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Everything posted by PolishSausage

  1. noooo, the worse is when he blows up howard, mechanical rider and them himself! funzies for days
  2. Every time someone complain about 2 little or 2 much terrain a puppy dies in the world. Seriously, look at table -> hire crew. Ps: Very nice battle report with tons of pics, Go Nico!
  3. You want to keep the model range inhouse so look into wyrd plastics ( call it conversion when the real stitches come out) I recommend using witching stalkers, cut their arms off to leave stubbs and paint the model in a dirty color
  4. I was going to play some mercs but I ended up deciding to spend my painting time on my Rezzer lot so.. Here is Freikorps Starter + Strongarm Suit + Wave 2 Merc Arsenal deck Models assembled have been washed/ flash cleaned and put together with plastic glue. They have never been put on bases or "played" with. Asking for 60$ + Shipping
  5. I have couple crews that have been clogging my workspace that I would love to part with: (I live in US) Malifaux Arcanists: -plastic partially assembled Ramos Plastic M&Su box set: Ramos Brass arachnid Joss Steamborg 6x spider + additional plastic Steam Spider blister: 3x Spiders ( 2 primed 1 painted) -10 30mm Transparent Blue bases Models assembled (plastic washed/ flash cleaned/ used plastic glue) Total : $35.00 Guild: -Perdita Plastic Box Set ( Latiagos Pistolieros) Still in original shrinkwrap +Guild Arsenal Deck Total: $30.00 Rezers: Massive Metal 1.5 lot -McMourning -Molly -chiwawa (painted) -Sebastian -2x Nurses -8x Dogs -2x Necropunks -3x Crooligans -2x Flesh Constructs -Rogue Abomination -3x Crooked man( primed) Unless specified models are bare metal assembled only Total :$70.00 Plastic Valedictorian 15$ (no card)
  6. copy hanged/ sit with armor 3 next to grave spirit/ deny board area with no suits aura near durable 8 and 13 wound minions
  7. simple: hire lazarus and stick decaying aura on top, blast onto dreamer and watch him take wounds with no prevention
  8. he hired 4 young in a table with no terrain in the middle, he deserved it
  9. Well.. now that dreamer summons 1-2 every game you should never run the same sculpt!
  10. On the side note of puppets I hope they implement the same idea they had with Johana and Mis-step and provide cards to use with some of the plastic puppets from puppet wars ~ would love to run puppet Seamus as a Mad hatter sub. Do it wyrd! boost your puppet wars sales!
  11. I threw down the gauntlet on facebook about 75ss game at Gencon but no one seemed interested.... Anyone here up for grinding out a game against a rezzer running a list with 10+ bells ?
  12. it is stated that a disengaging strike a model gets to perform a free ATTACK Action with melee, if he succeeds the attack action does no dmg and no effects. Lady J says that if a MI attack fails against this model this models deals 3/4/6 to the attacker. Just like with terrifying and manipulative it works.. I think..
  13. Yup, people rage quit when playing against the dreamer in our local group as well. Sometimes things line up so well for dreamer that there is no coming back from by turn 3.
  14. exactly I found it superbly detrimental when playing against a summoner such as dreamer as his high mobility + incorporeal makes it tremendous effort to catch up. You are also unable to deny his board movement / summoning placement unlike many other masters that rely heavily on corpse/scrap counters. If dreamer was forced to place his model next to another friendly nightmare this will limit the blow off summoning by restricting his endless mobility and force to plan ahead his movement. actualy.... this sound like a decent fix. he can summon daydreams/alps anywhere but forced to summon other nightmares in b2b with another nightmare within 6 inches
  15. we still start out with 3-4 bells per any rezer master 2 being the bare minimum. You start out a list by including them. The problem with the new game it is a scheme based and you are scoring throughout the game based on diverging your models AP to generate VP. When you summon tons of significant models you achieve victory conditions with little to no hassle. FIX: Summoned models cannon interact and never count for objectives to provide you VP. Suddenly summoners have to think about their model placement at the minimum. Example: Turn 5 Nico summons a bells and runs her into corner for outflank ~ stupid
  16. Glad Gen-Con is arround the croner, being a MAJOR tournament will provide inside to what is top & broken and what is not, See you there!
  17. Another misconception is I have to insta kill your master in one round of shots... this game hevily favors the outcome of initiatives and that in itself can testament a defeat when getting attacked by model with ignore usage of soulstones back 2 back
  18. how about lazarus being placed by tara 12 inches away from enemy master and shooting 4x at sh6 negating use soulstones. Its a chain activation so you cant react to him being unbuuried and since he is ht3 he will see over any h2 pieces
  19. um.. focus is a thing guys, and so is double focus
  20. lul, wait till I kill your master turn one with nicodem haha
  21. Domestic US shipping is $3.00, I will combine lots. Will not brake up lots -plastic Ramos Plastic M&Su box set: Ramos Brass arachnid Joss Steamborg 6x spider -plastic Steam Spider blister: 3x Spiders ( 2 primed 1 painted) -10 30mm Transparent Blue bases Models assembled (plastic washed/ flash cleaned/ used plastic glue) Total : $35.00 -Perdita Plastic Box Set Still in original shrinkwrap -Guild Arsenal Deck Total: $30.00 Resser Lot of Metal models: -McMourning -Molly -chiwawa (painted) -Sebastian -2x Nurses -8x Dogs -2x Necropunks -3x Crooligans -2x Flesh Constructs -Rogue Abomination -3x Crooked man( primed) Unless specified models are bare metal Total :$75.00 Hordes Minions Dr. Arkadius ( Primed) Plastic Warhog ( Assembled) Total: $20.00
  22. man .. and here I am shamelessly promoting my ebay links for those interested: http://www.ebay.com/itm/301227962598?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/301227969813?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 but on the upside I do hope they avoid introducing clear plastic pieces in the sets, Lazarus glow tubes were more of an annoyance then any benefit. Now if they offered a mini-add on sprue exclusively through their web store then that might give more options for those interested
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=301227969813 up for grabs
  24. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Malifaux-Children-of-December-Rasputina-Box-LE-BLue-clear-/301227962598?#shpCntId listing it for a friend, international buyers welcome
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