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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. I knew I missed something... D.
  2. Her box set comes with 3 Fire Gamin yet the Fire Gamin do not have the M&SU Asset ability. Since Kaeris is a henchman can she take the Fire Gamin? Probably a stupid question... D.
  3. Great work on Pandora! Love the greens that tie everything together. Good job! I should have free time this month to get Seamus and his crew done - have 2 belles completed. Now for the rest! D.
  4. Great work. Are those flowers freehand or sculpted on? They look 3D. D.
  5. And I just reread your username! ;-) D.
  6. It may well do but I don't have Lilith and would have had no intention of reading her card. aSeamus has the ability and I wondered what it did. A lot of searching later I found it. :hidingpuppet D.
  7. Hi all, Was driving me crazy for a while but I could find no reference to the Wicked ability until I found it mentioned in a stat for 1 particular model (can't remember which now) but I now know it allows damage to be done on a disengaging strike. Am I just blind or is it not listed with the rest of abilities? I have all 3 books but Twisting Fates does not have a common list like Books 1 and 2. D.
  8. Lovely models. Very nice and cohesive crews. Love the terrain too! D.
  9. Hi guys, Recently got alt Zee with some silurids and Bad Juju (proxy as I don't like the original model) and my friend used her and the 3 silurids in a 15SS game against a first-time Friekorps player. With a lot of terrain to block LOS I though maybe they would have a chance but with a little hesitation and not knowing the rules of the models well enough my friend got trounced by Von Schill without losing a single model. Any advice on using Zee would be most helpful. Currently thinking of getting the Waldgeists as I have liked the models for a long time but not sure what else goes well with Zee. D.
  10. Surely Zee can't be a puppet in her own game? Imagine if her puppet also had a hut in which it was playing puppet wars and that puppet had a hut and... and... Madness, pure madness! D.
  11. PM sent. Paypal funds itching to be converted into new shinies. D.
  12. @MrManson: Hi! It's all very nice here. D.
  13. Order #8477 arrived on Tuesday. NO customs or import duty applied. +1 happy bunny dance. D.
  14. Ok. I know the card says he doesn't but I just thought that if the punk zombies have 2 katanas and they are paired.... Just trying to open a little discussion here. D.
  15. Hi guys, Don't know if it's been asked before but should A Seamus Bludgeoning Fists be paired? Or is that just overkill? D.
  16. I've Alt Zoraida coming soon and a proxy Bad Juju (don't like the model so went with plastic GW River Troll) so am looking for any advice on using Zee. Hadn't considered the marionettes. Was thinking about using the waldgeists unless someone advises against it. D.
  17. Have used GW (Citadel and Coat D'Arms supplied), Rackham, P3 and Vallejo. They all come in useful but I am slowly converting to P3 and Vallejo for everything except GW washes. I love my Magic Washes - devlan mud and badab black. D.
  18. So looking forward to Book 3. Pity I didn't order it online and decided to wait to get from LGS. Shipping just rocketed up when I added it to cart. :sadpuppet1 D.
  19. Love the pic of the Mauler. 6-legged bear = WIN! D.
  20. I have the Renedra ones but GW are also releasing their Garden of Morr for £25. Looks pretty good. They do a great range of scenery even if their other miniatures are hideously over-priced. D.
  21. @Munky: Haven't had that pleasure yet. Re: Priming white or black. I went with white just to see what difference it makes to my usual black primer. Black is great for doing lots of models as it adds instant shading. Incidentally I have been using Halfords spray primers for the last few years and they are great. Better than GW by far, cheaper and you get more in the can. D.
  22. @Cubert: Yes he is a lovely model and on my to get list for my Nico crew. Anyone else have extreme problems assembling the Guild Hunter? I am an experienced modeller with 20+ years under my belt but OMFG that model had me in tears! Finally got it assembled but it is in a very awkward pose and I will need to buy another and convert before I am satisfied (ps the hunter is rare:2 right?) D.
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