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Help with using Pandora


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Howdy all, so I'm getting back into malifaux after having last played back in 1.5, and I'm having problems wrapping my head around how to do use her crew to do damage. after learning I've been playing Pandora wrong with fading memories and Misery, I'm questions how she can get in 6 inches for misery to trigger with only one ability to trigger it herself. Also woe seem to die awfully easy for a 5SS model even with incorporeal due to there low speed (made up for the 8in placement) I guess im also looking for general advice to do some damage outta her crew and general advice on her specifically? My main opponents are Sonia cridd and Lady J, both are just murdering me with super range blasts and high WP subborn models.

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Sonia is unfortunately a real tough nut to crack; she can easily avoid your aura death bubble, sling fire at your poor incorporeal sorrows, and her witchlings love to jump into your death aura blowing up and set up Pandora for a fiery end. Borrow from lynch a little, models like illuminated and mr graves are tough, cheap and fast enough to get right onto Sonia. Waldgeists are tough and give you some cover from her fire-slinging.


Sorrows are all about using their 8" placement ability to get around. The poltergeist happens to be very fast and can make a great movement way point for sorrows.


For more damage I love the aforementioned Mr Graves, he hits hard, brings some utility, and can take some punishment. I've seen success with hiring bishop and charging into a master's face.

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sonnia is not stubbon and hitting her with her own gun or sword is fun. Having lady j Stab herself is always Great fun. but sorrows are fragile and i have a hard time taking a model that cant support it self very good. cant run off for objectives but for turf war they are fine. and paralyze seems good. poltergeist you want to activate early but it has not defenses. but if it does survive -wp duels is very very good. and stubborn does suck but hey if posible try focusing the action or give them negs also. that way its a fairer shot.

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My Pandora crew never sets foot on the table without Baby Kade and Teddy, nor without Candy, for that matter. Well, in smaller games I don't use Teddy, since he costs so much, but Baby Kade is definitely a beast in melée against other crews. Surprisingly good, in fact. And with a Df of 7, he can avoid lots of hit, especially if you have a decent hand to cheat fate.

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Pandora's Tactics are....Malleable she does things by her self and does not really care what her crew does. Sure then can help but she does not really buff them per say. Taking Kade and Teddy with everything in my opinion is not viable but thats jut me thats 18 stones (sans upgrades) that with a few lucky cards get nixed pretty easily. i Do take candy though since she is a control piece that does things.  Nekima can be fun for Dora because she cause WP duels on things and she adds much needed Hitty power. the Twins work well but i some times only take lilitu for the lure. Insidious madness has a sweet 4" aura that makes cheating more difficult.  so he tactica is what ever she needs for the strategy tbh

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Is there a tactica on here for Pandora? Or is the closest thing the "i cant play against pandora" thread.

Not on here as such, but you can read my blog, one of the early entires is a detailed Pandora tactica.


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For me:

Box opens - natural choice. Making her terrifying 13 all gives her great defence and another way of triggering misery another time. The added ability to force a horror test I almost never use, but it's occasionally a good option to have.

Running your opponent out of cards is very useful - this upgrade helps it happen.

Voices - only some models are good targets for self loathing and self harm - generally you are looking for models with large damage profiles and hopefully low willpower. With voices, then ANY model is a viable target. Paralyse is a great condition to spam out.

To take it though, you need to remove a layer of protection (from the box opens) from pandora, so you must plan/play this carefully.

Fugue state - will win you some games. Nullify is amazing in games of squatter's rights and stake a claim - or if distract or cursed object is in the scheme pool. Shutting down interact actions is plain nasty. The fact that this will also do damage through misery makes it amazing. Look for opportunities to take it.

Cry for me - dropping out negative flips on Wp duels will enhance the whole crew, and combines well with the box opens as protection (and misery damage outlet) for pandora. Furthermore, it makes her attacks count for more (although it does reduce the number of attacks too) It does compete with other upgrades though, so there is not always room.

Fears given form - not pandora specific, but really well suited to her! It's a Df duel, so complements rather than synergies with her misery. Her 3" engagement range makes this upgrade epic and drags cards out of opponents hands - or crushes model near it making them easier for her, and her team to kill.

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Taking Kade and Teddy with everything in my opinion is not viable but thats jut me thats 18 stones (sans upgrades) that with a few lucky cards get nixed pretty easily. i Do take candy though since she is a control piece that does things.  


I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I quite often take Teddy and Kade, they work quite well as their own unit and can operate independently or in concert with the rest of the crew depending on need. However I never bother taking Candy. To me she just sort of wanders around the table, wish she could be as cool as Pandora and doesn't really do anything. I get that she can be effective, but to me there is no fun to be had in using her.

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Another option for survivability is Barbaros, his challenge covers a wide area and if you are handing out debuffs to wp it can be really annoying to try and get through, and with the ability to nimble and double defensive stance into position Barbaros can be a tough nut to crack.

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