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Everything posted by Shadowopal

  1. Excellent work! It looks fantastic. How is the versatility for rearranging the tiles?
  2. Nice work. The only thing that looks off to me is the mouth area. It looks a little dark. Is that a shadow or something?
  3. I'll take two! Nice work. When will the molds be ready for castings?
  4. There is definitely demand. I will play in anything Malifaux. And I will help run so Nilus can get some games in.
  5. Nice work. I'm in the process of this crew myself. So, I'm glad to see some other paint jobs to compare with....yours are better. It's been too long since I've painted anything. It's not like riding a bike. You stop for too long and you have to start from scratch. I've got all the techniques in my head. But, getting my brush to work with my head...not going so well. It's really frustrating.
  6. Aw man! I got coffee all over my computer screen.
  7. Nice. I love the hair. Very stark. Instantly draws the attention to the face.
  8. Totally agree with Kaine about the plaster being strong and not that heavy. However, if you really want to use resin, you can get some silicone, cast up one set of plaster and make a mold of the pieces you cast up. Then the silicone mold can be used to cast resin blocks. I've done this when making wall sections. I'll make one wall section out of plaster bricks, then make a mold out of silicone from Smooth On. Then I can cast up as many resin walls as I need to keep the weight down. it's not a cheap option. Resin costs quite a bit more than plaster and and silicone will be an investment as well. But, if weight is your concern....
  9. Nothing motivates painting like an upcoming tourney.
  10. Jealous. Definitely jealous. I wish they were scaleable. I like to brag about how many crews I have and eventually, I'd like to have an owned/painted list. But, even I think that would be obnoxious. 2 lines is my cutoff. So, if i get any more crews....I can't brag about it.
  11. Mosquitos are another bunch o totems type. I too hope for multiple sculpts of daydreams.
  12. Nice Job! I too am awaiting bases. My biggie is assembled though. I think the real trouble is you've given the dreamer dark hair. So, he looks like ash. You need to sculpt a baseball cap now and pokeball in his hand.
  13. Thanks for that. I didn't want to whine. But, it'll make things much easier.
  14. Okay. So, I know these are quick throw together things. But, they may help someone figure something out for their own crews. So, try to be gentle. I did all these in about 4 hours. Here's my nightmares and daydreams: Stitched Togethers Simply Sculpy and some paper clips and some lance tips cut in half. Oh...and a lantern. Lelus Some Celt models I had from a swag bag at Adepticon, some greenstuff tails and horns. That's it. Copellius A plastic zombie from a swag bag at Adepticon and a tendril feeder from a metal genestealer head I had in a bits box. Insideous Madness A bunch of random bits I had all glued together. I may add a greenstuff body later if I'm bored or if the real model takes too long to come out. Daydreams Sculpey and some wing bits I had in my bits box. I know they are goofy looking. But, I think they're funny.
  15. Excellent. Makes my stitched togethers and daydreams look pathetic. Man I wish I had pills to make me sculpt like that.
  16. Awesome! I can't start adding the henchmen to my sig or I'll REALLY piss people off.
  17. Thanks WS. I'm not revealing anybody involved other than myself. The person wasn't trying to be shifty. We both just misread the scheme. No harm No foul no need to embarrass anyone. @ Xango: As I stated. I'm pretty new and have been just trying out a bunch of different crews. So, I hadn't even wanted to look at schemes yet. My opponent didn't realize that I was not choosing schemes or he would have suggested I do or he did not. We just didn't talk about it until after the game. From now on, I will be using schemes if appropriate. Although the extra soulstones are nice too.
  18. Just wondering if we could get an official on this? I know things are hectic. Just don't want it getting lost as I'm trying to learn things the right way. Cheers.
  19. :twitch: :261: :hmmmm: :blowup: :gurney: :dead: :flybye: Too early for science.:coffee:
  20. Excellent! Man I need to get painting. I keep spending time leaving comments and haven't finished a single fig .
  21. Can't get enough of the bears. Nice work.
  22. Simply amazing work on all the crews.
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