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Everything posted by Turelio

  1. Hi everyone! The Games Cube is holding it's first Malifaux 2.0 tournament later in this month. Details are: Sunday 22/12/13, $15 Entry Register in store. Schedule: 11.00am-11.30am – Registration 11.30am-1.00pm - Game One 1.00pm-1.30pm – Lunch break 1.45pm-3.45pm – Game Two 4.00pm-5.30pm – Game Three 5.45pm-6.00pm – Results announced • 90 minute games • Maximum of 24 players • 2.0 Rules • TP/DIFF/VP Scoring format • 50 Soulstone Games. Players may bring a hiring pool of up to 100 Soulstones and a single Master. • Proxies and conversions allowed, as long as the models are indicated to what they are before the game starts • Minimum of 40ss of models should be painted with a three colour minimum. Undercoat is not a colour. • PRIZES TO BE DETERMINED Players are responsible for supplying: • Crew models • Rulebooks and official Wyrd stat cards (See notes for Wave 2 models below) • Fate Decks • Measuring Tape • Counters/Markers/Tokens Wave 2 Models and rules Wave 2 rules will be allowed during the tournament. However, to give anyone entering the time to practice with the rules without having them change at the last moment, the Wave 2 rules expected to be released on December 4 (These will be dated December 3 on the Wyrd releases) will be used. If these are not released, the previous release will be used for the tournament. A copy of the rules will be available for reference on the day, however anyone using models from this release are responsible for supplying the appropriate printouts for use during games. Strategies and schemes Strategies will be pre-selected for each game. This tournament will use Story Encounters for the strategies. Because of this, all schemes are available for each round. However, schemes may not be selected more than once during the tournament. Schemes are listed on page 68 of the main rulebook. Players will also have available the Faction specific schemes listed on page 90. Once used, a Faction specific scheme may not be used again in the tournament. Depolyment Standard deployment zones will be used for each game. For tables larger than a standard play area, borders for the 3x3 area will be marked. Game One SEARCH (Page 86) They must have some presents stored around here for us! Let's find them! Players flip a card each before deployment to determine attackers and defenders. The highest flip is the attacker, and the lowest flip is the defender, with their victory conditions determined by the suit on their cards flip. If a Joker is flipped for the defender, reflip it to determine the suit. Game Two THEFT (Page 84) Well, if they aren't going to hand over the presents peacefully, we'll just have to take them! Players flip a card each before deployment to determine attackers and defenders. The highest flip is the attacker, and the lowest flip is the defender, with their victory conditions determined by the suit on their cards flip. If a Joker is flipped for the defender, reflip it to determine the suit. Game Three DESTROY EVIDENCE (Page 82) and SHINDIG (Page 89) Fine! If we can't have the presents, neither can they! Oh, but, play nice... It's Christmas after all... Players flip a card each before deployment to determine attackers and defenders. The highest flip is the attacker, and the lowest flip is the defender, with their victory conditions determined by the suit on their cards flip. If a Joker is flipped for the defender, reflip it to determine the suit. Note that the Shindig strategy adds extra VP conditions to this game. More details are available on the Facebook page for the tournament: https://www.facebook.com/events/226707030823942/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular For any details on The Games Cube, their website is here: http://www.thegamescube.com.au/
  2. Wednesday night is getting closer, and with it another Malifaux night. Last week Shenlong was being tested, and there are a few extra people planning on coming in this week to learn and play.
  3. Reminding anyone interested that tomorrow is Malifaux Night at The Game Cube. We had a few games being played last night with some testing of various Wave 2 models going on among the games as well.
  4. A reminder to all in the area that wednesday night is nearly upon us, meaning more Malifaux will be played. We've been playing with more of the wave 2 models recently, and it looks like we may have some wave 2 masts hitting the tables tomorrow night to see how their new rules to.
  5. Hope it goes well! I visited there a few years ago with some friends, and its a reallynicegroup of people. Just watch the stairs in the dark around there. There was a light out when I was there, and I stupidly let myself get separated from the people with the torches...
  6. I meant to post these sooner, but I've been a bit pressed for time: This was run and won a few weekends ago, and while we only had four players, everyone seemed to have a good time. Photos from the event are available here: http://s2.photobucket.com/user/Turelio/library/2013/Malifaux%202013%20tournament
  7. Hi everyone, Just a reminder that Wednesday night is Malifaux night at Games Cube. There were some games being played last week including testing some of the wave 2 minion rules.
  8. Just a reminder that Malifaux night is on tomorrow night. After the tournament on Saturday we seem to have a few more players interested who may be dropping by to have a closer look at the game.
  9. Tomorrow night is Malifaux Night for anyone in the area! I won't be able to make it this week, but I know that there are a few headed there tomorrow night. Last week we had a game of Seamus vs. Yan Lo while Justice and Sonnia went up against each other in a demo.
  10. Just a reminder that the tournament is this weekend, if anyone is still interested. As a teaser, I've got a photo of the tokens that will be used during the Treasure Hunt as well: Right here!
  11. Hi everyone, Some people in the area are aware of this, but I'm sharing this for anyone who appears later or does not know. The Games Cube has been running Malifaux nights on Wednesday for the past few months, and there are a group of regulars starting to appear every week. I've also been offering demos for anyone interested, and recently we've also been looking over the Wave 2 rules as they come out. For anyone that wants to drop in for a game, or have a go at a demo, or even just meet some of the players in the area, the details are: The Games Cube Level 2, 79-81 Phillip St Parramatta, 2150 +61 2 8677 1966 It usually kicks off around 6.30pm, but there are often some people there from 6pm onwards. If you are planning on coming, give a shout out on here and we can keep an eye out for when you arrive.
  12. Hi everyone! I'm running my first tournament (Not terrified at all... Not one bit...) at The Games Cube in a few weeks. For anyone who is in the area and hasn't visited them yet, I'd highly recommend it. They are working really hard and building a great community there for gamers. Saturday 2/11/13, $10 entry fee. Register instore. The Games Cube: Level 2, 79-81 Phillip St, Parramatta, NSW, 2150 http://thegamescube.com.au Facebook event for the tournament: https://www.facebook.com/events/168087356729048/?previousaction=join&source=1 Schedule: 10.00am – Registration opens 10.30am - Game One – Shared Contain Power 12.15pm – Game Two – Shared Treasure Hunt 2.00pm – Lunch Break 2.45pm – Painting Competition Judging 3.00pm – Game Three – Shared Land Grab 4.45pm – Game Four – Shared Master Of The Hill 6.30pm – Winners announced • Gaining Ground Format with 90 minute games • Maximum of 24 players • 1.5 Rules • TP/DIFF/VP Scoring format • 30 Soulstone Games. Players may bring a hiring pool of up to 60 Soulstones and a single Master • Proxies and conversions allowed, as long as the models are indicated to what they are before the game starts • No pre-release models allowed • No painting requirement, but there will be a Best Painted award • Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd placings, and Best Painted Players are responsible for supplying: • Crew models • Rulebooks and official Wyrd stat cards • Fate Decks • Measuring Tape • Counters/Markers/Tokens (Counters for the Treasure Hunt will be provided) Schemes Schemes may only be used once during the tournament. Master and faction specific schemes may also be used. Once as scheme has been used once, it may not be used to score paints during later games in the tournament. Depolyment Standard deployment zones will be used for each game. For tables larger than a standard play area, borders for the 3x3 area will be marked. Strategies Strategies for this tournament are pre-selected and noted in the schedule
  13. When I started playing Guild last year, The Judge was one piece that people kept telling me not to take, as he was useless. I kept taking him, and found that because a lot of people underestimate him, he can do a lot of damage and disruption. One of the thing is really like about Judge 2.0 is that he can do that and more. In the right position, even without upgrades, he can cause a lot of damage. The trigger on his attacks is great fun, especially when you know you can force it twice against something like a Master, but one thing I really like as a tactic is Stand for Judgement is great for either dragging someone like Justice or the Executioner around the table, or just messing with a model 'that needs to stay there'. He has already turned into a 'must take' for me in my games of 2.0 with Justice so far.
  14. Greetings all! I'll be at MOAB 2013 the weekend after next, and will be running Malifaux 2.0 demos for anyone interested at the Aetherworks stand Usually towards the front of the hall, under the banner that says 'Aetherworks'). So if anyone is interested in running through the rules, or coming and saying hi, come along and ask for Nick (or Turelio, I answer to that as well). All details for MOAB are located at http://www.southernbattlegamers.org/moabsite/, and Tiny is also running a 2.0 tournament there (http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?45612-Malifaux-MOAB-2013)
  15. Wow, that's some really nice work. Love the reds in your arcanists.
  16. The new puppet wars minis are pretty cool, and look like they will be slightly easier to paint than the last one (I haven't got a chance to test that yet though). Nice clear details, and a few added bits that wouldn't work on the previous models.
  17. I'm not 100% sure what I saw, but I'm certain I liked it. It will be interesting to see how the bust turns out.
  18. For a first mini, this is excellent work. How did you find painting it? Is it something you will likely continue to do?
  19. Hmm... I seem to have missed this originally. Oh well, I probably would have gone for the dice. They seem to be the kind of dice GM's arm themselves with when the group is starting to get out of hand. The Pokémon, were my first instinct, but I didn't see any of my true favourites in there. I get picky when it comes to Pokémon.
  20. Sea us looks really nice. It looks like you have the nmm lighting spot on for the gun blade. Nice crews as well.
  21. Both Perdita's look awesome. Well done!
  22. Glowing eyes is possible using OSL as others have mentioned. However, you can use the same theory with pigments, and it is a bit easier to clean up if you make a mistake (wet brush, carefully pick up the pigment). Borzag has been using pigments on a lot of his models lately and is getting really nice results. The thing with the glowing eyes is that you will have to be patient and pay attention to where the light from the eyes would hit, and make the eyes a lot brighter than the glow effect (closer to white) while still retaining a trace of the glow colour. As long as you are patient and plan it, it should go fine. Good luck with the nothing beast! I'm really keen to get mine so I can try out a few things.
  23. Awww... This looks really nice. You've done great work on them all. The extra scenery looks great. I really want a Silurid puppet plushie after seeing yours For something in Malifaux that is vicious and face-bitey, they look adorable in Puppet Wars.
  24. Very nice! Great pose on it. Looks very stalkerish.
  25. Looking good! Erik the Red looks great! Love the little rocky diorama.
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