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Hello! Expanding Ten Thunders.

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Hi all, recently gotten into Malifaux and am really enjoying the game. After a few demo games with the local henchman I've ended up with the Misaki box set, Yamaziko and three Oiran in my crew. Whilst I have a few beatsticks in they group already (literally for Ototo!) I'm finding the torakage and Oiran don't synergies well with my units. They don't seem to pull any weight in the crew.

my next purchases are going to be the archers and mini rulebook. Has anyone got any suggestions of where to go from here with this crew? I'm trying to stick to ten thunders theem still but I'm not afraid to touch outcasts such as Ronin etc.

Finally I see in the wave 1 cards there is a Gatling gun wielding samurai dude, any ideas if were getting a model of him soon 'cause he look sweet!

Thanks again!


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Many on the board will agree Oiran are not exactly the best of models. Torakage are one of our best. That is for the most part it of current models that are pure 10t on the box. Every thing else is split faction. I would recommend you look at Dark Debts box set to expand from there. You need to keep in mind the 10t are all about infiltrating the other factions so most all of there stuff is 10t and another faction.

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I think Oiran are decent, but they're really more of a support model and I don't think you'd want more than one in your crew.

Torakage are less about punching and more about achieving objectives. Their high mobility and defense combined with their ability to just walk out of combat makes them pretty slippery.

Thunder Archers are definitely worth adding, but if you're after more punch in melee then look into getting either Mei Feng's or Jakob Lynch's box. Rail Workers, Illuminated and Kang can all be taken in your 10-Thunders Misaki crew, and are all decent in combat even without the additonal synergy from their parent crew.

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