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Everything posted by Turelio

  1. I'm sure I mentioned this to Borzag ages ago, but Hugh Laurie needs to be the Gremlin Taxidermist. Specifically so that he can be called 'Greasy greasy spot spot'. (Seriously, go watch his last scene before the credits in the final episode of Blackadder 2. It's the hair...) Also, personally I'd be barracking for Zooey Deschanel to play Collette. But then again, I think she's dreamy... :love:
  2. They all look cool. The wendigo is awesome. I need to paint up mine at some point.
  3. I'm using the audio books of The Belgariad books at the moment while I get stuff painted. I'm about halfway through book 4 at the moment. I haven't read them since high school, when I re-read them several times. There are a few interesting points I have picked up of foreshadowing and things like that which I didn't realise sooner. Having said that, I still find the main group of characters frustrating in that a lot of them ignore what is going on right in front of them then act surprised when something happens which was obvious a few books ago. Still, I keep coming back to them, so it must say something about them. Pissed me off though? Once, before it was common knowledge that the book was full of sparkly vampires, I tried to read 'Twilight'. I remember as far as the main town being called 'Forks' and that stuck with me, because I wanted to find some and drive them into my eyes. Another one was in high school, where we had to read 'The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender'. Most books that I had to read in school were at the worst partially enjoyable until we had to dissect them, and discuss stuff like the symbolism of the main character waking up and making breakfast was. That waste of paper though nearly drove me insane. The part I remember clearly was that the main character was being mugged or something like that, and she reached to her bag. She then explained that she didn't like guns or mace/pepper spray, listed the contents of her bag over two pages, then carefully sat it down and beat off the mugger. In class I checked, at not one point did the contents of the bag ever come into play again. Essentially, the middle of the book was a useless grocery list. I also remember losing a lot of marks on assignments based on the book, where we were asked our opinion about parts of the book. Turns out the Australian school system English course involves subtle translation skills. The phrase 'In your opinion' should be translated as 'Assuming you liked what you just read'...
  4. You know I like these already The judge is probably my favourite. I think we need to have a game at some point to see what they look like going up against Pandora.
  5. This guy was done to match up with the Seamus model I did a while ago. The Copycat Killer was actually finished MONTHS ago, and I never got round to taking proper photos, editing them, and posting them until last night. So here he is! I did him on an Aetherworks base to match up with Seamus, and also did him in the same colours so that they match up. Until this point, I was adamant that I wasn't going to build a Ressurectionist crew. But then I realised with Seamus, the Copycat, and Sebastian, I'm not far off, so I need to get a few more models to finish it off later in the year, I think C&C welcome, and I've put a CMON link below as well And one with Seamus: CMON: http://www.coolminiornot.com/281392
  6. I voted for #3. Admittedly, I'm biased because it's mine. Still took me a while to register that it was my tweet in the list
  7. It's a good idea, and you have done very well with it. The weathering on the bronze dove and the smoke on the gold one are both good at catching the eye.
  8. There is a tutorial Automaton did a while ago which is pretty useful and in depth: http://www.coolminiornot.com/articles/1757-urmuth-painting-flesh-and-using-colour On thing I try to do is the base colour with 2 shades and one or two highlights. The thing I always do on flesh which was suggested by the article was a few glazes of colour in the flesh to change the focus and also make it a bit more interesting. When I did my Neverborn crew, the flesh had a slight tinge of Scab red in it, and around the eyes there was some Hawk Turquoise to change them a bit. It depends how far you want to go with the model to how far closely you follow the article, but I've found picking a few points from it on what you want to focus on does OK for basic models, and you can take more and more to add a greater level of details for the model. Hope it helps.
  9. Hi every, I finished Seamus a while ago, and finally got round to taking photos of him. Without further ado, here they are: And the CMON link: http://www.coolminiornot.com/271630
  10. Fantastic work Jay! I still love those Waldesgeist. After seeing them so long ago, they still have impact. The group looks great together. Are you bringing them along to the next hall of heroes meetup?
  11. Thanks guys! A few people have asked me to bring him along already, so he will be there .
  12. Thanks for the comments everyone! I would have used a glaze on the belly, however I was a bit cautious with all the fur around it that it would draw in the colour and ruin the look of the fur in that area.
  13. Hi everyone, I finished painting Teddy for my Pandora crew the other day. He was mainly fun to finish off the year, and a way to practice with my airbrush a bit more. I decided for his colour scheme to do him the same colours as Kade's bear so it looks like the one being dragged around is based on the big bear. Photos: And a CMON link if anyone is interested: http://www.coolminiornot.com/266967 C&C welcome! -Turelio
  14. Brilliant work! You have done a fantastic job on each of them! Well done!
  15. Thanks! The bases are plasticard cut to size (About 23mm diameter if I recall correctly) and glued to place. Pandora and Candy have base where I filled the gaps on the edge with greenstuff so it is tiled all the way to the rim, but Kade and the Sorrows have a visible gap. I think it looks better with the gap as you can easily paint the rim of the base and not have to decide if a flat area should be tile or edge, and it looks neater as well.
  16. Hi everyone, I finally finished up the Pandora Crew I have been painting for a while. I managed to finish up the Sorrows pretty quickly which was slightly annoying as I have been putting them off for so long. The final pictures (I've already got Kade, Candy and Pandora posted previously) are... The Sorrows: The complete Crew: CMON links for anyone interested are: http://coolminiornot.com/262038 http://coolminiornot.com/262039 I picked up Teddy and the Poltergeist at MOAB just after these were finished, so I just have to get those two finished to go along with them as well now
  17. Thanks for the comments everyone! Yes, Pandora is falling back in the photo, and i dropped her a few seconds after taking the photos which has somehow not damaged the paintwork, but bent her into a full standing position... I wish dropping my models would improve them like that everytime...
  18. I just read through this thread and two I haven't noticed listed are: The 'Watch' books by Sergei Lukyanenko (Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch, Last Watch): It's a fantasy series set in modern Russia where witches, wizards, vampires etc are policed by a Day Watch and Night Watch, depending on their nature. The series deals mainly with a member of the Night Watch and their cases. Each book is three individual stories which form a larger story line. They have made two movies based on the stories n Russia, and I saw the first movie first, then read the book when it was pointed out by a friend that while the movie is great, the first book is fantastic. I've devored every one of them since from that point as soon as they are translated. American Gods by Neil Gaiman: If you haven't read this before, please read it. I still try to read it every year. After reading Good Omens which he wrote with Terry Pratchett, I was expecting something like Discworld. I was sooo wrong, but loved the book. It's a bit hard to go into details on it without spoiling something, but I definitely recommend it. I'm definitely going to have to start reading the Dresden books. I've heard heaps about them and recently watched the TV series, and there is something about the character which really appeals to me. I've also had a lot of people tell me about them recently, which seems significant enough to me to at least try them.
  19. Hi everyone, A few miniatures I recently finished for my Malifaux crew: Pandora and Baby Kade... Pandora was my second time trying both object lighting as well as freehand. I think it turned out OK, but clearly I have a long way to go. I also learned that I need to consider the colours around it when planning to do lighting. Because the purple jacket is so saturated, it took ages for the green to appear on there, so I will have to keep that in mind for next time. Anyway, pictures: Here are some photos of Baby Kade as well. And a group shot with Candy, who was finished a few months ago:
  20. Thanks everyone. The candy basket seems to be drawing a bit of criticism from a few places, i guess it's something to keep in mind for next time. I found out that i can't paint patterns too well on something that small . In the end it was green as Kade and Pandora have grene on them already, so hopefully it will make them look more like a group.
  21. The bases look great. The pigs have turned out really nicely. Good work.
  22. Hi everyone! I'm back with a model i finished recently. I was testing out top down lighting on the model as well as gloss VS matte areas, and on the base i was playing with oil washes and pigments. C&C welcome.
  23. Hi everyone, I'm a bit new here, having lurked around for the past few months, but I realised I had not posted this guy yet. He is a Bayou Gremlin I painted up for the painting contest at MOAB in Australia a few months ago. I thought I might post him here to get some feedback. I also wanted to say thanks to the people at Wyrd for supporting the competition and sending over some prizes. C&C welcome -Turelio
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