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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Sweet! I hadn't even realized a new episode was out, but I just checked and my good old Podcaster app had already grabbed it so I just started listening
  2. I'm torn about adding a snow effect to the bases. On the one hand it would fit the theme of the model, but I want to make the bases as generic as possible so I can swap minis in and out of crews as needed. I'd feel weird if I ran them with Ramos or Leveticus and there were no other models with snow on their bases.
  3. Here are some Rasputina constructs I also did and the next batch of figures on my workbench.
  4. Thanks, everyone. I tend to be pretty hard on myself when it comes to the quality of my minis, so I do appreciate the kind words. @FoeRender: good point about the blood. I hit everything with Dulcote, so I should go back and shine the blood up. @lamwyrd: the highlights are there, but didn't show up well :/ @CalmPlains: there is a very slight rust ring round a bunch of the bolts, I wasn't sure how intense to make it, so I'll go back and take a look again. @Jaslyne/DAGabriel: I'd love to try some OSL, but I think I'd have to practice a bunch before I went back and tried it on my Ramos.
  5. But if I am buying their rulebooks I shouldn't have to buy something else to get the correct rules. I've already paid to have the rules and there are models that I won't have the correct rules for even if I download the V2 cards pdfs. I think it's phenominal that Wyrd released the full game rules in pdf form. I think it's wonderful that they released the V2 card pdfs. I think it's extremely frustrating that there are models whose rules differ from the rulebook, but who didn't receive V2 cards since their cards were corrected before the models were released.
  6. I finally got around to wrapping up my Ramos crew and was hoping for some feedback. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated. http://www.dakkadakka.com/core/gallery-search.jsp?u=132 And here's a Teddy I did for fun.
  7. From my understanding (which may not be accurate) some models had corrections made to their cards after the book was released and before the actual model came out, so the cards that come with them don't need V2 updates, but their cards don't match book 1. So even though I have the rulebook and the PDFs, I'm still missing information.
  8. It would be nice if they just put all the cards out as a pdf. I'm annoyed that I paid for the rulebook, but I can't use it to accurately research every model.
  9. I'd like to see more pics of minis on great looking terrain boards. This was sorely lacking in Book 1 and Book 2. One of the things I like in other rule books was seeing what the designers were playing with and on.
  10. These are going in the inspiration file. Good work!
  11. That was a phenominal show. Very underrated.
  12. Listening right now. 3 mins into it and so far I like what I hear.
  13. Awesome! I'll add you to my subscriptions as soon as you get started.
  14. The Lake House (US version). My wife wanted to go see it and I actually found it fairly enjoyable...till the end, which relys on a time paradox which is the LAZY way to do time travel/displacement movie. Same reason I HATE Minority Report. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation was a horrible end to the first Mortal Kombat movie. The first one was better than it should have been (not great, but not horrible) and then the second one completely ruined it. Superman Returns...and has a bastard son...
  15. I'd like to see a Malifaux app where I can select a crew for a game and use the phone to track wounds and effects on my crew while referencing their skills/stats. I don't think it'd be too dificult to do and it would help to simplify some of the in-game record keeping.
  16. I think it makes sense to update the rules for future printings of Book 1 and still have the pocket rule book available. GW has pocket rulebooks for those wanting just the main rules in an easy to transport package and the big rulebooks for those wanting all the extras. At some point, maybe the 5 year mark, it makes sense to condense everything so maybe they make an omnibus for the fluff from books 1-3 and a comprehensive rulebook and model stat book for everything up to that point. One thing I hope is that in the future their books would contain more pictures of the models and scenery. For a tabletop wargame, there hasn't been much images of tabletop wargaming in the printed material thus far...
  17. Awesome! Worlds End Radio is one of the BEST gaming podcasts out there. I can't wait to get home and download this episode. (Stupid work blocking it...grrr....)
  18. I didn't even try to put them on...
  19. Rusty Rail has some great looking items and I really want to put an order together when I have some spare cash. I actually found their website when I did a google search for "Malifaux terrain." The first result was the following link when someone mentioned Rusty Rail on the forum before. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6853
  20. My wife gave me a pack of Waldgeist and for the family pollyanna her brother gave me Rasputina, Essence of Power, Hans and Leveticus. It's really nice having a great FLGS since I can make a list and say, "Just go to Showcase Comics and ask for help." It's worked out wonderfully for me so far. Family has actually been a good source for Malifaux for me this past year. Last Christmas I got the Malifaux rulebook for pollyanna and for my birthday I got the Ramos boxed set. I'm looking foward to see what I get in April for my birthday
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