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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. If you're looking for power, and if Ophelia can bring the Youngs, that is a hideously powerful crew. Lady Justice's box is also really good. Somer is really a challenge, as is Nico. McM is probably the most interesting one with a really big bag of tricks available with those models.
  2. o_O This conversation has been nothing but polite. I find this remark really, really weird.
  3. That's a very nice Flesh Construct! The purple tones work really well and your metal work is impeccable as always. Great job! A question: did you find the anatomy of the victim weird as has been discussed here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102104-the-victim-of-the-flesh-construct-oddities/
  4. Kaeris looks cool but a mini based on that will be hard to pull off nicely. Crouching while looking downwards seldom looks good. Aww, McTavish's gator looks normal. Justin said that Bayou Gators would be somehow weird but this one at least looks pretty normal.
  5. Opposing Lightning Bugs can also "do the Tannen", so to speak.
  6. For the record, I was thinking a Rooster Rider, who can Reckless for 3 AP, gets to charge for 1 AP and has a once per turn charge trigger in order to get to a total of four charges. Though after posting the quiz, I realized that Marcus can get to the same with the Fast Upgrade. But yeah, I think that this one tops those quite handily
  7. It's just that the War Rooster was such a different beast. This one is ordinary.
  8. I have a solution: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/100352-a-silly-tip-for-slow-painters/
  9. Three: Sonnia, Rasputina and Wong. Also, Lilith and Marcus can be in your face on turn one. Ophelia, Mah, Somer, and Ulix as well but they should not be too bad to handle.
  10. I'm stupid and blind and can't find the thread that was just about this thing. If the attacking model gets an additional attack from a trigger against the same model, do you perform that attack if, as a result of the first attack 1) the defender is dead 2) the attacker is dead?
  11. I was actually thinking of a different one, but yeah, that works. This is also why I formulated the questions in that way since I know I have missed things. I'm actually interested in people's answers to question number seven. Also, number eight should probably have been a bonus question as well.
  12. It had dropped off the front page, but here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/101981-ropecon-2014-the-return-of-the-red-joker/
  13. Just for fun. Try to answer without looking at references first, but then feel free to do so (as some are quite tricky, I think). If you can come up with more such questions, I'm all ears. "Printed" in the questions refers to the raw stat that hasn't been altered by anything. 1. What is the most expensive model you can summon (in SS)? 2. Mention two models with printed Wp in the double digits. 3. What's the most charges a model can make without outside help in a turn? Which model? 4. Which mini in Malifaux has the biggest hat? 5. How many Tyrants are there (in the fluff, that is)? 6. Mention a model that has a higher printed Wk stat than Cg stat (though it has to have a Cg stat). 7. Mention a non-Mercenary model that can be found in the highest number of crews from different factions. 8. What is the highest model count to a 50SS crew that you can achieve if you use only Rare 1 models to build it? Bonus: What's the most damage a model can make with a single attack (so no multiattack triggers allowed) that results in a damage flip (so no pumping poison or burning up to 100 and then emptying it in one go or pushing someone down from a 100" high tower)? And finally, spoiler space so that the first person to answer this thread doesn't spoil the fun for all the rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Happy answering!
  14. Two slow Stitcheds can target the enemy twice or target each other, gain reactivate and then the enemy four times. No multiple reactivates needed, though I do agree that the post in question was a bit difficult to parse.
  15. I believe it's a Bayou Gator.
  16. It might be the Gremlin in me talking, but I find Ht 1 a challenge But seriously, yeah, it doesn't matter much. OTOH, being Ht 1 also means that he isn't Ht 3, which would make hiding a lot more difficult. Why do you need to post stuff like this? Why are you so keen on shutting discussions down? You do it over and over again. If a given topic is not to your liking, don't read it. Forums are for discussions. Besides, the OP was framed in the light of "is it just that I'm lucky or are other people noticing this, too?"
  17. To me it looks like the artist copied an existing head and stuck it on. I really, really doubt that the artist was making a conscious choice of trying some scaling tricks. Also note, this isn't 2D art, minis are supposed to be looked at from different angles - that's the point! Especially for a gaming piece. A diorama you could make in a way that it only works from a specific angle but not a gaming piece. I have been supporting Wyrd from before Malifaux 1st edition and I have always applauded their way of doing business in that they aren't afraid to say that they made a mistake and then correcting it. This I think is pretty much the first time I've personally seen stuff like this from them, which is why I'm so upset about it. And I'm utterly flabbergasted that other people aren't raising furor over this.
  18. I don't think I have ever played on a table where it isn't trivially easy to hide a non-Ht 3 model. Incorporeal also helps tremendously, as hiding doesn't mean that he can't get to places easy afterwards.
  19. You need to right click the pic and choose "copy URL" and then paste that between the img-tags. That's a sweet concept, though I wish the rooster was a bit more unearthly. Now it looks too normal IMO. Thank you for posting!
  20. But here it looks like just laziness. I mean, they took the head from an illuminated and stuck it on an absolutely oversized body. That's just weird. The pics that ZFiend provided looks just utterly ridonculous. How can something like that happen?
  21. Hans we saw already (scheduled for July), Hoarcats are weird, though.
  22. That's just horrible. These are premium miniatures - I think that Wyrd have great quality minis but they are fairly expensive. Stuff like this really is unacceptable IMO.
  23. Little Lass is in the inside pages as are all three Bushwhackers. Besides, the pistol doesn't work for any of those models.
  24. I was thinking a Young LaCroix (I don't think we have seen all three sculpts for them?).
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