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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Wow, it really looks a lot like an intended effect. I mean how you go from this almost slightly greenish brown to this interesting bright brick red. The OSL is great, btw - I love the subtlety of it.
  2. They look great! My favourite is the Carrion - he (it?) looks so desolate! It really fits the model and the concept - a perfect mood for the piece. I also really like the Neverborn Effigy (blanking out on the name) - the mask has this fun wooden feel to it that's really cool.
  3. I'm extremely eagerly waiting for his release but OTOH I'm really hoping that by delaying the release they can avoid the Somer and Kin problems of difficult assembly and extreme scale problems. Hopefully they'll be done by the new company!
  4. It has Gremlins dying by the droves - I was sure you'd like it
  5. Oh aye, every game I play I seem to learn something new. Sometimes I even re-learn things that I've learned before.
  6. If you only have the Red Joker in the deck, you flip it every time
  7. Areolas on the Beckoner? That's pretty clever, I think and the execution is spot on. The brilliance effect is awesome - looks very unearthly. What paints did you use for the skirt - that's a lovely satinish red effect. Are these part of the same commission?
  8. No, Poison has a special rule that it can't be reduced (see the description of the condition in the rulebook). Sebastian's Induction makes a point that the additional damage is also Poison damage, so can't be reduced. Note that if you prevent one damage, Induction won't trigger.
  9. Bayou Gremlins have four wounds. They can take two damage when they activate to get one extra AP, summoning them does two points of damage for the summoned and to the gremlin used in the summoning and they have four damage blasts with their dumb luck trigger - killing them won't be a problem But, you couldn't really summon three per round without expending any cards.
  10. Well, in a 50SS game you can take sixteen Bayou Gremlins and with Family Tree you can summon three more per turn, so by turn five you could have 31 Bayou Gremlins and then have them all kill one another and thus draw 62 cards with Somer. ... Edit: hmm, what happens if you have your whole deck in your hand and are called to perform a duel? I'd say you win the game.
  11. Ah, I actually thought you got the Red Joker to your hand on the following turn. But still, you would've needed to use the damn joker which would've saved my McM since the Torakage would've died earlier. Would'veshould'vecould've :P (since you would've gotten some other card instead and so on and so forth)
  12. Had I cheated Seb's push Wp duel with the 13 of tomes like I meant to, I could've paralyzed Misaki for the turn she went crazy which would've turned everything around completely. So yeah, it wasn't that one-sided. I did, however, catch a really lucky break one-shotting the Torakage with Sebastian. But yeah, in over 90% of the games I play I'm completely convinced that I'll lose no matter what. I still think I win more than 50% easy. So yeah, an utter pessimist when it comes to gaming. (Incidentally, this is also why I feel that "psychological warfare" and whatnot is a complete hogwash) Yeah, I can't really disagree - it was a good game. And I can't remember a game hanging on the final flip like that, either. Too bad it went the wrong way *cries* My theory was that Poison would be a great way to remove ZFiend's SS cache and it worked a treat. Also it functioned as a diversion - if ZFiend didn't kill it on the same turn that he already got the Lawyer, then the doggie would've kept Fuhatsu from firing unless he used the push thus sparing my other models. Or else Misaki would've needed to activate early in the turn.
  13. Aye, the Australian Dropteddies are poisonous and poop fire.
  14. It's an amazingly cool mini but yeah, transporting that is going to be a thing for certain. And not a nice thing.
  15. I believe that ZFiend missed with an attack three times during the game (the central Torakage against Sebastian and Misaki once when I cheated a 12 with McM). He also got severe damage every time he made a damage flip that didn't have negative modifiers thus one-shotting all four of my non-HtW models. Based on this, I'd say that HtW is king against Misaki. That and a modicum of ability to concentrate. He did flip a BJ at a horribly inopportune moment and I had the RJ in hand to kill the Torakage so it's not like he was completely blessed during the game or anything, mind. Also, getting a moderate against Fuhatsu with the minus flip from McM meant that ZFiend didn't score from Turf War that turn.
  16. Did you somehow get a 54mm scale version of that mini? Because seriously, it's a tiny, tiny thing and yet you somehow did... *that*... to him. The face is crazy good, the hooves, the veins - dude! That is one insanely well-painted mini.
  17. ZFiend’s Ten Thunders Misaki. I got to admit, I hadn’t realized how Misaki works. I had thought that she is a fairly good and very mobile beatstick but in fact she’s an unkillable Assassinate machine. Misdirection is completely bonkers upgrade with her movement and melee abilities. Turf War with A Line in the Sand, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Take Prisoner, and Make Them Suffer with Standard Deployment was the name of the game. A very long name, that. 35SS, starter with one additional box/blister. Starter box additions are Henchman/Enforcer is one pick and the minions are another. I had chosen Francisco but decided to give Lawyer another chance. My reasoning was that the Misaki starter box hates doing weak damage (seriously, their weak damage sucks!) and Lawyer can give out Hard to Wound. So I ended up using the exact same list as in my first game. McMourning w On the Clock, Evidence Tampering, Badge of Office (7 Cache) Sebastian w Lead-lined Coat 2 x Nurse Guild Lawyer Zombie Chihuahua ZFiend had added to his box Fuhatsu. Now, let that sink in for a bit. Yeah. Exactly. He has this fetish about 10 SS Henchmen that have low Wp values is my best guess. So his merry band consisted of: Misaki w Recalled Training, Misdirection, Stalking Bisento Fuhatsu w Recalled Training 3 x Torakage We both chose Make Them Suffer and Protect Territory (announced). First turn was super eventful. We advanced to position. Notable things are that the Torakage were one in the center, one to the left and another to the right. Misaki Stalked McMourning and was central and Fuhatsu moved twice ending up two millimetres inside the Turf War zone near Misaki. Lawyer was the first to go so Fuhatsu had LOS to him. Second turn, ZFiend wins initiative, focuses with Fuhatsu, shoots at the Lawyer and flips severe killing him straight away. So much for my HtW plans. A Nurse injects the Chihuahua with Uppers and the trusty doggy runs up to Fuhatsu and Misaki and stinks two poison onto them both. The central Torakage charges the doggy, flips severe damage and kills the little dude. Sebastian runs over the check whether the wounds really were fatal getting Misaki and Fuhatsu inside Catalyst and Induction aura. Right Torakage makes a Scheme marker. McMourning decides that Misaki stalking him doesn’t sound good and runs 10” to throw a Scalpel at the Right Torakage moving into BtB with her. Hits once more but flips BJ for damage. I have no idea why the hell I didn’t Focus and make a mental note about this. The Left Torakage puts down a Scheme Marker. The Other Nurse walks into position behind a pillar. Misaki activates, prevents the poison damage, Stalks Sebastian and launches into three attacks against him. I use Soul Stones for defense (I somehow calculated this wrong - since she didn’t use Recalled Training I wouldn’t have needed to to still have the hits at minus flips due to the HtW. Oh well, with the minus flips and prevention and such Sebastian ends up taking three wounds total. Misaki prevents her poison again while Fuhatsu takes the three. He made my Lawyer suffer in the hands of Fuhatsu and Turf Warred successfully while I didn’t. Third turn ZFiend wins initiative third time in a row and Misaki wails on Sebastian some more. Somehow he survives yet again through SS use and Misaki pushes away to give Fuhatsu a clear shot. Sebastian charges Fuhatsu causing two wounds (he can’t do more unless he gets severe) and three poison. I make a mental note to use my 13 of tomes for Fuhatsu push Wp duel and not my 12 of Crows. Fuhatsu stones away the poison damage and Juggernauts - ZFiend flips a severe so that’s four wounds back. Fuhatsu tries to push Sebastian but the stubborn thing resists when I cheat my 12 of Crows for the duel and gets pushed only on the second attempt which didn’t trigger the rams trigger. McMourning promptly forgets to Focus and ends up having to spend four attacks to kill the damn Torakage. I’m so into this whole thing that I decided to roleplay the forgetful Doctor. Or I might also be a complete idiot - one or the other, really. The central Torakage charges Sebastian but can’t get at him without being close to Misaki and fails to hit the little guy. One Nurse makes Schemes while the other tells Misaki to take her meds. Of course now I look at the 13 of tomes in my hand with utter disbelief. So much for that then. This is rather huge, btw, as you will see. The left Torakage does Scheme stuff. Fuhatsu takes three from Poison, I score from Make them Suffer and we both score from Turf War. 3-2 to ZFiend. ZFiend flips a ten for initiative while I flip a four. I ponder long and hard about using my last Soul Stone for the re-flip. In the end I realize that I will lose the game if ZFiend wins the initiative so re-flip and get a ten. Sheesh. The re-flips result in me beating ZFiend’s card. Whoo! I discard an Ace of Rams for Nurse’s Take Your Meds against Fuhatsu who gets +2 to Melee damage and Accomplice Sebastian. He moves and attacks the central Torakage who flips a BJ for his defense resulting in a straight flip for damage. A cheated Red Joker ends the Torakage. The left Torakage Schemes. McMourning runs across the battlefield to Scalpel Sling Fuhatsu doing moderate damage and dooming the big brute. Misaki uses Recalled Training, charges a Nurse, flips severe and kills her, attacks the other Nurse, flips severe and kills her, uses her (0) to attack Sebastian and flips a severe killing him. Yeah. I had to keep two cards in my hand so that he couldn’t kill McMourning if he held a good crows. Apparently his hand was utter rubbish except for one card. We both made the other one suffer and we both have only our Masters left at the Turf since Fuhatsu succumbs to Poison. I win initiative and move twice, focus and Scalpel Sling the left Torakage. He cheats in the Red Joker (the one card from previous turn that wasn’t rubbish) and I miss. Torakage charges and does damage, Misaki charges and does damage and Schemes I flip an eleven and we get a sixth turn. I win initiative, focus and end the Torakage though I need to cheat the hit and the damage. I move so that Tamper Evidence flips two Ten Thunder Scheme markers. Misaki has to to kill McM or I win 8-6. She attacks, hits with a high crow getting the instakill trigger from the flip, does weak damage due to HtW - I throw cards away. Again, she hits, does weak damage due to HtW. Third attack, she hits flipping a moderate Crow for instakill - I have to cheat my last high card to dodge. She attacks for the final time, flips a high Crow for instakill and McM is no more and I lose the game. Here's a pic of me:
  18. Except Dropteddies. They are quite horrible, let me assure you. Dreamer can summon one - it's TN is 27 (+ the masks). You need Tannen and three (enemy) Lightning Bugs to pull it off but the resulting *splat* is totally worth it. I hear Wong was once killed this way.
  19. I think that to answer the question on proxies, you need to consult your local gaming scene. I think that Poltergeist and Sorrows painted icy are easy to understand and remember and won't cause confusion - especilly if you can resist the temptation to run them as Sorrows and Poltergeist in a Pandora crew occasionally (I, personally, wouldn't mind that, either, but I could see others finding it confusing depending on the local gaming culture).
  20. With Flight, do you have to climb it (it is Ht5, after all)? Edit: OK, not "climb" it, but ascend it, more like.
  21. They look great! I especially love the Rail Golem - I think that doing some areas in non-metal is definitely the right choice and the weathering is downright fantastic. The effect on the left leg is amazing. Really, really nice! Close-ups of the Gamin would be fun as well, there was one in the battle report and it looked awesome.
  22. I think that an argument could be presented that an Ice Pillar chucking Wendigo is the best thing you can buy with your SS in the whole game (excluding 0SS models like Huggy, naturally). It's completely ridiculous - fast, deadly, significant and the ice pillars are a game changer. They can be used to waste huge amounts of enemy AP if your table has the suggested amount of terrain.
  23. Arise from your grave, oh thread of old! To celebrate the occasion, the Zombie Chihuahua: I actually really liked how he turned out. The green tint succeeded and the red worked and all in all it turned out somewhat like I wanted it to. The eyes are the only thing that I couldn't make quite pop as much as I wanted to. I was spoiled by ZFiend's crazy good green eyes on his Chihuahua and really couldn't get similar brightness. As a bonus, a WIP of Sebastian:
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