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Everything posted by DangerousBeans

  1. Should be up for this on either weekend, barring incident.
  2. Flower knight is gorgeous, well done. I can't wait for my KD stuff to arrive!
  3. Fine looking Gremlins she's got there, damn fine. You're a lucky chap, when I show my miniatures to my lady she just goes blank and starts walking into walls.
  4. Cheers guys, I was quite amazed myself at how quickly they painted up. I must have been sleep-painting or something! As for painting 'recipes', everything is pretty much right out the pot aside from the purple highlights (all GW except white which is coat d'arms): Bone - Ushabti bone, brown wash (agrax or whatever), ushabti bone, white. I'll point out though that my particular white pot is quite watery (coat d'arms) making it great for layering, you might need to water the white down. Purple - liche purple (no idea what it's called now), brown wash, black wash, liche purple, liche purple + rakarth flesh/dheneb stone + brown wash, add more rakarth flesh, repeat as needed. Metal - orange, heavy drybrush layers of metals (dunno what they're called), brown wash, highlight edges. Once everything's done, reline with either black ink or brown ink depending on the area. I was going to gloss the gizzards, but actually quite like it a bit more dull - looks less fresh. Incidentally, I painted them the same scheme as my Cult of Yurei for Bushido, for maximum proxying possibilities
  5. These guys finally started to sway me toward the plastics, which hadn't impressed me until now. Actually had a blast painting them, so much so that it only took me a week from purchase to finished! Pretty excited about plastic Leveticus now! I *really* hope he's available for Gen Con.
  6. I'll be there, trying to decide between Neverborn or Ressers. Need to claw back some respect after finishing second last in the last one! It all went so wrong....
  7. I think (*think*) it was a base of Astronomicon Grey, then Agrax Earthshade wash, then grey, grey+bleached bone, then a wash with a dluted blue. I think. Maybe. Also, haven't been on the forum for weeks. Came on and was surprised to see this thread, and you posted today no-less. Bit odd.
  8. Hey all, Sorry if this has been brought up elsewhere but how come Wyrd are just showing the 3d renders instead of the actual miniatures? And before anyone says it, no they're not the same. I've noticed a considerable amount of detail loss comparing the actual, physical miniatures to the virtual renders. Photos of even the unpainted, but assembled, miniatures would be much welcomed.
  9. I wouldn't mind getting Tannen and Graves, but purely to paint them like Mr Croup and Mr Vandemaar from 'Neverwhere' Sadly, this crew really just didn't do it for me. So they've been sold to my friendly local Henchman. I did really enjoy HD 'psuedo-obey' spell though, so I've since picked up Zoraida
  10. Bottles are from Black Cat Bases, UK-based maker of weird wee things to stick on your models.
  11. The detail on her was appalling. Her hair was completely smooth with little to no definition, the detail on her shorts almost blended in with her skin, I had to basically paint them on! Not to mention that the figure is just horribly proportioned, spindly wee arms and quite ridiculous cleavage. Rant over! Thanks for the great responses guys!
  12. Quality paintjob as usual Mr Sholto, but I share the opinion that this model is utter guff. I think Wyrd were having a bit of a laugh with it! Look forward to seeing it in the flesh though.
  13. He looks great! I'm rubbish at glow effects, don't think I have the patience! Hope mine turns out half as decent as yours!
  14. Oh yeah, poison does stack doesn't it? I'm so out of the loop, should probably read V1.5 eh? Right, all that matters is: 'yes, all wounds from these abilities stack', just wanted to know that I'm doing it properly before I go pinging everything to death! Cheers guys.
  15. Perfect sense, I don't know why I didn't realise that! Cheers CS. So, for the sake of argument, if ES caused 'poison' instead of damage then that wouldn't stack as the token lingers on?
  16. Right, I'm planning on using Pandora this weekend as she doesn't see the table often. So I was reading up on her on pullmyfinger and noticed it claims that you can combo lots of 'emotional stress' from Sorrows to cause a lot of damage if there's enough nearby. Now, I was under the impression that effects from the same named source don't stack, so how does this work? Or am I just completely wrong? Similarly, could I use a Doppleganger to mimic 'Emotional Trauma' from Pandy to cause another wound within 12" on failed WP duels? eg: Pandora and two sorrows are within 4" of Judge, there's also a doppleganger who has mimicked 'emotional trauma' within 12" of Judge. Pandora targets Judge with 'pacify' and wins. Does Judge suffer two wounds (one from Emotional Trauma and one from Emotional Stress) or four (two from ET, two from ES). I know this has probably been asked a hundred times but I'm suddenly very confused, and have been playing Pandora wrong all this time!
  17. I love the concept of the HD, the artwork and even 3D render were awesome. It just really didn't translate into reality too well and felt like I was painting something from a kinder egg. I certainly hope that in the future they have images of the painted minis instead of the renders, as what you see is most certainly not what you get. @ Stinko: I think I know what I'll be using as a proxy, unfortunately it's not released yet. I was also thinking about using something Lovecraftian, like a Shoggoth or something.
  18. Cheers for the kind words guys. Most of the brown were painted either khemri brown or calthan brown, washed with Agrax Earthshade (no more Devlan mud ) and highlighted by adding bleached bone to the base, it's pretty much how I paint everything! It has the benefit of being easy, quick and the 'washed out' effect it gives lends itself to Malifaux well. The Hungering Darkness was a bit of a slop-job as I'm basically using it as a placeholder until I can find a good proxy. He was based Necron Abyss, washed with drakenhof nightshade (stupid names) and then drybrushed with layers of NA with some bleached bone added for each layer. Then he was washed with Druchii Violet and Biel-Tan green. Took all of 20 minutes, excluding drying time. As for a display base.... sounds like a lot of hard work. He'll live in my Malifaux drawer with the rest of my crews. edit: I really wouldn't consider the cards 'freehand', they're just 'dot dot dot, dot dot dot, dot dot BIG DOT'!
  19. Received Thursday afternoon, finished Sunday night ready for their first outing tomorrow! Well, ok I have to finish the bases but that's about it. Here's the man himself .... and a close up of the Hungering Darkness (AKA: Nibbles, the Angry Mutant Tadpole). I purposefully painted this very dark so as not to draw attention to it! It's a very, very disappointing model. And the Beckoners. Oddly enough, I found the one with the cane to be one of the best of the plastics, while the other was among the worst. Very odd considering that they're on the same sprue. Overall, I'm still not thrilled with the new medium. However, I trust Wyrd and can accept that it may take a while to get everything up to par. Looking forward to 10T box with more anticipation than trepidation certainly. edit: I can't seem to get rid of that shine. Hopefully matt varnish will sort it.
  20. Finished the depleted and illuminated this evening. Had a few detail issues but they were pretty pleasant to paint. Completely failed on the glow effect, so didn't bother in the end.
  21. I'm going to paint all the 'Brilliant' bits a bight blue I think, glowing from the inside. Although I haven't painted a glowing effect for years, so we'll see how that goes! All the minis bases have bottles, glasses and assorted bar room debris. The idea is that Jakob kicked off in some seedy saloon and all his mates turned up to tear the place apart. It also adds a bit of colour as for the most part I'm going for washed-out tones. The bases were a spur of the moment decision. I like all my crews to have themed bases and, frankly, I'm running out of ideas!
  22. Nice paintjob, I like the iridescent skin and that's an interesting base idea. Damn shame about the seam but it kind of gets away with it.
  23. So, after being thoroughly underwhelmed by the new plastics I thought it best to get stuck in and paint one. I'm happy to say she painted up quite nicely. There was some issue with lack of details, or the details were too fine to survive a layer of paint (her hair disappeared completely, as did a lot of the texture in her corset). Depleted are definitely not the best models to use for judgement on the new plastics as they're clearly meant to be a bit wobbly and elastic! Anyway, here she is: Just finished filling gaps/seams and adding some texture to the rest of the crew (thoroughly recommend Liquid Green Stuff to anyone who bought Dark Debts) so hoping to paint up some illuminated tomorrow and really see just how detailed this plastic is.
  24. Mindless zombies are compulsory, sort yourself out with some of them first. After that........ Nico makes all undead amazing so the sky's (well, catalogue's) the limit! Killjoy is hysterical but I've had it go horribly wrong before. Nico works well with a horde, I'd suggest necropunks for sure (after they're done grabbing objectives, just recycle them into punk zombies) as Nico crews tend to be slow. I'd hold off on Jack just now and sort yourself out with zombies, necropunks, flesh constructs and a totem (I like vultures for their corpse grabbing but a grave spirit + bolster undead turns a flesh construct/punk zombie/killjoy into an absolute beast) Nurses are also good. Couple their spell with bolster undead and you can turn anything into a mincing machine for a round, I've killed steamborgs with a nursed/bolstered necropunk before! Also they can give Nico a bit more protection, which he needs.
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