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The Plague Cometh


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Anybody tryed a Hamelin using nix to bring dogs guild hounds and or canine remains keep looking at the idea of them but not tryed them love crooligans now and they can get poison out witch the canine remains get the charge buff off any thoughts or advice or experience running them would be great cheers

I have not used Guild Hounds (or Crooligans) with Hamelin yet but I am definitely a big fan of Canines with him. They make REEEEEEALLY good objective runners and can hold their own quite well too.

I approve.


~Lil Kalki

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So I tried the previously mentioned list and well. It doesn't work.


Now I need to order a lot of new models before I can get Hamlen to work.

Back to the drawing board.

why didn't it work? How many times did you try it out with each strategy? I am certain it can work in certain scenarios. But then, I'm not an expert of Hamelin haha :)


~Lil Kalki

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I'm still learning Hamelin!


His core crew is plenty strong!


The things I've learned most recently:

- Don't take Bodyguard on Nix. Just don't. Maybe take Frame For Murder on Nix. But not Bodyguard.

- Figure out your opponent's Schemes. If any of them involve Scheme Markers, be ready to make everything better with a Rat King.

- Dissolve a Rat King once you've ruined opponents Scheme Markers. Then make more Rat Kings.

- Each Rat-Maker should make rats every Activation.

- Crooligans are great objective-runners. Keep them hidden!

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Yep, you can certainly get by with just Hamelin, Nix, Rats, Rat Kings, Stolen, Rat Catchers and the Obedient Wretch. If you play a bunch of learning games using just the core stuff, it will serve you well once you start mixing in other spicy flavours like Killjoy or Convict Gunslingers (or whatever else takes your fancy). Get the basics down first, then start experimenting. ;)

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So I got in a game tonight with a more core Hamlin list. Hamlin, Nix, 2 Rat catchers, Obedient Wrench, Stolen, and Baby Kade and a Ronin.


Man it was crazy,  All I have to say is I need more rat models.  I ran out of models with 8 rats on the table and two rat kings.  It was crazy!



I was playing against Marcus, so I had a lot more activations.


Will be interesting to try it out on a more shooty list like perdita or Raspy.


But it was a whole lot of fun.

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