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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. From the FAQ: Situation1: Zoraida Obeys an enemy model to attack an enemy minion/peon. The Attack Action kills the poor guy. Question1: Does Zoraida get credit for the kill in regards of Make Them Suffer? (Problem is FAQ only talks about crews.) Situation2: Zoraida Obeys an enemy model to attack a model in Z's crew who is marked for Frame for Murder. The model is killed by the Attack Action. Qestion2: Was Frame for Murder accomplished? (I think it is clear, just want some confirmation.)
  2. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  3. The second part of the description only expands the first part with examples ("which includes..."). The main thing is in the first part, the other could just be cut and it would be still the same thing ruleswise.
  4. Well, if we are knee deep in rules lawyering: So the main point was: you can't fly over a Flame Wall because it is not a terrain and Flight only ignores terrain. But as you can see the description of Impassable mentions terrain so by that logic a thing that is Impassable but not a terrain itself can be crossed freely. All I would like to say with that: wording is murky and this question needs some FAQ.
  5. That won't work. Juvenile's Wail kicks in when an enemy model kills/sacrifices the Gupps.
  6. I use her with Lilith regularly, mostly with the Tot spawning upgrade on differrent roles (summoning factory, weak wing cleaner, assassination runner, board control (with her trigger) etc.) I rarely if ever felt that she underperformed. Obviously she is not a rock coated with diamond dust. Use it with care and she delivers.
  7. Last sentence in Take Actions part: "A model ... otherwise ends its Activation when it cannot take any more Actions." And in our example Teddy spent his 2 APs AND a 0 Action. But now I see that Smell Fear would fit in nicely in the current Activation because Teddy gets an extra Action. However in general a model spending all her APs, including the 0 MUST end her Activation as per the rules since she would not be able to take any more Actions.
  8. Yeah. I think my question was quite clear.
  9. Any Push in relation to an object (ie target model in this case) must be directly toward/away. It is in the rules.
  10. My problem was that since Teddy spent all available APs he has to end his Activation but I guess the bonus Attack takes place in the End Activation phase which is still considered part of the Activation process.
  11. Situation: Teddy already spent his 2 AP and uses Gobble you up... on a model within 6" successfully. This triggers Smell Fear and Teddy can make an Attack "after resolving the current Action". Question is whether it will happen before or after Teddy's Activation ends? This is important because Teddy receives on Attack and damage flips "for the remainder of this Activation".
  12. Can a model with a say 50 mm base standing on top fully on a 30 mm Marker draw LoS to that Marker? Rules say any model's base will block LoS so strictly following this I would say no but who knows what am I missing.
  13. What happens when a model starts within the On Dreaming Wings Aura, takes a Walk Action and leaves the 6" bubble during the movement? a ) she immediately loses Flight when she goes beyond 6" b ) she "keeps" Flight during the whole Action From the wording of the Ability I would bet on a) but I'm not entirely sure whether or not this is meant to be played like that.
  14. Yeah, I was surprised too by that one. There are much murkier rules interactions that didn't make it to the FAQ. This needs only elementary school "science".
  15. For further clarification: you don't just need LoS to the target Marker but you also need LoS to the summoned model(s) too.
  16. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  17. Dreamer's got a BUFF? /me checks calendar if it is April 1st already...
  18. Unfortunately this is not the case with the rules since based on the FAQ in case of Dumb Luck the word "suffer" means the original damage before reduction/prevention while for example in the description of the after damaging triggers "damage suffered" means the final damage that the target receives after reduction/prevention.
  19. Misery is an effect. Freikorps Suit good against and effects so they take damage from it even without the Upgrade. Edit: got by a few seconds
  20. Well, to be honest the new LCB is definitely not the same as NE Chompy. New LCB is from a different material, looking at the artwork it will be much smaller than the NE and the sculpt is totally different. Yes, the pose is kind of similar, but that's it. I don't think this will devaluate the NE models much, if at all... If I sell you a golden bust and tell you that it is a one time opportunity and later start to sell silver once to others with a different size and shape, your golden stuff won't became cheaper or more common. Back to topic: this Teddy is the first Miss model that I want. Really well executed stuff!
  21. Another option is to use Henchmen as leaders in games of 40 or less SS.
  22. HERE is the bible of this topic. Which is actually a pinned thread on this forum. Obviously from the above tables, only the last could qualify as a decent go. Even there I would placed the two biggest buildings more around the centerline. The second could be also arranged to be playable but the buildings should be placed much more "chaotically" to shorten and deny firing lanes.
  23. Theoryfaux is a fine activity and I used to entertain myself with that regularly but I think an actual game (or two) between people on the different side of the frontlines could help a hundred times more than a few more pages of intellectual strikes and riposts. Go and play a game on Vassal and we shall see. (Without any meaningful personal data I'm quite neutral in this debate but if needed I can volunteer to play against the Dreamer.)
  24. and it could be also helpful that the name of the maps include an [indoor]/[outdoor] note
  25. Yeah. Silly me didn't count with multiples.
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