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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. You added an "in play" there that isn't in there RAW but rather as an implied thing as Justin clarified. A buried model can be in the activated state or non-activated state just fine.
  2. OK, that solves it then, thank you. I'm a bit disappointed that you caught this so fast since the conversation would've certainly been interesting, but fair enough. And, as a Tara player, I'm happy with the result, I have to say.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always believed that the so-called Tara-bomb was supposed to work like this: 1. Activate Tara first getting Eternal Moment 2. Give something nasty Fast while Burying it using Obliteration Symbiote 3. Do stuff with your other models 4. Gain reactivate once all your models have activated 5. Run Tara towards the enemy, unbury the big nasty and do bad things with it The problem is that step number four. Eternal Moment says: "Eternal: Once all other friendly models have Activated, this model gains the Reactivate Condition." It doesn't say "friendly models in play". The Buried model hasn't been activated and thus denies the Reactivate. This also means that a buried Killjoy or buried Bete messes up Eternal Moment. Please tell me I have missed something here. You can, of course, forfeit the Reactivate from first turn and just throw the nasty at the enemy at the start of turn two, but that's not a "bomb". Then your big nasty is in the midst of enemies and has been activated. It will die. The bomb part, to me, always was that you can activate almost twice in a row since you activate at the end of the first turn and then near the beginning of the second turn. I have seen this tactic executed in several playtest battle reports. Those have been lost when the forum beta sections were taken away, but I find it hard to believe that no one else has caught this. So is there somethingthat I'm missing? (Please tell me that there is something as this kinda kills Tara for me)
  4. But Cursed Object is just like Distract but even better? It's not hard to get there but it's hard to be relevant while getting there. Seamus has a good gun and likes hopping around killing isolated targets while the other mentioned models like to stick close to their crews for various reasons. Also, Seamus is extremely durable - not everyone else on that list is.
  5. That problem with the Scheme is far, far worse for almost all other eligible models, though.
  6. Aye, I almost added that qualifier. Having a Scheme custom fitted for a certain Master is a bit strange, though, so I guess I'm looking for wider appeal here.
  7. I have never seen anyone use Take Prisoner. Entourage is also extremely rarely chosen, it seems.
  8. Basically what it says on the tin: are there any Schemes that you consider really sub-optimal for essentially all crews (or at least all crews that strive to accomplish one of the Strategies)? Are there Schemes that you haven't seen used? Which ones are the rarest?
  9. That body suit idea is absolutely ace - it looks really good on her! That base also works really well for her - very nice.
  10. Ah, let me amend my hastily proclaimed statement: Hottest living girl in Malifaux, for sure.
  11. OK, I darklined the gloves, so Francois is ready: OK, but in more exciting news, two more finished Gremlins. First, a Slop Hauler. The unsung heroes of the band, these dudes are just sooo good. Killed Ryle today, too. I wanted him to be dirty but not a messy paintjob and the octopi to be splotchy and sorta rotten looking. Pretty happy with how he turned out. And then, the Master herself, Ophelia. She killed Lady Justice today in one round of shooting. OK, the last shot produced a Red Joker, so Fate was definitely smiling for the little ones today. I made her skin fairer and cleaner and resisted the urge to do her lips in a crazy colour. I just highlighted them up to white (though the shadow of her hat kinda obscures that). Hottest girl in Malifaux, for sure. Any comments and suggestions are much appreciated! Edit: Whoops, the first two pics are a bit big. Sorry about that! Edit2: I uploaded slightly smaller pics as the previous ones were kinda too big.
  12. I think that the long coat kinda makes it less bootylicious, though now that you point it out, I do get what you mean.
  13. Two Executioners? Has anyone tried using two at a time and how did it go? The models are nice - my favourite is still the original, but these are good minis. Canines look nice. Not quite as nice as the one in the McMourning box, but I like these way more than the metal ones. Will be getting these for sure. Molemen, not a fan of the top one but the two others are cool. The lower has a bit of an armadillo look going on. Hopefully the top one isn't as much bigger as the others as it looks. Gremlins are good. Guild Guard - why only two to the box? Really would've liked three The girl looks good and the dude has a moustache, so the minis themselves work for me. Had there been three I would've bought the box but with two it's kind of a toss up. Bete - this one will be hellishly difficult to paint to look cool is my prediction. Still prefer the original, but here the render really isn't enough to form a good opinion. Desperates are nice enough. Hans is a bit boring but, despite being quite similar, still IMO a huge step forward compared to the original. Not a bad mini at all. A good month all in all, though not many boxes to buy for me personally. Nothing jaw-dropping but I don't dislike any of the minis on offer - all are at least average quality and over half are really nice ones, I think. Well done, Wyrd!
  14. Trixiebelle can potentially give out ungodly amounts of Poison and a Performer is about the only way to utilize that outside of Brewie crews. Trix is good in any crew and the combination of Lure and Gremlin Lure can be interesting in potentially allowing for clumping up minis for Wong. Or isolating enemies to break up synergies, naturally.
  15. Ah, I have no idea why I didn't realize that these were for the same force (I mean, the mushrooms really should've been a dead giveaway there).
  16. In yesterday's game ZFiend told me about these and yeah, certainly amazing stuff! Really nice work! Are you going to add vegetation to the bases? As I think that they are a bit boring currently (though the small mushrooms are awesome) and making them more lush would make the Silurids themselves pop even more.
  17. Malifaux is drawing inspiration from Victoriana, Westerns, Horror and Punk. Three of these are big of facial hair. Victorian era had people like this: Wild West was famous for facial hair. As for horror, well, there are few things more horrifying than a giant 'stache. And yet, in Malifaux, who has facial hair? Francisco? Who else? Frigging WONG! That's who! Those liquorice noodles are the cream of the crop when it comes to Malifaux moustache. Truly a sad state of affairs! As for beards - the most famous beard in Malifaux is the one on Yan Lo which is so microscopic that if you drop it bacteria steal it for themselves to use as a fake beard in their costume parties. This has got to change! If Wyrd implement a campaign of facial hair, they might still make it for the next Movember. Personally, I suggest making a giant box of different beards and 'staches that you can then glue on all your models. This way they can make up for previous mistakes as well and we can add a moustache to Nico and a giant beard to Marcus as it should've been from the start. Who's with me?
  18. Unless you want the generic faction Upgrades, of course. Which one is bigger, Infinity or Malifaux? One problem with that is that some cards are more wanted than others.
  19. To be fair, even though I listed quite a few companies that do give their rules out for free, there still are many companies that don't. It isn't a strange decision in any way. Now, I do agree that the need to buy Arsenal decks can be annoying if you're collecting several factions and are only now starting (personally I had a big pile of metal, so I needed the cards anyway, but for a new player it's a hassle). I think that's a valid complaint. But I while do recognize that, I also recognize that the decision that Wyrd made is the best one for them and it won't change. Furthermore, the advice on the forums is always to take what you think is the most cool. No one mentions that some Masters need quite a bit of non-mini type purchases to get the maximum out of them. It isn't a problem for experienced players, but can be a hassle for beginners.
  20. Corvus Belli have been doing Infinity since 2005 and they publish all their rules and stats for free. They've been doing it since 2005. Taban Miniatures publish Eden in a similar way. Has been going since 2009 (same as Malifaux, in fact). Alkemy does this as well, 1650 does it, Bushido does it. Maybe all of these companies are about to go bankrupt? So yeah, PP and GW don't do it but other than those it is in fact more common to give out the rules and stats for free. This is because the companies make their money from the minis and they have faith that their minis are gorgeous enough that people will buy them even when you can get the rules and could proxy them. Wyrd does gorgeous minis that people who like minis buy. Maybe there's a fraction of Malifaux players that don't care for the Wyrd minis but love the rules and buy just the cards, but I think that those are rare.
  21. It really doesn't tie into the look of Levi's other stuff but I suppose it's cool enough. Much however depends on the final execution of the mini. Huggy wasn't bad in concept...
  22. It's graphically excessive in a mini, not as a depiction of human horribleness. I like the more subtle creepy far more than the easy shock of boring gore. Also, I'm not sure that drawing and quartering works like that (is the cross some kind of a really weird, elongating mechanism and even then the straps are in weird places) and it doesn't explain his head.
  23. I found a couple of other pics of Montressor (I think that they are preliminary mini renders): ;)
  24. It's a hospital bed with restraints and wheels. I think you had a bit of a reading failure yourself there as ZFiend pointed out
  25. But I cared for those to Gremlins! They were really good Gremlins and you mercilessly killed them! Heartless, evil Seamus!
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