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Returning player with Perdita


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Back in 1st edition, I bought the Ortegas box. At the time only two of us really played. In the last week, a few of us decided to get Malifaux going at our store. I have bought the 2nd edition rule book, so I am reading up on that. I also have the updated cards.

The only models I own are the Ortegas from the box. Should my next purchase be Perdita's totem? Can't remember what it is called. Where should I go after that? Most people are only playing with the starting boxes right now. So I guess around 35ish points/soul stones. Thanks for any help! Looking forward to playing again.

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Perdita's totem is the Enslaved Nephilim.  I think it is defibitley worth picking up.  If you want the rest of the "family", you can also get Abuela Ortega and the three pack of Latigo Pistoleros if you really want to try a maximized Family crew.  I would definitley agree with Tuttleboy on the recommendation of a Guild Austringer, and would get him before any of those though.  GA is a great model at a bargain SS cost.

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Thank you for the replies! I will be picking up the Nephilim next then. In the new cards that I bought, I did not see updated cards for Abuela and the Pistoleros. Do I just use the cards that will come with them? Will also look at the guild austringer as well. Thanks!

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The cards for Abuela and the Pistoleros just finished beta, and will be avaialable in there final form (though without art) beginning I belive February 10th for download and printing, with the rest of the wave 2 model cards.  Later this year they will be available as hard copies through the Arsenal decks with full art

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Abuela and the Pistoleroes ate wave two models - their finalised stat cards will be available to download on the 14th February.

I haven't tried Abuela, but the pistoleroes are great. Cheap enough to do the objective work while the family gets down to killing things, plus they have some great synergy with family models, particularly in keeping them alive.

I've also used a brutal effigy. It's another cheap minion model, plus you can get alot of use out of it's (0) action to let the leader heal or draw a card whenever she damages/kills a model.

Austringers are great, but I feel like the Ortegas don't need the additional shooting. Deliver Orders is great with the right objectives, but otherwise I'd prefer to take a pistolero.

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1. Enslaved Nephilim

2. Pistoleros

3. Witchling Stalker

4. Abuela


The Nephilim is virtually auto-include........the movement abilities alone are worth it.


Pistoleros have come to be a very nice model....they are useful in all phases of the turn.


Some of the family still have the Shrug Off ability, but the two most important ones don't....'Dita and 'Cisco. A Stalker with his Dispel Magic ability can be extremely useful.


I added Abuela just because she is Family.........I don't know how often I'll personally field her.


Ortegas don't need no stinkin' Austringers.

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What about upgrade cards? Last time I played, in first, we didn't have upgrade cards. Are there certain upgrades that are auto include or I should stay away from? I believe we will be playing at 35ss for now since most only own the box sets and not many figs after that.


Looking at running:


Enslaved Nephilim






Leaves me with 3ss left for upgrades. Or should I drop a family member to add more upgrade possibilities?


*Edit* Of course this is until I start get the Pistoleros, Abuela, etc.

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I think it's better to figure out those subtleties yourself. Everyone's play-style is different, and what works for me, might not feel right to you. Play it as is.......then...drop either Nino or Papa and throw in some upgrades.....or just increase the game size to accommodate the upgrades. I believe the Ortega box can run 50ss with just them and all of their possible upgrades.

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Tonight I played a 35ss game against Lady Justice and her box crew. I ran the list above and only had 2ss left. I took the upgrade on Fancisco Wade In, which proved to be what kept him in the game and allowed me to be a little more up front with him. Perdita had Trick Shooting.


I killed all of his Death Marshals and Perdita shot Lady J to pieces leaving her with 3 health. I had my chance with Papa so I took it. I walked him up and used his rng 4 6 dmg tac ability. I caught LJ and the Judge in the path. He used a ss on each flip to make it a positive...it took the second flip both times to keep them from taking damage. /facepalm. After that things just fell apart and he ended up winning with just Santiago and the Nephlem on the table.


We had reckoning and I took Plant Evidence and Assassinate.


Now to the list. I saw the importance of having a lost of SS. I believe my opponent had 4 starting out and bought 2 more. That is what won him the game. If I had to choose, one model that I could take out might be Nino. His gun looks nice, but I never got to do headshot. Either had the suit/not in range, or in range/do not have the suit. 


Was thinking of something like this:

Guild Crew - Dustup
Perdita Ortega -- 4 Pool
 +Os Veo
 +Trick Shooting
Enslaved Nephilim 
Francisco Ortega
 +Wade In
Papa Loco
Santiago Ortega
 +Hair Trigger
Any glaring weaknesses with this list? Will only 5 models hurt me?
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You're playing 10-15ss less than I usually play, so I don't know if it'll hurt you or not, but I seriously doubt it.


Play one this way, then switch and give Papa the Hair Trigger upgrade.......3 Dynamite tosses is fun.


Also, Hermanos De Armas is fun to throw in for some extra movement.

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1. Enslaved Nephilim

2. Pistoleros

3. Witchling Stalker

4. Abuela


The Nephilim is virtually auto-include........the movement abilities alone are worth it.


Pistoleros have come to be a very nice model....they are useful in all phases of the turn.


Some of the family still have the Shrug Off ability, but the two most important ones don't....'Dita and 'Cisco. A Stalker with his Dispel Magic ability can be extremely useful.


I added Abuela just because she is Family.........I don't know how often I'll personally field her.


Ortegas don't need no stinkin' Austringers.


I couldn't agree with this more. I've never used Abuela with my crew but all of the others are fantastic additions to an Ortega themed crew. Definitely the Nephilim, it's worth it's weight in gold! As for Austringers, they work well with any Guild crew so if your interested give them a go but the Ortega's being so shooty don't NEED them. Papa Loco is already really good fun and worth a go

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I suggested this in a similar thread about expanding on Lady J, but it seems relevant here too.

The Pale Rider:

He is a super mobile firing platform, but that's not the real reason to take him with the family (Ortega's can be surprisingly mobile and of course very shooty). Take him for schemes. He can zero action push 4 inches to place a scheme marker, then walk another 6, then place another scheme marker. I usually use him to do schemes for the first couple of turns, then later game when his armour is up and his last crossing ability is easy to pull off, charge him in and kill something big.

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