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I almost always take convict gunslinger w/my Seamus crews. I did play a interesting game against Rasputina the other day, which was:

Seamus w/Red Chapel Killer & Bag O' tools

Copycat Killer

3x Crooligans

2x Night Terrors


Bete Noir w/Decaying Aura

The Strategy was Turfwar & my Schemes where Assassinate & Breakthrough, my opponent did't want to kill anything of mine.

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How are ressers not bringing Johan? Sure he costs 7ss for us, but he's got hard to kill, 8 wds, melee range of 3 which ties in great with unnerving aura. AND BEST OF ALL has rebel yell which needs a 4 of rams or better which we generally dont care about (aside from bette) which removes a condition.

Which is great at the best of times, but combine it with nurses, so you fully heal and paralyse whatever model then you accomplice johan to remove the paralyse. Sure you're not going to be doing this every turn but the turns you dont you have a solid hitter with flurry.

Gives you more options like morty can go crazier with corpse bloat who needs a spleen stuff, you can heal up flesh construct summons so no need to discard the extra counter for the trigger on reanimator etc.

Basically use johan is awesome!

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I've actually had good luck running with Hans in recent games. My local players are VERY heavy on ranged attacks, and Hans ability to fire into melee from 28 inches away is incredibly useful. He's a dainty flower though and a VERY high priority target, so keep an eye on him.

He's gotten a lot of flack on these boards because of his "Smile you son of a... " ability, but I think in all the games I've fielded him in, I've only actually seriously considered it once. Generally I have too many other important things to do with my high cards and especially my crows. (it's going to need either an 11 of higher of crows, or 11 or higher of anything AND another crow). I'm primarily a Nico/Seamus/McMourning player though and I don't think he gets really bad without Tara along.

Getting back on topic, Taelor is also incredibly useful for shutting down summoning crews with her Welcome to Malifaux ability. I REALLY hope that she either gets released solo (never going to happen) or else she, Hans, and Johan get released as a box together.

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