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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Have to say I thought the beginning and end scene of Citizen Kane were definately it's strong points. I don't think it is quite as good as people say, but I think that's because of the pacing in the middle. The Social Network is another film where I wasn't sure about the ending. I got the film and thought it was good but to me it just seemed to stop at a random arbitrary point. Not hating that ending as some others but they have mostly slipped my mind right now.
  2. Yes, a little bit too detailed for my liking. A stripped down version may be very appropriate for organising a tournament though...
  3. That will be a plus on not having watched the 2nd or 3rd film. Although, that was because I wasn't hugely impressed with the first one.
  4. Hi all Due to unforseen circumstances I have hardly left my house for the past 4 or 5 days and went on a bit of a DVD splurge. A lot of the ones I watched seemed to be reasonable films until the last 15-20 minutes or so and then they went haywire. This thread is likely to contain spoilers. Two of the films I watched were: Harry Brown - Excellent Michael Caine film, with a poor ending. In my opinion the film would have made more dramatic sense had he died. Law Abiding Citizen - Not a great film but the final 20 minutes were just ridiculous and didn't seem to make any sense in terms of the film's message, in so much as it had one. An honorable mention to AI which everyone seemed to hate but I liked. Mentally though I stoppped the film when he was at the bottom of the sea. Anyway, long story short, what films have you enjoyed until a disastrous ending?
  5. Had come across them before but I do like the new work you have pictured.
  6. Well, I ordered on behalf of someone looking to buy me a birthday present but yes, they are somewhat on the serious side of a price scale for a bag.
  7. Wii fit. Have played it a lot in the past year. Well stood on the board a lot anyway...
  8. Well I too am in a mood. I am ill and stuck in a snowbound house. On a Malifaux related grump, I had ordered a Malifaux Battlefoam bag nearly two months ago from a webstore here in the UK, and it has still not arrived. Bad times all round. Edit: The books will be well worth the wait. They are both very good indeed IMHO.
  9. Ha, glad to hear the police are the same the world over, or at least that it's not just me. I get pulled over by the police Them: You have pulled in a bit close to the junction. Me: You have parked behind me. Them: Anyway, do you know why we have pulled you over. Me: No Them: You weren't wearing your seatbelt, we have lots of complaints from residents in this area about people not wearing seatbelts. I was driving through one of the worst areas locally where pretty much only drug dealers live. Me: I was wearing them. Them: Anyway, your rear brake light is out so we will be giving you a ticket. Me: Hmmmn ok. Them: And you are sure you weren't wearing your seatbelt. Me: No. I'm sure I was wearing my seatbelt, as I told you. Anyway, I get the ticket and they move on to abuse their powers elsewhere. At the garage a few days later. Garage man: I have no idea what this ticket is, I definately can't issue a fix it stamp.....
  10. Curently working on my Kirai crew so I guess she will be my next master. Have LCB/Dreamer to expand upon and after that it's the wait until the arrival of Hamelin!
  11. Think of mineral veins in rock and you won't go wrong. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.winstercavers.org.uk/siteimages/photos/Chrysocolla_2240-400x300.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.winstercavers.org.uk/AlderleyEdge_20081011.aspx&usg=__aZipABa0tbgdCkyBpwG8aODEgtw=&h=300&w=400&sz=41&hl=en&start=41&zoom=1&tbnid=h9PiXxhlb6ETSM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=154&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmineral%2Bvein%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D550%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=312&ei=AbbyTM6dEpSxhQfogOWbDA&oei=57XyTLn7J4rBhAepvMXBAw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:41&tx=85&ty=44 Just build up some polystyrene rock formations and paint appropriately and you are sorted.
  12. Hello all. A strange thread I will admit, I am just wondering what is the biggest decision fellow wyrd ites have made, and or what I, the biggest correct decision they feel they have made?
  13. Fantastic. Moving in with the GF next month and I may have to try and re-negotiate the use of the 2nd bedroom...
  14. It just has been for the past week or so.... [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CImrIKNmBo[/ame] Bad times for the Monkey.
  15. Not sure if either you or your opponent are not understanding the counters. If you are playing against McMourning and his crew kill something, it is still a corpse counter that drops on the table. They are only converted to body part counters when picked up by McMourning and his crew. Blood and eye counters - and blight counters IIRC - are again slightly different in that they never fall on to the table but are collected by a models inherent abilities. As such, the only counters that could be on the ground are scrap and corpse - including counters on the ground when playing McM - and so the Warpig's abilities remain useful against him. If I have mis-read your question then please explain further and i'm sure I or someone more familiar with Gremlins - i'm coming at this from a McM player's perspective - will be along to help.
  16. Welcome aboard, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Look forward to seeing your work.
  17. Well we do get an idea for a few of them from the fluff in book 2 IIRC. There are a few of the masters I just can't picture however, Lilith for example, I would have pictured her avatar form as something pretty close to what Nekima is now.
  18. So if you tell your computer where everything is going and it calculates things do you actually need to move the mini at all? Or even have the mini? Is it not just like an RTS game then?
  19. Your standard never seems to drop below stunning. Great work
  20. Something like this crossed my mind in the form of Civilian tradesmen. Butchers, Ironworkers etc I may simply be watching Delicatessen too much....
  21. Thanks for re-posting guys, I didn't catch them the first time round. Very nice indeed!
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