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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I also wander about the exact format. How the games will be sheduled?
  2. The Freikorpsmann is reporting for duty! More crew members to come when I will have the FREItime. (yay)
  3. I have written some things regarding the Steam Trunk. It is not a big entry but the model is not that complex either. Please let me know if anything is missing. I will proceed with the rest of the Freikorps models as my time permits. A bit different topic: shouldn't we start new entries to follow the state of other kind of models like we do here with Masters? I mean it gets harder to see what is going on with the rest of the stuff. I think a different topic dedicated to Henchmen, Enforcers etc. would be cool. Or we could separate them by Factions. Or both.
  4. I can't recommend enough this event - we were fortunate to take part two years ago and it was fantastic. Hope you see you guys and gals this year again!
  5. We rule out this kind of shenanigans at our club. So you can only position models in places that can be reached by normal movement/climbing. Works fine and seems fair.
  6. I don't know what kind of graphic you ask for since the entry has a big VS pic at the top. Maybe you would like the M2E artwork for him? I added this but I feel we are teetering between the fine line of being thorough and playing Captain Obvious. Done. I updated this one too, but again I think a wiki page should not be a complete reiteration what you can read on the cards themselves. I think most of these questions are covered in the various sections but put some notes on each of the models listed. Done.
  7. Unfortunately the most dangerous melee beatsticks out there tend to have a 2" reach.
  8. Von Schill is ready to rumble! Please, let me know if anything important would be missing. And I would also like if someone could run a spelling/grammar check through the article. Thanks!
  9. Since the Masters were filled with volunteers in no time I would like to check in for all the Freikorps stuff after I finish Von Schill during the weekend.
  10. I can take care of Von Schill. A proofreading would help afterwards since English is not my native language.
  11. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  12. Ladies and Gents, We are organizing a 1 day tournament in Budapest 31st of May. You can find the details HERE but if you are not perfect in Hungarian you can contact me for details in English. Csonti
  13. I have personally started a thread about this during the beta. The result was that they removed the opportunity to get the triggers off from friendly models but all the hard stuff (like summoning) remained pretty much intact. I wouldn't bet on Cuddling it anytime soon but it is always helpful to provide some info about a model's performance in real games.
  14. Yeah, it is because of the books. You can check the difference if you replace the books with a few plastic boxes in your cart and try to checkout with those.
  15. And this is the problem. Factionwide auto-include models are a good sign that something doesn't work as it should be. I wholeheartedly agree with those who say that if Lure would be at Ca6 most of the people would still take one or two sometimes or even most of the time. And this proves that the Belles are just too good for their points. Disclaimer: the above things does NOT mean that I think they completely broke the game and must be altered quickly to make Malifaux as balanced as it could be. You can certainly mitigate the power of Belles with clever crew selection and in game tactics to a tolerable level.
  16. It seems to be devastating and demoralizing during the first encounter but actually the Pult got a big cuddle at the end of Wave2. The Stuffed Piglet's Stuffed With Explosives ability seriously hamper the effectiveness of high range bombing. Few things that work against the Pigapult - High Df (remember, it will be only an Sh5 Attack for the Pult) - Any ability that gives [-] on Attacks in general (Zoraida) or Sh (Bette Noire's Aura) or have a fantastic save against Sh Attacks (Tara) - Crews with a high headcount (the Pult's biggest threat is eliminating a strong model during a single activation) - Armor - Engage it (with high speed model(s) or ones that can be placed anywhere on the board (Malifaux Raptor)) - Rushing tactic (if your crew is built for fast melee contact, the Pult can't do that much) - Attacking the Stuffed Piglets (that will deny the ammo from the Pigapult) Btw with Tara usually you can quite safely bury/unbury and unleash an RN on the Pigapult in turn 1. And remember, this is an 8 SS model that eats a 2 SS model per turn. So it is not that horribly bad if it could do something useful before you can silence it. Hope that helped a bit.
  17. Ladies and Gents, We are organizing a 1 day tournament in Budapest 19th of April. You can find the details HERE but if you are not perfect in Hungarian you can contact me for details in English. Csonti
  18. This is a FAQ candidate for me.
  19. I think I have made my point clear with the walkthrough about odds of killing Teddy (which is closer to a coin flip when we take into account all aspects). Fliping the BJ when you flip dozens of cards during a turn is NOT unlucky at all, it is more like a consequence. And if the 6 Belles list would be so blatantly overpowered as the previous posts suggested, a good player should easily absorb some bad flips and still win the game. And I would not call the Dreamer list as a rare, specific counter setup. For example our last weekend's 18 ppl tournament was won by a Dreamer player with an almost identical list. That list is a solid one against anyone. But we can certainly agree on one thing: the Seamus player's performance was very good despite of the two losses. The difference is that I credit that fully to the player's skill and not a bit to the Belle-spam.
  20. The problem is that when you start to point your finger to Lady Luck then we are not dealing with an omfgbr0kncuddleplz type of list. A good player with a truly OP list should easily deal with a pesky BJ per turn and prevail no matter what. The other problem is the usual player perception of luck. "I could have killed Teddy but that single bad flip ruined that. How unlucky I was, right?" Well, lets see the situation in more detail. In order to kill Teddy in turn1 I assume you needed to shot him once with Seamus and twice with the CCK. So the flips you need to go through without a BJ are the following: - 1 for Seamus' Terryfing test - 1 for Seamus shoting Teddy - probably 3 for the damage flip - 1 for CCK's Terryfing test - 2 for CCK shoting Teddy - 2x 3 for the damage flip That is 14 cards from which either one can make killing Teddy impossible if the BJ comes up. Of course, you could kill Teddy during the 1st or 2nd hit in case you flip the RJ on damage (or flipping moderate and severe on double negative damage flips) but you can also fail the whole thing if your opponent flips the RJ when defending against the hit. In addition we havn't calculated with the Lures and/or using of Back Alley but most probably some of them was also needed to make the Teddy-killing a possibility. The calculation also assumed that all shots hit Teddy but even with Df3 there is a chance that a high card in the opponent's hand can force a miss. Especially vs the CCK's Sh4. So for the sake of simplicity just stick with the mentioned 14 cards and see the odds. 6 cards for starting hand, 1 initiative and probably a few more cards were gone before you started to try to shot Teddy into fluffy pieces. Let's count with a low number for the later, say 5 cards. All in all you would need not to flip the BJ 14 times from a deck of 42 cards. If you calculate these odds you get a roughly 2/3 chance of success. So you had a 1/3 chance to fail those kill. In my book this is not an extremely unlucky situation at all. At least we are one step closer to each other.
  21. 1. When you can choose Deliver a Message, you take the Silurid (preferably more than one) 2. ... 3. Profit
  22. Solutions I can come up with vs Belles (most of these were mentioned here and there): 1. Terrain - play it like it is meant to be played, with lots of terrain that block LoS and/or hinder movement (if you put those 4 forests at the 4 table corners you are doing it wrong) 2. Positioning - if an unactivated model is Lured a few times it can most probably still activate and hide in a safe spot without losing momentum 3. Terrifying, Manipulative and similar abilities 4. Counterspell and abilities that hand out [-] flips on Attacks or deny suits to Ca-actions 5. Pieces with unmovable effects 6. Models that can be burried and/or appear anywhere on the board 7. Any buffs to Wp, extreme high Wp models, Stubborn 8. High damage profile melee models 9. Models that deal auto damage when they are at close (Black Blood, Shatter, detonating Pigs etc.) 10. Crews with numerous models. Lure's potential is mitigated when there are too many targets 11. Aggressive, melee oriented lists who rain down on the opponent as a whole 12. Attacks from very high range, maybe even without the need of LoS. A Pigapult can take out 1,5 Belles per turn easily 13. Anything that helps positioning, moving. You can fight fire with fire 14. LoS blocking effects (Ice Pillars, Lilith's forest etc.) I'm sure every faction can get a decent crew that can utilize most of these points.
  23. I know the joke but in this case I would like to learn more about that phase two. BTW this theoryfaux kung-fu is nice and all but why don't you try to prove it on the board? Vassal is not that hard to master. Even I could learn it.
  24. Ok, here I'm with a quick report of the game we played with Mythicfox. But first I would like to make some notes in advance to illuminate my stance before the game. - While I was also in the camp who think Belles do a bit too much for their money, I didn't think that they make the game blatantly unbalanced. But since nobody took the gloves I stepped up to play kind of devil's advocate. - I didn't go with a 6 Belles spam because I firmly think that including a heavy hitter is a must to utilize the Lures' full potential. We agreed with Mythicfox that starting with 4 Belles could be treated as a spam list so I built my team with that in mind. - Mythicfox did NOT prepare at all against Lures. Actually he restricted himself even more when he brought a ToMB list. Deploy: Standard Strat: Recconoiter Scheme pool: A Line in the Sand Assassinate - Seamus Protect Territory Plant Evidence - Kaeris Murder Protege - Both announced Seamus -- 4 Pool +Sinister Reputation [1] Madame Sybelle [8] +Bleeding Tongue [1] +Not Too Banged Up [1] Copycat Killer [3] Nurse [5] Rogue Necromancy [10] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Rotten Belle [5] Kaeris -- 7 Pool +Blinding Flame [1] +Grab and Drop [1] +Imbued Protection [2] Fire Gamin [4] Fire Gamin [4] Fire Gamin [4] Gunsmith [7] Gunsmith [7] Soulstone Miner [6] Freikorps Specialist [9] +Imbued Protection [2] Starting position: I don't have the time to do a full report but here are the highlights: Turn1: The Arcanists mostly advanced slowly and behind LoS blocking walls. The Specialist was Lured deeply by a Sybelle move-move-Call Belle-Lure-Lure combo. Seamus used Back Alley to get a shot on the only agressively approaching Gamin at the left side and finished it with a moderate flip on a negative damage (luck). Kaeris flied near Sybelle at the top of the hill and took the Belle beside her to a sightseeing flight and dropped it beside the hazardous terrain (6+2 damage -> Belle is out of the game). However she could not avoid being in LoS to an unactivated Belle who Lured her near the Rogue Necromancy. Charge was no option because of terrain so the later moved once and hit Kaeris who used SS to prevent most or maybe all of the damage. Turn2: Initiative was cruicial here and I was the winner of it. Nurse started, gave +2 Dg to the RN and tried to use some sedatives on Kaeris (to trigger Smell Fear) but she resisted. Then RN activated thx to Accompliance and hit Kaeris two times with Ml7 [+] Attack, [+] Damage on a 5/7/8 Dg track. With 4 Stones used, Kaeris stayed alive relatively in a good shape (on 7 Wds or so) and hit back the RN to trigger an effect to push away the RN and the nearby Nurse. Kaeris tried to flee and meanwhile gave a quick lesson about aviation to Sybelle who was fortunately too fat to be lifted in a considerable height. There was some fire and Lure battle over the board and the Specialist (the target of the Murder Protege) miraculously survived a Smell Fear attack from the RN while he was Lured before it. But later got some friendly fire from a Gunsmith who hoped to hit the RN in melee. Near the end of the turn the Kaeris crew ran out of cards so Sybelle went for the kill with her trigger. From two attacks only one landed so the last 2 SS was burned to keep Kaeris alive. There was also some tricks and tries to get and deny point for the strategy but both of us failed. The Miner appeared on the board at the end but since I dominated 2 quarters with 2+ superiority it could not achieve a draw in numbers. Turn3: With 0 stones and Sybelle in melee Kaeris again desperately need to win the init. And again it was the Ressers' turn to start. Sybelle's hits lowered Kaeris wounds to 2 so she called a Belle again who activated instantly and finished off Kaeris with a focused strike and moderate damage. Here Mythicfox resigned. Map at the end: Conclusion Maybe some of you think that this is a good proof of the OP Belles but neither me nor my opponent came to that conclusion. Here is the reasons from me: 1. The game favoured my list in various ways: - while the terrain was plenty, there were a lot of good, long open lanes that was essential for Lures - most of my opponent's crew had a Wp4-5 with no direct defensive counter in his bag (terrain placement, Counterspell etc.) - the strategy and even the scheme pool was ideal for me 2. I had luck in critical situations. Most notably at the initiative flips of turn 2 and 3. 3. My success was less based on so many Lures but the proper use of the Sybelle-RN-Nurse trio. I firmly think that with 6 Belles I could achieve a lot less. And maybe I could get an even better result with only 2 Belles and say a Bete Noire. 4. Mythicfox is a really good player and I hope he will not take this as an offence but he made at least one critical mistake in this game. Namely bringing Kaeris too close to me so early. Without that it would be a much closer game. So that was it. You can start to throw the stones and forks now!
  25. It is also worth noting that you need to damage the target to trigger the Comply. With Armor 2 and SS to spend on defense and prevention this is kinda hard to pull off. Although a Decaying Aura nearby can help a lot.
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