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Ressurectionists vs Ramos


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I have all the 2e Wave 1 Resser models now. McMourning's ability to ignore armor definitely helped against Joss last night, but I couldn't keep up the summoning, and since there were no living models outside of Ramos or Joss to make Flesh Constructs out of I was being slowly overrun by spiders. Luckily, the game ended on turn 5 or I'd have lost my advantage from puppies dropping scheme markers earlier in the game.

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First of all remember the spiders cant interact the turn they are summoned, so for scheme markers etc you just need to deal with last turn's spiders.

Crooked men are pretty effective against them especially in a mcm crew as they get summoned close together the blast from their ranged weapon should hit. So thats 1 dmg there at least from the initial, then they get poison on them so should die unless healed (and he's unlikely to heal terrible spiders he just summoned).

Other ways to get rid of them en masse with doug are (well not limited to doug but more likely to have seb + nurse with him) have seb in the thick of it get a nurse to jab him twice for 8 poison, then he does his bloody harvest once or twice depending how much you need to move. the spiders will need to hit df 16 duels to prevent taking 4 dmg so 3 after armour. They'll be needed 10s to stop it. And you can do this without any time for the opponent to counter via chain activation from the nurse's accomplice.

Again in a doug crew the zombie chihuahua can just walk up and fart 2 poison on all of them which basically puts them back into the ground especially when seb is near (remember poison ignores armour).

For masters other than doug i'd probably stay away from seamus in a ramos match up if you're trying to kill spiders en masse that is. I think he can take out ramos and the big stuff just fine with the amount of discard two cards or stones or flat out die his crew has(sybelle, himself with upgrade, cck, combined with the belles trigger of discard a card).

For nico i've played against ramos and had success using crooked men as stated above but also the shadow embrace upgrade which gives you the trigger to decay where after kill a target you get to make a re-animator action at +2 to cast. So effectively with stones or the right hand you get to kill 3 spiders a turn plus summon 3 new undead models (im assuming morty is in the crew and running around hitting stuff dropping counters) potential of 6 casts plus the (0) from nico is pretty huge and i found him to be a great counter to ramos, particularly if he's summoning 2-3 spiders per cast so they start pretty beat up. It may be resource heavy for one turn but after you kill 3 spiders in a turn and they become 3 punk zombies either your opponent will think twice about summoning so much or the punk zombies will just shred anything he summons or both.

Fighting ramos is one of the only times i can think of that when playing tara is actually worth spending the stone to get off the sympathetic echoes trigger on her sword.

If you didnt want to stay in ressers solely, Taelor is huge against against summoners and her hammer gets a double positive against constructs. Not to mention Melee of 7 compared to their starting melee of 6 gives you an advantage already.

Failing that just do what ressers always do so effectively, tie up what you dont want to deal with just yet with chaffed, then isolate the threats, debuff them with dogs and whatever master's spells you have.

Oh actually just thought of another way you can stop them with doug. they all summon within 2 inches of a scrap counter so just get him in close (where he'll be anyway) rancid transplant one until the others die from taking wds and being undead then the last one with around 18 poison on it just gets turned into a flesh construct via expunge.

Id say doug would be my go to guy for the match up, followed by nico as he just does everything so well.

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Yeah I think with Nico you'd have to run Mortimer in that match up to make sure you get any corpse counters. Even Joss can drop a scheme since he's a construct too. UGGHH.

I liked McM against him, I'll have to remember the nurse + Sebastian trick. I generally use Flesh Constructs as transfer targets, but spider swarms ate him alive that game and hard. So far, Ramos has been the most trouble for me, well him and Lynch. That, however, is for another thread.

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Had a look over my post again and realised i didnt list the main reason for taking taelor vs summoners. Thats her (0)welcome to malifaux, assuming you didnt realise that already.

I dont think i'd ever consider using nico without morty, he just does so much for him. Things like hallucinations on punk zombies (+ fast) or whatever and fresh meat them into whatever you want them to shred.

Spider swarms ate the flesh construct? I guess i think about them differently as i never hire them with mcm they only come from expunges for me. So if they are wasting activations killing what is essentially a freebie from killing a model of there's i'll class that as a win for me, pseudo paralyse if you will?

Lynch doesnt like decaying aura or bette, but as you as another thread we can talk about that.

Let us know how you go with that stuff, keen to hear!

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Ramos can be deceptively slippery and hard to put down, despite being somewhat "slow".

He can use Magnetism to both add 6" to his movement, or to push out of engagement.

Additionally, despite his sad Df 4, he has Armor +2 for mitigation, his Opportunist, to heal off the death of nearby constructs (especially useful since he can mag of an injured construct for the move and heal as the mag kills it), and his charge stopping Repulsion trigger to keep him alive.

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Other ways to get rid of them en masse with doug are (well not limited to doug but more likely to have seb + nurse with him) have seb in the thick of it get a nurse to jab him twice for 8 poison, then he does his bloody harvest once or twice depending how much you need to move. the spiders will need to hit df 16 duels to prevent taking 4 dmg so 3 after armour. They'll be needed 10s to stop it. And you can do this without any time for the opponent to counter via chain activation from the nurse's accomplice.

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Ramos can be deceptively slippery and hard to put down, despite being somewhat "slow".

He can use Magnetism to both add 6" to his movement, or to push out of engagement.

Additionally, despite his sad Df 4, he has Armor +2 for mitigation, his Opportunist, to heal off the death of nearby constructs (especially useful since he can mag of an injured construct for the move and heal as the mag kills it), and his charge stopping Repulsion trigger to keep him alive.

Also, keep in mind that if Ramos takes the arcing screen upgrade, he is effected by said :aura. Df4 with :+fate is a lot harder to hit than mere Df 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget the Skin Graft abilty on the Plastic Surgery upgrade, it makes all models in :aura 3 count as being undead. This means you can turn spiders into dogs and or Flesh Constructs!

Wow- I had only thought about using it for things targeting undead: I hadn't considered that half, really excited to try out McM now!

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Do not get into an attrition fight with Ramos. You will lose. Complete your strategy and schemes and only worry about the Spiders if they can stop you. If those Spiders can stop you for whatever reason, then kill whatever is necessary to stop it and nothing else.


I had totally missed this - great point, now that I know that I think I feel much more confident against Ramos next time! 

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