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Everything posted by Somnicide

  1. I added another paint update for the Lovely Ms. Pack - I have a game scheduled tomorrow, hopefully that will add some action to my eye candy. http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/03/12/painting-up-a-nurse-for-the-tomb/
  2. Sorry I missed it before - I only have one game in but lure was great. I don't think it ever actually failed and most of the game I used it on my own people for repositioning so it was kind of irrelevant. But yeah, I can see it being fantastic. I added a new post on my #ToMB which is basically just an almost finished WIP of the lovely Miss Pack. http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/03/12/painting-up-a-nurse-for-the-tomb/ I have a game scheduled for my weekly game night on Thursday so will hopefully have some more play related experiences to report on Friday.
  3. Ah good to know! I had just assumed that a model had to leave a corpse counter to get one of those summon triggers off, but I guess not. That is pretty sweet.
  4. Sweet! I hope to make it up there.
  5. I was curious how my esteemed colleagues go about building their list to deal with things which are not going to leave much in the way of corpse counters. Do you change out your caster/build if you know you are going to be facing a heavy construct or spirit list? Or do you just count on your own model's corpse counters? Does that raise the stock, so to speak, for models like the Canine Remains or Mortimer and their ability to "summon" corpse counters? As far as masters go, would you then perhaps forego Nico for McMourning or perhaps Kirai? I am looking toward my month 2 #ToMB purchases to help me out in this regard, so thanks.
  6. My first month first update is up. http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/painting-up-the-tomb-walkers/ It is mostly painting related.
  7. Fantastic work! I can't wait to read more. Thank you!
  8. I have added another post - this one with a bit of painting since I was unable to make my FLGS game night last week. Also, I am up in the air on what to do for the 2nd month. I am tempted to pick up the McMourning box since it already includes the nurse and I will just kind of absorb the cost. Probably not technically legal, but whatever. It will also give me some other models to play with and give me some experience in building the crews on the fly including the master. Also, I made the mistake of reading some awesome McMourning fluff in Wyrd Chronicles. Anyway, here is the link to the #ToMB post. http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/painting-up-the-tomb-walkers/
  9. I am, of course, referring to the canine remains. I am hoping to start a discussion of some tips and tactics on zombie pugs with specific casters in mind. I see with it's speed that it is a solid scenario piece, and if I understand it correctly, one can add a corpse token on turn 1. I was wondering with Seamus, if it is worth it to do so on turn 1 to give a body to activate his back alley trigger (with the appropriate upgrade, of course). Is this something you Seamus players normally do? Is there value in using the dog's def debuff to try and take a shot or is the chance of randomizing on the canine remains too great? I am looking at McMourning next, and he doesn't seem to use corpse counters in quite the same way, does the dog with him become primarily a scenario runner? I am not sure what value they are to Molly - I am not seeing anything obvious popping out especially with her fondness for crooligans but maybe I am missing something? Likewise Kirai seems to have no use for them whatsoever. Thanks again!
  10. Here is my month 1 post with short tabletop batrep http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/opening-the-tomb/
  11. Ah, very cool tip! I went with 7 stones so certainly have the ones to burn and that is a great idea as a way to stack the deck. Turn 2 I ended up having 4 cards that were 5 or under so was pretty much at the mercy of the flip.
  12. Hello all, I am going to be using this thread to link all of my blog posts for the Tale of Malifaux Bloggers. I chose Seamus, as the title suggests, and I'd love to get tips, tricks, and feedback from you all here. If this is in the wrong place, mods please accept my apologies and feel free to move to wherever is more appropriate. Thanks Prequel wherein I seek (and get) excellent answers from the kind fiends of the Wyrd Forum - http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/98860-best-use-of-10-bucks-for-a-seamus-addition/ Episode 1 wherein Seamus and his ladies go recruiting - http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/opening-the-tomb/
  13. I am going to be picking up the new Nicodem box sometime in the near future, so will definitely keep that list in mind!
  14. For he undead taking horror checks, I always remember those old Hammer Dracula films where you would have the female vamps (Belles?) would start making hungry glances at the heroine, and Dracula would bar fangs, maybe hiss, and they would all recoil. I reckon it's the same.
  15. Great thanks! I will likely just nick that in its entirety so I can work on learning the rules first and then the intricacies of crew building. Also, I am not going to be able to use the avatar, so that frees up some cash so nurse is added for month 1. Thanks again!
  16. Okay that is great advice thanks! Looking at the store there aren't really very many 10 dollar choices so will probably just drop Bete in for the first round.
  17. Thanks all for the speedy replies. I am going to be picking up the plastic Nicodem set sometime in the near future and that is where I expect to get the zombie punks. @clement - In my my (admittedly skimming) reading of the m2e advice on this forum and the number of posts in the Nicodem and McMourning threads seem to imply that both of those casters offer quite a bit more for a newer player and that is why I made that, possibly inaccurate statement. Crooligans are interesting to me as I always enjoyed the idea of the little tykes and have some from the Molly starter that I could sub in a blister worth. @Fetid Strumpet - nice and straightforward answer, thanks! @malidave - so more than 3 belles? what about mixing it up with doxies (though I think they are over 10, but I am okay storing up a bit). I am coming from Warmachine and am having trouble conceptualizing the whole idea of dropping and interacting with scheme markers - it is a complete unknown to me. Also, what would be some recommended upgrades for Seamus and Sybelle for running with just the box set?
  18. Hello esteemed dabblers in the dark. I am doing the Tale of Malifaux Bloggers and am completely new to the game for 2nd edition with just a handful of Malifaux 1.0 and no 1.5 games in. I am doing Seamus because I like the models. I understand that he isn't a great starting master and would have been better off just going with McMourning or Nicodem, but I am doing Seamus. With that in mind I have chosen the starter box, and month 2 is going to be the Avatar of Dread because it is awesome. That leaves me an extra 10 bucks to use in either month 1 or month 2 or to carry over to month 3. I am thinking about adding something in month 1 just so the games aren't super tiny and thought I would check and see what your thoughts are as to what other dead thing I should be playing with. I think I have pretty much everything rezzer aside from the dead samurai punks, grave digger, nicodem, guild autopsies, and the vulture. I hear good things about necropunks, canine remains, nurses, and bete noir - what are your thoughts on what to add, or should I just bank it up for a larger 35 dollar purchase in April? Thanks!
  19. I'd like to join, I am running Seamus as my caster. I am just starting my blog - http://malifauxrnication.wordpress.com/2014/02/14/tomb-zero-month/
  20. The Necrotic Machine card is Minion, Construct, Totem (Molly), and has the text "When this model is summoned by The Ones Left Behind..." The Ones Left Behind on Molly states "Name a Resurrectionist Belle Minion Model." The language on the Ones Left Behind make me think that it must meet all of those conditions, whereas The Necrotic Machine says it can be summoned. Can someone help an M2E new player understand that? Is that there just for if you take the upgrade Forgotten Life?
  21. ah sweet, that seemed to have worked. Thanks.
  22. Is there a way to link an existing account to our Facebook?
  23. The Aethervox podcast #8 has quite an extensive interview on him and his crew - not sure if you have listened to that yet.
  24. I am new around here and have never done this before - is it okay if I jump in still?
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