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Everything posted by Peterdita

  1. Great gesture and great looking crew. Many positives in this, thank you.
  2. The bumper sticker said: "I bump for iron painters"
  3. Iron Painters have been battling for months. We are down to the top two and we need your help picking the winner. Anyone can vote in this unless you are a judge this round. They were given a theme and had just over two weeks to complete their entries. Please pick which one of these entries you feel is best considering: Theme, Quality/Difficulty, Overall. The winner of this poll will get 2 bonus points to the final score recieved from judges. This poll will close in 7 days from now. Thanks for your vote! The theme was "The Last One Standing" 1) "Dragon Slayer" 2) "Mama Had a Baby and Its Head Popped Off"
  4. Henrietta is the shizznickle. So fine, so detailed. Looking forward to picking up Sherlock soon.
  5. Request #2. Could someone please look at how my profile is set up. I'm still getting delays in the miniature showcase section when I post replys. Been a member for four years and haven't posted any links today or anything like that. Thanks.
  6. Just had a nice read through this thread. Very nice work Mako, I'm diggin your style.
  7. Tim @ www.miniature-heroes.co.uk Posted this on WAMP and thought you Wyrdo's might want to get in on this and rep your forum (this is a few posts combined into one): I posted about this idea on my own little forum, and the members there thought it might work. So I'm widening the circle to see what the general concensus might be. My initial thought was that though many of us frequent more than one forum, there is generally one we call home more than any other. This being so, that would be for forum you would support. Each forum would need a team captain who would choose the painters, that he or she thought could defeat the other forum's team. Painters could be selected on their average Cmon or Wamp gallery score, so it would be possible for painters of similar ability to be pitted against each other. Thus average painters could be selected to play each other as well as the more advanced. My thoughts were that the forum admins would contact each other to arrange a match, say using painters with a cmon score no higher than 7.5. They would then tell their team captains the match was on, and they in turn would select the players from their respective forums that meet that requirement. The miniatures chosen would need to be similar for each match. For example, FOD vs Wamp could be using Hasslefree miniatures. PB vs LAF could be using perry plastics etc. Completed team entries could be posted on an image hosting site and judged by a panel of three mystery pro painters. This does mean that the miniatures would need to be kept secret from all but the forum team and their captain, till they were ready for posting. A league points system for winners and loosers, with something for a draw? Say 3 points for a win, 1 each for a draw and 0 for a loss. I think the best way to continue, if the forum in general is interested, would be to have a team captain nominated. Then discussions can be organised between the captains on behalf of their respective forums. Please can we bunch all of this discussion together on one thread so everyone can see it and comment. I've set up a board here http://forum.miniature-heroes.co.uk/...php?topic=45.0 I'll post this on all the other interested forums and if anyone else wants to do the same on others they are very welcome. However it needs to be centralised so the discussion will work.
  8. I've been a member here for years and I'm getting approval lags on my posts. for everything outside the IP subforum. Wyrd web goblins, can you please put me in the safe category if there is one? If there isn't can you make one and put me in it. Rather discouraging after all these years. Thanks
  9. I have some of the 30mm SW figs from Knight, none of the droids though. Not impressed with the quality. At $20 a pop, certainly not impressed with quality. The character is unmatched, but I was kinda bummed when opened the clam shells and it was just another metal mini in there. Certainly wasn't expecting Jedi powers or anythign, but I was expecting a McVey quality cast at least. Got the larger(54mm) speeder bike kit and that thing isn't great either. You should see the "stand" they included with the $75 model. It's two laughable pieces of plastic that don't fit. Oh well, wasn't going to use it anyway.
  10. Yeah the pub theaters are the best. 4 bucks for a tik and cheap popcorn and local micro brews on tap. Just saw this flick up at cinema 21 and its soooooooooo awesome. Think they have it at 4:30 and 7:30. Check it out if you like awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWlmhMSnVdM ---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ---------- On a side note, I love it how I'v been a member on this forum for years, and after I post a link (the movie) my threads have to be approved by a mod... thats pretty disapointing.
  11. I could see that about GG. Sometimes that place gets SUPER crowded with those Magic? tourneys. 200 teens geeking out at once can be a bit much for me. I'm sort of a booze hound homebody, so when I do go out, I likes my sauce to be available. I do like bridgetown though. Lots of good hobby suplies and a decent selection of reaper minis on those racks. Might have to stop by and have a game one of these days, thanks for the invite!
  12. Wyrd PDX FTW!!! PS: Guardian games serves beer, and you can play Malifaux there. We used to play every Tuesday, there but I'm just not that big of a gamer when it comes down to it. They have a tourney last Saturday of the month. Here's another local forum. Been pretty quite lately though. http://www.robertsguild.com/forum/modules.php?name=Forums
  13. Count them?? I'd have to find them all first.
  14. aw jea! I'm loving the brain, paint on MCM looks a bit chalky but maybe its the lighting. Some thin washes could help there. I'd grime it up a lil bit as well. I can't imagine his opperating room looking that clean. I did the same type thing wih my McMizzle for iron painter. "Cold Blooded!"
  15. You have to burn a SS to make a healing flip and they don't have the use SS ability.
  16. This is awesome. Please tell me you are going to hit those walls up with some Wyrd graffiti. Or I may sneak into your district and do it while you sleep.
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