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Sonnia and consuming flame

Donut Assassin

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I think the answer is, "People are arguing about that to the extent that thread was closed because it was going in circles."


So... Maybe?


I'd actually like to know that as well :P I'd propably play it as no, because it's after damaging and damage kills the model but I can see how that starts going in circles.

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Really.... I'm new to the game and forums, but is there no one that makes official ruling for these kind of questions before they get out of hand. I'm used to playing warmachine hordes, and when a serious question is asked, if a official ruling is not already made, one gets made. My reason for why it would get burning before dieing is that there are already special action and rules that happen before death, such as dropping scheme markers. So normally one is damaged, and if enough damage occurs, then you die. But with her trigger you are damaged, then get burning, if enough damage occurs then you die.

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Don't special rules take precedence over normal rules, so as I was saying above, damage then burning then death.?


Well first of, welcome aboard! There are a few questions going around that usually just get closed here. :)


Also I just read your post and you have a good point there. I would also like to have something official on this question. I can see it going either way. 

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Don't special rules take precedence over normal rules, so as I was saying above, damage then burning then death.?

Only in the specific of the rule. If the rule says that it gives burning to enemies before they are killed, then it would take precedence. However, it is a trigger, and so it follows the trigger timing.

(unlike the witchlings Stalker, which follows ability timing.)


The order in which death is resolved is not particularly clear, but the simplest reading seems to say that a model is dead as soon as it gains enough damage to die, but not removed until all aspects of the action that killed it are resolved. Unfortunately, this also means that nobody can seem to agree as to whether it is possible for said model to gain things like burning.


it's a mess, and I hope that it gets a thorough answer in May.


If you would like, I can point you towards 2-3 threads in which the argument goes ad nauseum to as absurdium. And I think sandwiches were offered by the designers at one point.

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That situation is a bit different. It allows Collodi to cause the model to use a (1) AP action. It doesn't apply a condition. What exactly the difference is and if it matters, I can't really say. Like I said, I am so thoroughly ready to just get a better timing explanation that I stopped trying to draw conclusions. The arguments were contradictory at best.


For now, I'd honestly play it with a flip off(each flip a card, higher card wins) in friendly games, and as the TO wants in tourneys. There are just too many reasonable arguments both ways to see real agreement short of designer intervention.

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That situation is a bit different. It allows Collodi to cause the model to use a (1) AP action. It doesn't apply a condition. What exactly the difference is and if it matters, I can't really say. Like I said, I am so thoroughly ready to just get a better timing explanation that I stopped trying to draw conclusions. The arguments were contradictory at best.


That's true. Guess it's just best to wait until we get closed again :D

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I started the guild cause the plastic minis are awesome looking, and originally I wanted to run perdita. But sonnia really looks like a take all comers type if her crew is set up right. Create LOS blocking terrine, a 3" bubble ca actions with imprinted suit (can't lure Francisco away) she can be 8 defence, she can really start pushing forward and be protected, to create witchlings.

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Actually because Consuming Flame is a trigger it WILL resolve before removing the model.(Page 26 small rulebook) so reincarnation is possible.


Its Searing Mark from Witchling Stalkers which is a bit wishy washy in applying before the killed model is removed because its an ability. 

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Actually because Consuming Flame is a trigger it WILL resolve before removing the model.(Page 26 small rulebook) so reincarnation is possible.


Its Searing Mark from Witchling Stalkers which is a bit wishy washy in applying before the killed model is removed because its an ability. 


How do you apply an ability based on range to a model if that model is already removed when you apply it?

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What about if a model dies to burning condition, can I make a witchlings? Under burning condition, a model takes the damage. The remove the burning condition. The latter part is not a trigger. So would it be the model dies before the burning condition is removed (since the remove part is not a trigger, death comes before) ?

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We'll if didn't place a flame wall in front of my self or a dedicated melee or feed the melee monster with a guild hound or witchlings, then yes, I played stupidly.

Flamewall ends at the end of the round. Unless you are completely blocked off by other melee models, most crews can, if they win initiative, get in and eviscerate Sonnia. Granted, most can't do it in one activation, and Lady J is a melee beast, but generally speaking—and I am not the only one to experience this—she does best 8-12 inches away from the melee. It is possible to use her well in melee, but she is nowhere near as effective(although the avatar might change that) and she has a very low base Df.


Personally, I'd rather use a dog as a base to ping Fireblasts off of than a screen. I can deal more damage that way.

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