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Silly question time!!


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If a model is rare 2 does that mean you can only ever have 2 on the table at any one time? Say one is then killed but I'm able to summon that model again am I allowed to then bring a new one back to the table I still only have 2 on the table but have used three! Hope this makes sense

Cheers guys

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Oh, I should be clear - I'm going off memory there (no rulebook to hand), so if someone could check the exact wording, that would be good. 


Though buried doesn't count as in play if I remember right - if you bury one you can summon a new one, but the unbury will fail and the buried model will vanish if there's two already on play, I believe.


I'd get someone with a book to confirm that though, the wording will be key there and I'm not going to be near the rulebook for a while!

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