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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Wouldn't count it out. When would you need a solid answer by?
  2. Was Sigur ros at the weekend. Early genesis sometimes gets a play. Whilst not music, I also find csi as a good backdrop for some reason.
  3. Have moved down to England recently, will no doubt still be popping in once and a while as the missus has family in fife. Is a cracking shop, only thing that stopped me going regular was that malifaux just never quite took off.
  4. Or, how long can I realistically stop myself from buying both. :dontknow:
  5. That is indeed a gorgeous model but just like Dgraz I will now be waiting for the Wyrd version. Also, Zkotte, you have the most disturbing Avatar.
  6. I do think that as soon as the box set comes out there will be an awful lot of discussions as to Hamelin's tactics and abilities. There is so much versatility to his crew selection it will be a lot of fun trying all of the different combinations. I was also looking at a dog swarm as one option, and having kade and candy makes a posse of kids very appealing... I hope nobody quotes that out of context.
  7. Welcome to the game and the forum. Hopefully the people from your lgs will start bringing their crews out to play soon. What is your lgs? Is it kingdom of adventure in kirkcaldy? If so it is full of nice friendly people, had my intro game there a while back. In any case, enough jibber Jabber, hope you enjoy the game.
  8. Wait, there are wings? Not in the one I got and pretty sure there isn't meant to be as he has had his wings ripped off. Were you talking about the enslaved neph or the roaring one.
  9. Complete threadomancy but with collodi still looking someway off I have finally bitten the dust and ordered Lisette from enigma miniatures for a proxy. Hope it's as nice as it looks. Clockwork fairy's look likely to make it into the crew but a refreshed shout out for possible wicked dolls etc. :clap:
  10. Same way hamelin now has the ability, some event or corruption of her powers. Maybe her envy of lilith became all consuming or some such. I certainly think that given proper thought a suitable fluff reasoning could be thought of.
  11. All the big stuff already seems like it's covered but ask yourselves why you got into the game. For me it was the mini's but the Henchman I first got a demo from didn't play any mini games before this one. He loved it for the story and art etc. Leave the books and a few models near you when playing a game etc for people to see. The game may well draw in people you would not have thought. I seem to have it the other way, with people playing in clubs but no lgs stocking it, so as ratty says, try to generate interest at some local clubs, they will have to buy their stuff somewhere and that may draw them to the lgs
  12. E Whilst I can't quite remember if there was actually official word on candy being upgraded there have been a few people already looking for models for her in a new form so it is certainly the prevailing theory. As for Nekima, it will be interesting to see where they go with her in that what woodschow says is true and according to the story set up her upgrade would depend on Lilith being taken down a peg or two
  13. I guess you can just never tell what will or won't pop up from a google search. Once, after hearing the world championships were to be held in Manchester, I did a quick search for more information on the sport of dwarf tossing. That was a mistake I will never forget.
  14. I too have been keeping my eye out for an alternate Lelu, and Lilitu to be fair, and have found it surprisingly difficult to find anything suitable. This is about the closest I have come but it still doesn't do it for me. http://www.keepwargaming.co.uk/index.asp?function=PRODUCTIMAGEWINDOW&closedelay=20000&SRC=http://www.keepwargaming.co.uk/ekmps/shops/keepwargaming/images/reaper-miniatures-25mm-demon-sergeant-14067-829-p.jpg
  15. Have to agree actually. Only other horror ending that sent shivers through my spine like that was don't look now. Which in my view is one of the most effective endings I have seen. @Gregdorf. I love the devil's backbone. Great movie with another good ending.
  16. gw mechrIte red foundation. It tends to find it's way on to practically all my non Mali mini's. Also boltgun metal. Is strange thinking about it, all my must haves are gw even though I tend to mostly use vgc paints.
  17. You know the bad Guy would turn out to be an evil version of john cleese!
  18. aikido and cooking I would say were my two main hobbies outwith the obvious. That is if cooking counts. Have tried Paintballing a couple of times, it is good but as mentioned, very expensive. Oh and I too like a drink.
  19. Tell me I'm not the only person who was looking forward to a steampunk version of around the world in 80 days with Michael palin when I saw the thread title. Any Brits with me? Anybody....
  20. As far as I know he now has the rights back and is trying again practically as we speak. As for an ending overshadowing the rest of the film i just ask everyone if they have seen audition. Sad as it is, every time I watch this film with someone who doesn't know what'r coming and the look of glazed boredom turns to confusion and then outright horror I feel a little perverse pleasure.
  21. A good point well made. At the end of the day I do believe that people who are determined to cheat will find a way no matter what obstacles are put before them.
  22. Ok, hands up. That idea didn't work. As anyone who has seen the changes in the find an opponent thread. :doh:
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