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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. LCB can attack a model with 2 strikes (and Onslaught some more) that is 31" away form the starting Daydream. Since the table is 36" long and you have a 6" deployment zone... You do the math. And anyhow, this strike could be made in turn2 too without much problem. Usually you can't win the game sticking to the edge of the table, right?
  2. I tried hard to find a rules mistake in this alpha strike but failed to find any. Which makes me very sad because I think there is a serious problem with the game if allows these kind of tactics and turn 1 wins. I can't see how could this be fun to play to any player... Hope the Dreamer's cuddle is coming sooner than later.
  3. You talk about Collodi? He is in a different league and easily beats tough masters. It was especially true before the cuddle. And I guess it was that time when somebody won with Collodi, right? With a proper crew Ophelia could also be competitive but you need very lucky not to meet with Hamelin. For that single reason, I can't say Ophelia is a strong tournament choice. If you paired with Hamelin, good bye 1st place. So maybe I wasn't too precise in the wording: you met with 2 Henchmen who were either weak by default or had strange minion selection. Your opponent's playing strength in general has not much to do with your game. Even the world's best player commits mistakes. Taking Teddy was a big one in a Recconoiter. From there it was an uphill battle for him. Please note that I didn't say anything about my perception of Marcus' strength level. Actually I agree with you about this. And as I see you took my notes a bit personally, I underline again: winning a 20+ tournament is always a big deal. So thumbs up!
  4. A tournament win is a great dead no matter what so a big congratulation to ukrocky! BUT from your 4 opponents were 2 Henchmen and Sonnia who must be frustrated with the complete lack of offensive magic use. The only hard match-up would be Zoraida but taking Teddy in a Shared Recc. tells you much... And yes, I also can't see the effectiveness of the weird Ophelia list. So good to see a moderately big tournament won by Marcus but I wouldn't make any conclusion about Marcus's potential based on this.
  5. Did you use Dementia on Pandora? Otherwise it's hard to imagine you could reach the enemy at turn 1 without a major positioning mistake by your opponent.
  6. You forgot to mention that Pandora got cuddled in multiple rounds. Old Pandora played with all the cheese loopholes like Inciting your own models etc. would still be a hard nut to crack even for a skillful player. So - as a Pandora player - I agreed with most of the screamers and did welcome the change.
  7. Does the +1 Dg apply to the blast damage as well? In other worlds: does the damage statistic change to 3/5:blast:blast/7:blast:blast:blast or it will be just 5 Dg for the target and remains at 2 for the others in case of a moderate flip?
  8. The Pigapult's attack ignores LoS when declaring a target. What happens when the target is in a forest: does the Pork Barrage ignores obscuring terrain (or hard cover from a wall, or anything like that) as well?
  9. So the question is hanging in the air. How could it be that the RC generates a Rat from himself when he dies but not from the Rats around him who die at exactly the same time as the RC in a blast? I can't see any reason based on RAW. If the intent is this, I think the Voratious Rats skill needs a rewording. <Drops cookies, cheese, blood counters and anything nearby that could catch an RM's attention.>
  10. Not for me. With this logic, the skill couldn't be used to bring out a Rat from the RC when he dies. Which is certainly not the case. Sorry to beat a dead horse but I still can't see to logic of the ruling.
  11. Wow! That's a new information. Would you be so kind and point out the mistake in the following? Sequence: - RC is the original target and Rats are cought in the blast the attack generates. - Every model suffers some Dg which is enough to kill everybody - Every model suffers Wds and reduced to 0 Wd - Every model gets killed simultaneously - Voratious Rats kicks in and you place Rats btb every killed model - You remove the killed models from play In this way you get a new Rat for every killed model but from your answer my logic is wrong. I just don't see why.
  12. If Rats die the same time as RC then they DO come back. That's why I asked this specific situation.
  13. Is the damage from Blast Marker simultaneous with the original target's damage? For example Rat Catcher with 1 Wd is hit with a 3:blast. Under the Blast there are 2 Rats. Are they come back with the help of RC's Voratious Rats skill or not?
  14. You can hurl Ophelia with it. That was game winning move in several games of mine. Remember, altough you can't cheat the Df-duel SS use is perfectly ok. So you have a very decent chance to make it (95+% or so).
  15. Nope. But he has the skill Hamelin's Dog. And skills override general rules.
  16. Shouldn't anyone could hire Nix with the Minion Hamelin? I tried it with a few Masters and never got the option.
  17. Sandwich's tactic has more holes than a fine cheese. Probably Sandwich are bound to argue that its wrong but ignore him. [Note: You may find little drops of sarcasm in this post.]
  18. Tot needs a 9+ :masks to grow. Certainly there is a good chance to get it on turn1 but its a massive gambit. And Hamelin also needs those high s. On the other hand the Tot in itself is a good model for 3 SS. Just don't rely your strategy on maturing it. I'm also curious about the role of the Canine Remains. Overactivation?
  19. In other words, you can Hex anything that is listed on the back of a character card.
  20. First: The ruling stands as it came from a Marshal. Pandora can only use the trigger on the original target. Period. However the wording in the Rules Manual still seems a bit obscure and misleading regarding the subject. So I can see your problem about clearing it up. On p26 of RM it says that additional models are only affected if stated in the description of the trigger. Since all models has to take Resist Duels they are all defenders. And in this context the description allows the trigger to affect more than one model. Of course, I could be wrong and maybe missed some other section in the book.
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