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Malifaux Shirts?


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If you're interested in growing your local Malifaux community, consider becoming a Henchman. They do great things and often times are rewarded for it... Including.... (drumroll please)... Free apparel.


I know that whenever I go to events wearing my Henchman shirt I feel like a walking billboard in the sense that I am spreading the word about something I love to bits (Chompy Bits?). Wearing that shirt also means I'm the man in charge (unless there's a Henchman who I feel outranks me - there is no hierarchy for the most part but it's based on experience if so). Therefore, if you're serious about community growth, make sure you are prepped for questions and concerns. LOTS of them. But on the whole, that isn't even a bad thing as it raises your own awareness of the rules and the intricacies of the game and of the company. :)


Hope this helps some.


~Lil Kalki

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If you're interested in growing your local Malifaux community, consider becoming a Henchman. They do great things and often times are rewarded for it... Including.... (drumroll please)... Free apparel.

I am considering putting in for Henchman, it's just a matter of getting two painted crews together. I need to finish up painting my Mei Feng crew, and get a second crew to lend for demo purposes. Probably Lady Justice, I've heard she's really easy to run for someone who's never played Malifaux before.

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