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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Hey, I remember you from back then. /waves/
  2. Great job @Aaron @Mason @Lindsey and team!
  3. I consider pre-assembled a pretty big bonus. I mean, it's nice of Wyrd to have the option later. But personally I enjoy painting and playing, not so much gluing. And it will allow you to introduce new people to the game, sell them on a box, rip it open and play immediately. I can't tell you how many people I got to buy a Malifaux starter only to have them walk out the door with their box and never come back - and I have to think if that assembly barrier to entry was lowered and we could have played then and there, they would have stuck around. So I would expect this to mean more players/opponents/friends in the future. Big fan of this move.
  4. Is anyone else concerned they'll end up buying all the factions anyway?
  5. I think instead of a book they should do stone tablets.
  6. Those were basically just notes to look at the updated PDFs. But that errata was made before any official cards were printed, so if you're using Conflux cards that you got with your models (as opposed to playing out of the book) you're already good to go. Awesome job on everything! More questions had been piling on for years and it's great to see it all getting a good clean up. Very good rulings. Aaron was perfectly positioned to take over M2E. Not a micron off.
  7. That's it for me! It's been a blast. Thanks for all the amazing comments! This community is amazing. I wish I could reply to all of them. Locking this thread as it would be awkward to have it pop up a year from now.
  8. It's intended. attacks create engagement which gets weird with a model which can attack while buried. And other things can reference Cg (such as things which push a model up to its Cg, etc.)
  9. A lack of self-esteem does seem to be essential to the feedback process. There is too much to reply to, but thanks for all the kind words, everyone! It means so much to me.
  10. Thanks guys! It was a blast working with each of you! I will miss you.
  11. Oh, it's on! Thanks for taking the helm. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
  12. Hey all, I have had an amazing time working and volunteering with Wyrd and their many projects over the years. It is a company I really love and I'm proud of the work I've done with them. However, I am leaving to seek other exciting opportunities. I want all of you to know that I am still on very good terms with Wyrd and all of its staff. Very few people get to live the dream of making games for a living, so I definitely owe thanks to Nathan, Eric, Casey, and Vickey for allowing me the opportunity to spend time with this amazing company. Thanks, guys! Aaron, Mason, and Lindsey are all great people and great designers, and I really look forward to where they take Wyrd in the future. I'll miss all of you (I'll even forgive Mason for being a vulture). And myself and anyone else who enjoys actually being able to find Wyrd products at their store owes a big thanks to Kelly, Karen and all of the warehouse team who work so hard behind the scenes to make it all happen. Companies are nothing but a group of people with some common goals, and Wyrd has and always will be one of the best because it has some of the best people I've met. I also have to say thank you to our wonderful players and community. On the whole, the Malifaux community is one of the most open, supporting gaming communities I've ever seen. You are the reason Wyrd keeps going, and it is always exciting to get on the forums and see people talking about the things we've made, or even just chatting and making friends. Gaming is all about community, and Wyrd has an amazing one thanks to all of you. I won't be disappearing forever. After a few month hiatus from the forums (I've been eating, breathing, and sleeping Malifaux for the past few years - I need a break!) I fully intend to keep on posting, participating, and playing the game. I started out as an enthusiastic customer and being able to experience Malifaux again as a player who can just relax and enjoy the game is one of the things I'm most looking forward to. Aaron will be taking over lead Malifaux design. He has already designed many of the models you know and love (including Reva and her crew in the most recent book - which is the new Crew which has me the most personally excited to play) so the game is in competent hands. I look forward to seeing what he and the team come up with!
  13. One Guild Master can get more...
  14. The player who was runner up in the main Gen Con tournament played Sandeep twice in the finals before losing on the final table with Ramos. So Sandeep has a perfect record.
  15. Talked about them on the new Malifools. It's up now. http://mf2e.com/archive/mf2e_3.mp3
  16. Done about what? I'm not really in the camp that thinks Guild as a whole is underpowered. As I said I do agree they lack upgrades. We've made the numbers on the generalist Upgrade deck public. You should check out how many upgrades Guild have compared to other Factions...
  17. She is not unknown. She is printed somewhere...
  18. I'm not gonna say what's in book 4, but your balancing theory is incorrect, which I assume will make you happy.
  19. Let's make the tone a bit more friendly here, please. Accusing people of whining, etc is not conducive to a good discussion. I mean, I wrote her rules, and I don't mind if people don't like them. It happens.
  20. Incorrect. Rulebook Scheme Conditions may be removed by Abilities. The Conditions granted by GG2016 Schemes don't require Interacts at all to remove so Insignificant is irrelevant.
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