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Everything posted by Stupidcow

  1. Welcome aboard & hope to see some of your minis soon.
  2. Yeah she's...CUTE! Come to moma.:thcow2:
  3. Pic I adjusted the gamma a little on your pic and hopefully it's closer to what you have in RL. Your smoothness & neatness have certainly improved since your last post. I'll say go bolder with your highlights. When you feel you have over done it, simple glaze over the area with a watered down mid color. This will also smooth out the harshness of the paintjob.
  4. Somethime back? That's looks like 500 years back!
  5. Sometimes I drill and glue a toothpick to the pieces I'm painting. The sponge is where I'll stick them into.
  6. Its a nice little scene. Considering the size its an awesome paintjob as well. I'm not sure of the look of the crobar (is that how u spell it?). Shouldn't it be black or rusty somehow?
  7. After submitting my entry for IP3, I had pretty much free time so I did some area cleaning of my painting area. After cleaning up, I thought hey this looks all neat and nice why not take a few shots like what supervike did before of his painting room. Not to promote my own blog but that's where I had posted the pics. If you find this topic dull, please forgive me for I'm bored when I did this. :imsorry: How I wished I couldn't paint that fast and had to finish my paintjobs the very last minute so I wouldn't have so much free time to do stuff like this...:hat:
  8. I was meddling with greenstuff recently and that really got me to appreciate sculpting even more now. Very nice bust you got there. You can see his character even before it's painted. Great job!
  9. Lovely indeed. So many models, not enough $$$ & time to paint.
  10. This is a big improvement! Only problem I can spot is that the cork base needs more work to not look like cork. Maybe that's where you ran out of time?
  11. This looks good even on such a close up pic. I'm sure it looks wonderful in person.
  12. Thank you for giving my comments such serious thoughts. Lighting has been a very big problem for myself. Trust me I may be able to suggest ideas but I'm struggling to actually do it on my own minis. As for suggestions for your other mini, why not post a photo here. I'm sure you can get more professional advices from the folks. I'm sure we all love to see more great looking minis from you too.
  13. That is one of my favorites in this category which is probably the highest contested. I agree with the collarbone and not so Nymph comment. Other than that its really well painted. Maybe just beacuse it such a plain model it does need some extra bits to catch the heart of the viewers.
  14. "I hope you tell me what could be better" If you get any better than this I should just break my brushes and swallow them with all my paints. Ok seriously this is ace. I love the skin as well as the NNM. I prefer a more ancient look design on her shield. I commented on that shadow across the leg which I did some research but till now I'm not very sure if it should be there. The arm holding the shield and the whole right side of her body might have been darker? Also some more highlights on the mane of her helm perhaps? Hope I didn't spoil your day hehe. Again these are really very minor points. Your standard is what many people is hoping to acheive.
  15. Duende you have to do a tutorial on that "Matrix" blood. Its fantastic!
  16. Hi Cindy. First of all congrats on your winning entries. I'm more than happy to comment more on your entries but forgive me if I sounded like I'm nitpicking. If I remember correctly I did comment on the hair and the wings being not as carefully painted as the dress. As for the dress, I'm not 100% sure if its suppose to be silk or some see thru fabric, mainly becos the belly button is showing but other parts like the knee doesn't have that see thru effect. For Libby, her helm could have some hotspots since that's where most light should hit, as you have shown on her face. If you have painted the metal parts on her more striking, I'm sure the tiger would now be as overpowering as you think. Also you can then drop the red bits which is more distracting then attention grabbing I feel. As for the tiger, some of the stripes are well painted but some stripes are too straight eg. on the front legs. They should be more jaggered. Some highlights are abit harsh but I think you have already done a tremendous job. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get anything close to that or even dare to try.
  17. Those reds are lovely, so are the models of cos.
  18. What can I say, its CUTE!
  19. Fantastic colour scheme & basework. Can't help noticing the whilly on the devil.
  20. if I had some coaching from someone whose skills is world class. if I had all the time in the world to just paint at my leisure. if I had the patience to not wanna finish a model as fast as fast as I can. if I were a pea sized midget who has a brush the size of a needle.
  21. Dun get me involved in your baby talks. :lame:
  22. Hey shouldn't you be resting instead of painting up such nice looking minis? Really great work & take care.
  23. The NNM on the blade is really mind blowing, as well as the little details on her bikini. It's hard for me to imagine a succubus having a good time at the beach however. And like Skya pointed out, more depths to the skin would be nice. Very nice mini overall.
  24. The 40mm Artemis is not even launched & we already saw 2 heavenly painted versions of her.
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