably give him use soulstone too.
  2. I think the general wisdom is that witchling stalkers>death marshalls for Perdita and Perdita seems to be the most popular guildy so, it's easily confused for a more general rule. Perdita crews love stalkers because they cover the ortega sub factions two big weaknesses simultaneously. 1. They're melee and make excellent roadblocks for the shooting heavy crew. Their explode at death damage may even tempt an opponent to try stopping short and using their inferior ranged attacks. 2. They are 4 point figures adding much needed models to an Ortega crew that would otherwise run about 2 less models than their opponent in most games. Of course death marshall's fill this same niche. 3. If you can pull off dampening field in a way that matters it could be a gamechanger. The Death Marshalls are great for Lady J though who has the opposite range/mellee situation in her subfaction (not counting death marshalls who are of course from her faction). In lower ss crews I could totally see running both. 25ss executioner/samuel hopkins/nino ortega 7/8 2 witchling stalkers 8 2 death marshalls 8
  3. Why don't you keep johan near Ramos to guard him and get his cb bonus and dedicate ramos's first Joss gets an extra token every time he activates so you could find a worse use for your first stoke. Also if mid game you realize your short on models to claim objectives turn ramos and the brass arachnid into a steampunk arachnid factory and churn out 2 swarms in the 3 turns (assuming you have enough cards to cheat all the castings you fail).
  4. I'm going to come out and say it "There being no set good guys in Malifaux appeals to me". Aside from the awesome story and world of Malifaux that they just don't fit into, I find people like the Op's friends annoying. I generally dislike people who play marines cause their the "good guys" in 40k. It's a wargame in a fantasy world but, they feel like they need to play a particular faction to claim moral high ground. BTW, some space wolves players are ok. I'm not a curmudgeon like some previous posters seem to be and I play good characters in plenty of other things like D&D or most video games (at least for my first character). I just like how Malifaux feels as it is now. I also get worried by the number of threads where people suggest or ask for certain new models that don't fit malifaux or for the faction they want it in. I really wish people would get a feel for the game and what every faction, master and sub-faction does before asking for new models because there is are very clear mechanical difference between factions that could easily be lost by introducing all the figures a player that uses a faction or master exclusively would like to be able to put in their crew. I really don't think a new faction is called for, if it existed it would just drain resources from the most similar factions (Guild and Arcanists in this case.) Myself I have just one new model idea a fig with a big hammer with a head made of depleted soulstone. Whenever he gets a kill a soulstone is added to his crew's cache. Not sure where to put him maybe a mercenary maybe he could have a reduced cost for one of the guild master's like ramos and jonah have. (I'm actually planning to model my Jonah like this though, of course, it will have no mechanical effect. Also if you really want a good guy Perdita-She works for the guild and the guild is less than perfect but killing nephalim doesn't pay much otherwise and they don't taste good so she has to feed her family somehow. Working for the guild really shouldn't be a blackmark for her. Ramos- The only real negative I've heard is that he run's a criminal organization. Considering what the goverment is like being a criminal isn't anything resembling evil.
  5. So, I haven't seen him talked about. He looks useful but, I am concerned about the low Df . Passage of time/Chase the Sun seems like it can be very strong used strategically. Night grants immunity to ranged attacks so it could be great for starting the game. That and his strikes making models unable to attack him should rape ranged crews with one or two strong melees. Morning coupled with mounted combat lets him run by a model and hit it making it slow. Noon seems like a good tool for mowing down weaker models or going out with a bang when you doubt it will survive to another activation. Also since I didn't see a release date for the model does anyone know a good proxy?
  6. I'm pretty new to modeling, I started yesterday. I do have alot of transferable skill from fabricating parts for repairs on planes in the Navy. What works for me is getting a small flat surface hith edges as flat as possible. I've been using a small square sculpture but, a table or counter with little or no lip should work. I hold the model at edge so that the base of the sword is resting on it and the bent end is in the air then I gently tap it with the hilt of my xacto-knife till it's flattened flip and repeat until your satisfied with it's appearance. If it's twited hold the figure and gently grip the end of the blade with a pair of pliers and slowly force it back to a semblence of straight. When it's almost straight my methed for bent blades should work to finish the straitening. Make sure to pad your pliers with something or you'll badly mark the sword tip. Several layers of tissue paper should work.
  7. Also I think any crew that can generate templates would be hurtful and that's more than half of the masters not mentioned above. Also a resurectionist master across the table would love you.
  8. Damn, I've had a hell of a day and I've tried to write a post in this thread twice. Ropetus, I hadn't thought about how difficult it might be to face a evasive crew if I had the slaughter strategy. If they pulled Treasure hunt I wry and stould field an acolyte to steal it and make them come to me. If they had reconoiter the best I could do is get reactivate on an arachnid swarm even if I had to cheat it then send it to one corner getting a ton of potential move/attacks with splitting and getting to reactivate the individual arachnids. At the same time I could send Ramos and Alyce another way with Alyce Reactivating Ramos if necessary to get him in range to spam his blasts. I could also send Jonah to a weaker corner or keep him in the middle to stop/slow a move across the middle. It's less than perfect but, I think it's pretty good considering that I would have to take models out of my sideboard to add anything else. That and it's a strategy for the worst possible combination of strategies. Thanks for the warning about Alyce, TimeLapse, I'll be on the lookout obey masters and either switch Alyce out or take steps to seperate her away from my big models if I feel like I can't suceed without her. Lorenz, I agree the Ramos starter is quite playable. In fact upon my first reading that is the exact force I wanted to field. However I am a very obsessive gamer and I love to disect games to make better characters/armies etc. Though one of my favorite things about Malifaux, aside from every Master being awesome, is that each master is playable with just their directly fluff associated minions.
  9. Am I misreading something in Reconoiter? I read that you need a model in each quarter not each corner so I could steamroll into the center and just have four figures in the middle with each fully in one quarter. Then just play king of the mountain with the middle of the board. Keep Ramos in the quarter farthest from the opposing main force, hold his actions until their needed and prioritize heal, new spider(important to get enough for 1 or more extra swarms), buff.This could easily serve a double function of stopping alot of strategies by the opposition. Oh btw the tournament is won based on total points over three games so getting 5-6 VP a match is much more important than preventing my opponent from scoring. Oh and we get a total of 2 schemes over the course of 3 games. I plan on making both sabotage and running no scheme against a strong opponent assuming I've scouted most of the competition so I can focus on getting 4 VPs from my strategy and hopefully cost a strong player some points. Edit: 40ss pool Johan-6 Alyce-10 brass arachnid-2 (2) steampunk arachnids-6 (2) december acolytes-12
  10. Oops just read the errata looking for something else. It seems I can't interact using a insignificant model. Ya so December Acolyte will be pretty much a necessity for treasure hunt. If I roll tresurehunt I can put an Acolyte in the nearest piece of terrain to the center and then another in the terrain piece I want to sabotage then grab objectives and retreat to one corner of the table and that's 6 VP as long as I can keep one non-insignificant model alive till the game ends. So for my treasure Hunt I could go Alyce-10 2 december Acolytes- 12 either Jonah or 2 spiders- 6 Ok I see on problem, for this tourney (unless the rules change) I'm limited to 40 points to construct my 30 point crews from. Hmmm I could run only 2 spiders in my standard crew and with 3 extra soulstones I can confidently drop a card on my first turn to create my first swarm with. It seems a reasonable price to pay for near auto-win on treasure hunt against most crews.
  11. I read about a trick with the arachnid swarm that I thought could be used when speed was of the essence (ie treasure hunt). Activate Swarm move 4 plus move 4 total movement 8. give swarm reactivate, with this force I have two models that can grant reactivate. Reactivate swarm move 4 and split total movement 12 individual slow Arachnid moves forward 4 total movement 16 arachnid reactivates since the arachnids all inherited reactivate from the swarm and it moves again bringing it's total movement 20 and one more action to move another 4 inches (that's two feet) or activate for treasure hunt or sabutage. Next turn He can make his way back to the other two arachnids to reform the swarm or the swarm could be reformed with a new spider Ramos has made in the mean time. A December Acolyte could be useful in the right scenario. Also I wouldn't mind getting the model because I wouldn't be surprised if my wife made a Rasputina crew in the near future.
  12. Ok here's what I'm thinking. default 30ss nino-7ss franchesco-5ss executioner-7ss enslaved nephalim-2ss 2 witchling stalkers-8ss with 2 death marshals in reserve which can be switched with the withchling stalkers. How's that sound? alternatively papa loco and 2 more ss could be the switch.
  13. I like the force you spelled out Timelapse, the one issue I see is in having everything but my spiders super close to Ramos. Jonoah-3" for combat boost/bodyguarding Rusty Alyce-3" for extra cards Brass Arachnid-6" so I can reactivate Ramos Seems kinda vulnerable to AoE's. Then again I guess it can steamroll/blast just about anything that comes at it. If I face a force with tons of AoE I can always switch out for more spiders. So generic strategy if unthreatened; move ramos up 3", scrounge, attempt spider creation, move everyone else around Ramos, blast if possible try to reactivate ramos to make another spider. And if threatened turtle up blocking charges to Ramos, blast, activate arcing screen, if possible reactivate Ramos after the threat is neutralized to create another spider, heal and summon electrical creation. As I said I'm allowed a 10ss side board to switch to, should it just be more spiders or should I go with Gamin or something?
  14. Our local store's first Malifaux is having it's first Malifaux tourney at the end of July and we have the Ortega starter and we'll be ordering more minis soon. The games are going to be 30ss but, you can bring up to 40ss to the table to build a crew after you know your scenario and your opponent's master. We're considering a peacekeeper to give the crew a big mellee threat. I've also heard that at +1ss the convict gunslinger outperforms the weaker Ortegas. Or should we consider two 4ss models. Also I'm thinking that the student on conflict might be a better buy than the enslaved nephalim. Also my wife and I will be playing alot of games with proxies to get ready, aside from anything we run into in casual play at the store are there some specific crews she should prepare for? Oh, I'd really appreciate quick responses, I need to call my store and cancell my ramos starter/order blisters (I ordered the starter before I realized I had much better options than the steampunkborg). Though I suppose the guild order could be seperate.
  15. My local store's first Malifaux is having it's first Malifaux tourney at the end of July and I'm ordering my figures. The games are going to be 30ss but, you can bring up to 40ss to the table to build a crew after you know your scenario and your opponent's master. Here's what I'm thinking right now. Main group Ramos 6 steampunk Arachnids 18ss Rusty Alyce 10 ss Brass Arachnid 2 ss Should I have 1 less arachnid to have some extra soulstones? What should my alternate figures be? Joss? Gamin, for cheap non insignificant models and a strong self destruct when ramos triggers it? More spiders, so I can field a all arachnid army if I want? Also my wife and I will be playing alot of games with proxies to get ready, aside from anything we run into in casual play at the store are there some specific crews I should prepare for? Oh, I'd really appreciate quick responses, I need to call my store and cancell my ramos starter/order blisters (I ordered the starter before I realized I had much better options than the steampunkborg).
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