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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Stitched Together. Gamble Your Life is something that will worry everyone this side of an El Mayored Perdita. Cover won't help, it has a 6" range, a possible Reactivate and, to top it off, it's a (Puppet) Minion meaning that Collodi, Lucius, and Zoraida can all do nasty things with it. It also bypasses such defenses as Hard to Wound or Incorporeal and the severe damage of 7 means that Armor isn't necessarily all hot against it, either. Another one is Lilith's Tangle. It is insanely versatile and can really muck up your plans by taking an important model and replacing it with a Teddy or something. It has crazy range and doesn't require LOS. Of course it is almost too powerful a threat since it can do so many things and properly protecting yourself from it is almost impossible.
  2. Here's a nice report by Mindshred:http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103270-ulix-vs-justice-50ss/ Personally, I would likely go for something like this (adjusted for Strategy and Schemes, naturally): Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap Ulix -- 5 Pool +Hunting Bow [2] +Husbandry [3] +Liquid Bravery [1] Penelope [2] Old Major [9] +Corn Husks [2] Piglet [4] Piglet [4] Piglet [4] Slop Hauler [5] Slop Hauler [5] The Sow [8]
  3. I'm waiting for the general release on all of them. But got to say that I'm really happy to be finally getting the Piglets - they are very interesting little balls of rage. And Hog Whisperer is surprisingly good (heck, he isn't bad even without any Pigs to whisper to) so looking forward to trying him as well. Too bad that since these are the releases well into the next year, Brewie won't likely be joining us until late spring at the earliest. Not a 100% fact, mind you, but pretty likely.
  4. It wasn't the deck screwing you over, it was the deck making the game an interesting one!
  5. It does look a bit sparse to me as well. There are a lot of really long fire lines throughout. Now, with Zoraida and Nico it's quite playable, but Ophelia, Sonnia, or Perdita for example would have a field day on that board. But most importantly, thank you again for posting the report! It was a good read once again and quite a close game. I'm guessing that on the first turn, Voodoo Doll's Hem succeeds on Bad Juju, not fails, right? Also, on turn five Bad Juju did four points of damage to Bete Noire without killing her? Am I misremembering her Wound stat (don't have the book at hand)? But man oh man did that Stiched Together do a lot of damage during the game! That's one insanely destructive little sack of filth - sheesh! Iggy OTOH was a bit of a let-down.
  6. Ophelia, Lenny and Pere can get Pere to move an ungodly amount in a turn so supplement that with three Young LaCroix for outactivation and Francois with Stilts for the secondary punch. Then Slop Haulers and Bayou Gremlins to fill out the crew. Trixie would be amazing for winning Initiative on the turn after the Pere slingshot.
  7. Depends on the Strategy and Schemes. Also note that there's four big pigs (Warpig, Gracie, Old Major and the Sow).
  8. Agreed about the angle. YES! I was wondering why he looks so strange but didn't realize that that is indeed the reason.
  9. I think that the problem with them is that Incorporeal is so incredibly swingy. If there is good Ca damage dealers among the enemy, Sorrows are a huge liability but if there are none, they are surprisingly durable. But all factions can have Ca damage dealers so Sorrows are quite risky. Or at least that has been my experience with them on the receiving end (I've had my Sonnia wipe out three Sorrows in one activation quite easily).
  10. What do you think about them? I'll go first. Crooked Men: a bit pedestrian. Not bad but I find them somewhat boring. The one with the lantern is the most interesting one. Verdict: Rogue Necromancy: holy crap! This thing looks absolutely amazing! Might very well be the best plastic mini that Wyrd has released (heck, might be the best plastic mini anyone has released). Damn that looks sweet. Making a three-headed thing look balanced is really hard but this one has enough heft to make it work. Hope to see this in the flesh, but super promising. Verdict: :+fate The Carver: will make for a nice Flesh Construct proxy. I like this one - doesn't get to the level of the original (but that one was sculpted by the crazy amazing Jody Siegel so no wonder the new one isn't as good) but a good sculpt nonetheless. Verdict: :+fate Nekima: a lot better than the original. Too bad the boobs are ginormous - otherwise would've been a seriously great sculpt. Also not entirely sure about the tongue but need to see the mini. It might also be a separate piece (Yan Lo's beard would have a competitor). But yeah, a solid mini. Verdict: :+fate Desolation Engine: I love the concept but the execution seems a bit lacking. I mean, look at that chain! I also hope that the muscle detail is deeper than it appears from the render. Not a horrid mini but could've been a lot better. Verdict: Hog Whisperer: a really nice sculpt. And the piglet is great! I hope that the detailing is stark enough but it does look good as a render. Verdict: :+fate Piglets: not as nice as the one that comes with Hog Whisperer but not bad per se. The sitting one is quite silly but the barking one looks great. Verdict: :+fate Pigapult: I must say that I liked the original a lot more. Also looks like it would have a lot of trouble fitting on a base. And the pig is the weakest of the new pigs we've seen so far - looks like a complete cartoon pig. Not a fan. But not a complete catastrophe, either. Verdict: Merris: her clothing looks way too modern. All in all she brings to mind some kind of a reality TV starlet chavette. Bah. And usually I'm the one to applaud minis that do something differently but this one just fails. The rocket looks great, though. Verdict: Katanaka Snipers: I'm worried about scale issues with the kneeling one. These do look a lot different from what I imagined but not in a bad way. The rifle looks way too modern, though. Still, not bad as a whole. Verdict: Hoffman box: Mechanical Attendant looks absolutely idiotic. Doesn't fit the general aesthetic at all, IMO. Guardian's pose is silly and the tubing looks super thick. Not a fan. Hoffman is OK, not great, not horrible. Watcher looks amazing! Really, really good and a massive improvement over the metal model (which isn't all that bad to begin with). Hunter looks fine. Verdict: (mostly due to the Watcher being so amazing) Leveticus box: Levi looks great. A crazy improvement over the metal sculpt. The same is true of Rusty Alice and the Waifs. Really nice minis. The Abominations OTOH are a bit too over the top for me. They just look like they're trying way, way too hard and end up jumping the shark a bit. Still, a very nice box all in all. Verdict: :+fate Whew, that took two breaks and a bit of the lunch as well to finally finish.
  11. How ever it ends up, it won't be white, I think. Blame the Biggest Hat! The whole game devolved into a comedy of errors when you fail terror checks left and right and no one manages to do anything due to having no hand (or due to just being Gremlins). But yeah, the death tally was appalling: the Necrotic Machine died two or three times, a summoned Punk Zombie died, Francois died, two Skeeters died and Gracie died. And that was it! I mean, you didn't kill anything of mine that wasn't summoned. WTH?
  12. I think that the author was trying to tell a far bigger story than the available word count allowed and the story suffered immensely from that. The rivals are painted as a grand force but there isn't enough room to show it and they just go down like chumps. And this makes the story seem sorta odd and non-sensical. Levi as Woody Allen was a bit of a let-down, though.
  13. Eden is getting a new faction this December featuring this girl:
  14. Yeah, I know, I just want someone else to say it as well
  15. Just making sure, because it feels so absurd, but Slop Haulers' Feed the Piggies works through walls, right?
  16. I have to admit that you really dominate these conversations on the vagaries of timing. I would like to read how other people play these things but invariably the threads turn into you discussing with someone posting long posts that meander in many directions with me reading the exchange increasingly confused. This is further accentuated by your writing style which is very difficult to follow (at least to a non-native speaker such as myself). This isn't your fault and I'm not accusing you of anything, but just that I find it strange that I have very little idea of how other people (aside from you) play these things. I do disagree with your assertion that this is somehow a clear matter and that your way is the obviously only right one.
  17. Well, two be fair, three Young LaCroix and a couple of Bayou Gremlins go a long way towards outactivating an opponent and since Pere can move something like 24" before unleashing his attack, that is a very large threat bubble. And yeah, it likely won't kill a majority of a given opponent's crew twice in a row but its threat will hamper his positioning, which is a huge advantage on top of Ophelia's own huge thread that has a similar impact but in a very different way (she loves killing isolated targets). Not saying that it is crazy powerful or anything but it is a handy trick to keep in mind.
  18. Negative play experience, which means that your opponent is not enjoying himself and would rather be at a dentist or something. Killing them stops them even more completely. Also note that Brewmaster isn't all about Paralyze and his Drinking Contest Aura is an Aura - you can pull your own models out of it, move Brewie or whatever else. If the models in the Aura were actually dead, you could do none of that. Compare Brewie to Viks who have, not an Aura, but an area of effect where your models just die.
  19. I think that it is a rare situation where you would actually benefit from summoning more if you are already at nine rather than doing something else with Somer. He is extremely versatile and I think that getting too caught up summoning more is not the optimal play. Also note that half-dead Bayou Gremlins are, arguably, the weakest thing that you can summon in the whole game. The saving grace is that they aren't very card-intensive to summon but even though you can summon, doesn't mean that you always should. Those Master AP are precious.
  20. He debilitates enemy models making them useless. Some other Master might just kill the enemy models. The former is seen as more frustrating even though it is, arguably, less horrible than the latter. So I would argue that it is more a matter of perception rather than an actuality. But yeah, as ZFiend noted (I'm from the same playgroup), no actual experience for us, yet.
  21. Also note that the Individual Spiders and the Swarms are two great tastes that taste great together: the -1 to Df that the Arachnids can give out makes the Swarm really happy.
  22. Aye, definitely not KS exclusive, but the females might get looked into (or not - Wyrd didn't officially recognize a problem with the females being consistently significantly taller than the males due to the crazy long legs).
  23. Welcome to the wonderful world of green. Some comments. Stilts for Francois every time. It's essentially mandatory for him. As for Quality Mash Liquor - I don't like it. Some others seem to like it, but I don't see the big draw, really. OTOH I always use two Slop Haulers (tied for best 5SS Model with Rotten Belle IMO) - also try using them for attacking - you won't be disappointed! Cg of 8(!), an OK damage track, access to 3AP, Bayou Two-card, and the Slop debuff - these guys are so awesome! Raphael with Dirty Cheater is awesome. What else? Fingers - he doesn't like to get shot. In Melee he is quite durable (unless cornered) but shooting is annoying.
  24. You can stop reading if this offends you somehow, you know. Personally, I do understand how the Stalker interaction works since Justin said that you do get the Stalker but I am having difficulty getting the general rule from that that would be applicable across the board.
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