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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Now, my question is what is a swirly and do I want one? D.
  2. We knew about Cassandra's ability and just misread the Duty ability. It made me wonder because normally Controller is a different term to Master and I was trying to figure out how the controller (opponent) could be targetted by melee strikes (ie charged). Now that I know the word is 'changed' it makes a whole lot more sense. D.
  3. Thanks for the clarification. Will need to actually read the abilities from now on. D.
  4. That would make more sense! I just took what my opponent said at face value - I even glanced over the rule but my brain obviously substituted 'changed' for 'charged' since my opponent said that first. D.
  5. Hi guys, My opponent last night tried out his new Colette crew and proxied a gunsmith. One question we had was the wording on Duty. No book in front of me but was something like this model's controller cannot be targetted in melee. We ruled that this means Colette cannot be attacked in melee combat while the gunsmith is on the table. Is this right? It makes sense according to the fluff, the gunsmith is there to threaten violence and not necessarily employ violent acts but can do if necessary. D.
  6. The Guild House is just lovely. How heavy are these building once all the plaster has been put on and how strong are they against damage/wear & tear? D.
  7. I like the wyrd-style cactus thing behind Dita. Nice work on the bases. Very lifelike... :kabong: D.
  8. Painting is fine. As far as basing goes why not try doing the same as the models on the box - small tubes or rods of plasticard cut up to resemble bamboo walkways. Keep it up. D.
  9. Nice palette. What are you planning for the rest of the crew? D.
  10. My goodness the Seishin have really grown on me since seeing your work. Want to see what you can do with Kirai. D.
  11. I like the almost saintly colour of the robes on the Mature Nephilim - really contrasts with the fiery red skin tone. Lillith is really well done as well. D.
  12. Lovely work there. Fantastic depth of colours. D.
  13. What? I'm not going to start on a price rant but GW charging £25 for 10 plastic infatry models for Warhammer is insane especially when 10 won't even make a decent unit. Anyway, back OT I will probably end up buying the Hooded Rider. Think I may use a Rackham Drune Raider for a Death Rider though. D.
  14. Got my Hunter proxy and, well, what do you guys think? There will be extensive modifications, changing the pose of the legs to match the crouching pose of the sketch and adding the chain spear. I think it does well for a HT2 model. D.
  15. Yeah Lillith with Nekhima and a mature Nephilim will give a lot of hitting power and speed. D.
  16. Would very rarely use either Santiago or Francisco. While the starter box for the Ortegas is good I find with the more options I have open to me the less I am inclined to take family members. Currently running some guard and the Judge with 'Dita. D.
  17. Francisco looks lovely and your austringer is very characterful. Love the work on the Nephilim. Very nice work all round. +1 motivation for me. D.
  18. While the model is fantastic I still prefer the wings on the Great Taurus as opposed to the feathery ones on the War Bull. Call me Old Skool but hey that's me. D.
  19. Very nicely done from what I can see. I'll be starting my Perdita crew tonight, eventually after so many excuses. Will post up on my blog and also here in the hopes that I can get some enthusiasm and momentum again. D.
  20. Nah - I think it will be just about right. Will post some pics with rest of crew when I get it from seller. D.
  21. Oh yeah I knew. It is supposed to be a Height 2 model after all. D.
  22. I'm using one of these as a basis for my hunter. Already on it's way from flea bay. Add a hunter-killer missile and a homemade harpoon chain spear and I'm all set. First game with it tonight. Looking forward to skewering some gremlins... D.
  23. Have tried most brands over my 20+ years in gaming and have to say I'm a big fan of Vallejo but have a whole range of GW/citadel paints including their foundation and washes. I also dabbled with Rackham's paints but found them very thick and chalky. I maybe should have tried to use them more as I'm sure the amount of pigment in them was the most of any paint range. Devlan Mud and Badab Black are magical voodoo washes, able to turn a basic paint job into something that looks special. D.
  24. +1 for guardsman on hounds. +1 for logic and sensibility D.
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