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new to neverborn want to start jacob lynch


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so im usualy a guild player (lady justice) and looking at the plastic sculpts for 2.0 and jacob really stood out to me.

i know some of his key models arent updated yet (and its annoying to have to get 2 arsenal boxes and later a third) but i do have the beta rules for them.

i wanted to start at 35 ss.

my first purchase would be his starter box obviously, but im not a big fan of the illuminated mini being devoured by that big creature, and i figured 2 illuminated would be enough,

then my next purchase would be beckoners and i read everywhere 1 was enough, then i wanted to get big ole mr graves (so far in beta he 8 ss) sooo

jacob lynch: cache 1ss

hungering darkness:

beckoner: 7ss

mr graves: 8ss

2*illuminated: 14ss

leaving 6ss for upgrades and extra ss

whats everyones suggestions

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At 35ss I would run almost exactly what you described, schemes depending.

Jakob Lynch -- 3 Pool

+Addict [1]

+The Rising Sun [2]

Hungering Darkness [0]

+Fears Given Form [1]

Mr Graves [8]

Beckoner [7]

The Illuminated [7]

The Illuminated [7]

You have to prioritize using the few SS you have to keeping Jakob alive. I took something like this against my friend's Rasputina crew in 30ss (minus an Illuminated and fears given form, add in woke up with a hand and some stones) and ended the game by just annihilating the opposing crew leaving me up 2vp. It wasn't one sided by a long shot, I ended the game with only Huggy alive, and he had to be zombied back into play. It's a crew that gives you some movement tricks, some good damage output, and a couple of really tough pieces. You could shave the Becky in some set ups for more stones and maybe a tot or depleted, although that means buying even more models.

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well im pleased it worked for you, gives me more incentive to invest in this crew :D

later when i expand me crew i will be buying the depleted, im a big fan of them, this is my first monster crew so i want some nasties in there, mr tannen does intrigue me on account of having graves in there but id prefer the depleted

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the illuminated you don't like is my favorite one. i'm not a fan of the fishface chick.

i've been tearing stuff up with

Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap

Jakob Lynch -- 7 Pool

+Expert Cheater [2]

+The Rising Sun [2]

+Woke Up With A Hand [2]

  • Hungering Darkness [0]
    +Addict [1]
  • Terror Tot [4]
  • The Illuminated [7]
  • The Illuminated [7]
  • The Illuminated [7]

and 3 depleted.

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I am a fan of the following list

Lynch- cache 5

woke up with a hand

Rising sun

want to see a trick

Huggy 1


Illuminated 7ss

Illuminated 7ss

2 terror tots 8

Doppelgänger 7


Best behaviour

Fears given form

50ss list which has a solid core of huggy, x2 illuminated and lynch. Tots candy and ganger grab objective. Ganger can also link with illuminate and huggy for greater dmg output and candy can also run interference...

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I'm not a big fan of addict - if an opponent already has brilliance then the illuminated and hungering darkness already have enough buffs against them.

I never leave home without expert cheater though - it's one of Lynch's thematic upgrades that makes him great fun to play with and against. It also gives you squeal which is very useful for keeping Jacob alive.

I'm also a fan of Mr Tannen - primarily because of his cooler aura. He's probably better saved for larger games where I'd also recommend taking a 2nd beckoner - the more I've played Lynch the more invaluable they've felt.

Rising Sun and Endless Hunger are equally good. I like to mix them up to keep my opponent on their toes. But if I'm playing someone he I know has the ability to put Huggy down quickly, then I'll go for Rising Sun - Endless Hunger makes him feel like you're playing with two masters...it's very potent. Plus Endless hunger makes him 'terrifying all' which can be a great way of dealing with swarms of pesky constructs.

Last point - I've taken to putting fears given form on Huggy. That combined with terrifying makes him chew through opponents hands. Get Mr Tannen's aura into range and you create a huge problem for your opponent.

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I'm not a big fan of addict - if an opponent already has brilliance then the illuminated and hungering darkness already have enough buffs against them.

You can never have enough buffs against something and I say that without any irony. Addict is 1ss and gives a positive twist to both attack and damage. I've had Beckoners blast people off the table with Addict. If you can't find 1ss for that, you're not trying.

I never leave home without expert cheater though - it's one of Lynch's thematic upgrades that makes him great fun to play with and against. It also gives you squeal which is very useful for keeping Jacob alive.

Tried it a bit, Expert Cheater was fun, but Lynch has nothing but good upgrades which is why it's found itself sidelined for Woke Up With a Hand, Wanna See a Trick and Rising Sun. Not to mention that Squeel is very hit or miss as to whether it does anything and Lynch is made of such glass that if you're in a position to be attacked it generally won't save you. It's a cool thematic upgrade, but I'd rather have Lynch remove 2 models every turn.

I'm also a fan of Mr Tannen - primarily because of his cooler aura. He's probably better saved for larger games where I'd also recommend taking a 2nd beckoner - the more I've played Lynch the more invaluable they've felt.

Agree all the way, Tannen is money you just need things like Beckoners or Graves to get him in position before he activates.

Rising Sun and Endless Hunger are equally good. I like to mix them up to keep my opponent on their toes. But if I'm playing someone he I know has the ability to put Huggy down quickly, then I'll go for Rising Sun - Endless Hunger makes him feel like you're playing with two masters...it's very potent. Plus Endless hunger makes him 'terrifying all' which can be a great way of dealing with swarms of pesky constructs.

Honestly I've found myself not caring about the fate of Huggy beyond how he can get in the way which has led to a religious use of Rising sun to allow him to get in the way more. Also Wanna See a Trick and Rising Sun usually equals 3 points for bodyguard since your bodyguard target only has to be on the table at the end of the turn for points.

Last point - I've taken to putting fears given form on Huggy. That combined with terrifying makes him chew through opponents hands. Get Mr Tannen's aura into range and you create a huge problem for your opponent.

I've stopped using Fears Given Form just because it affects friendlies and with a 3" melee range it's hard to not be in the in the range with your own models. On top of that I've never had it make any real game impact. Advantages of having my opponent occasionally have to cheat a high card is outweighed by my own crew having to occasionally cheat a high card. Its a 1ss upgrade that annoys your opponent while messing up your own positioning and activations. It gets a pass from me every time.

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A note on Fears Given Form, it can be useful. I used it on Pandora and Candy last week to tie up and kill Yan Lo, Chiaki, Soul Porter, Izamu and a Hanged. It helped that his hand wasn't great, but so did him having to burn cards to keep people alive. I find the opposite of what Mastershake says to be true. With a 3" engagement range it's pretty easy to keep my models out of the aura by abusing Candy/Pandora's range.

To the OP, I'm glad you're looking at Lynch. He is super fun and very solid.

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You can never have enough buffs against something and I say that without any irony. Addict is 1ss and gives a positive twist to both attack and damage. I've had Beckoners blast people off the table with Addict. If you can't find 1ss for that, you're not trying.

In all honesty I've never taken it - I'll give it a whirl on my next game as an attachment to Huggy.

Tried it a bit, Expert Cheater was fun, but Lynch has nothing but good upgrades which is why it's found itself sidelined for Woke Up With a Hand, Wanna See a Trick and Rising Sun. Not to mention that Squeel is very hit or miss as to whether it does anything and Lynch is made of such glass that if you're in a position to be attacked it generally won't save you. It's a cool thematic upgrade, but I'd rather have Lynch remove 2 models every turn.

I don't power game (I'm not accusing you of this btw) as I want to play games which are fun for both me and my opponent. I particularly like Expert Cheater as it adds a new bluffing dimension to the game - whilst I appreciate it might not be the most potent upgrade he has, it is always my first pick.

I've stopped using Fears Given Form just because it affects friendlies and with a 3" melee range it's hard to not be in the in the range with your own models. On top of that I've never had it make any real game impact. Advantages of having my opponent occasionally have to cheat a high card is outweighed by my own crew having to occasionally cheat a high card. Its a 1ss upgrade that annoys your opponent while messing up your own positioning and activations. It gets a pass from me every time.

Holy crapola - I've not been playing it where it effects my models. I have a few apologies to make...

---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

To the OP, I'm glad you're looking at Lynch. He is super fun and very solid.

+1 to this. Lynch has been a very rewarding master to play to date. Competitive and, most importantly, fun.

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Fears Given form is a totally different story with Pandora. I use it on her and Nekima every time I run them. Making them cheat away good cards with a Pandora crew is how she wins though.

I don't like addict that much, but I have a hard time setting up brilliance though. Maybe just my play style. I play Lynch really aggressive.

Edited by phreaker187
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Beckoners are the best way to give out brilliance, and keep it up. They are great models but I have found them to be very squishy... I have had good success without them using huggy to dish out brilliance and then wailing in with illuminated... Not many things survive 2 minimum dmg 4 cheat able attacks (with addict!) lynch can also give out brilliance... I've quite enjoyed the following combo: move into range (6"), shoot pith holdout pistol and give out brilliance...cast debt spell so that the model takes a hefty whack of dmg (woke up with a hand and the aces you get to keep should mean this is quite high!) then chuck down my aces for upto 8 additional dmg....!

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I don't power game (I'm not accusing you of this btw) as I want to play games which are fun for both me and my opponent. I particularly like Expert Cheater as it adds a new bluffing dimension to the game - whilst I appreciate it might not be the most potent upgrade he has, it is always my first pick.

You say it like its an accusation I would care about. I look for optimal combos, if you find that distasteful you're free to that opinion.

Fears Given form is a totally different story with Pandora. I use it on her and Nekima every time I run them. Making them cheat away good cards with a Pandora crew is how she wins though.

Never really considered it with Dora mostly because it's a non-Wp duel, so she has no interactions with it (also she has a 3" melee range so she generally needs to be away from the rest of the crew for it to work and her crews gets really clustered really fast). Even the few times I mistakenly played it as only my opponents models it was a firmly meh upgrade.

I don't like addict that much, but I have a hard time setting up brilliance though. Maybe just my play style. I play Lynch really aggressive.

How do you not hand out Brilliance? Huggy and Becknoners have auto triggers, Play for Blood doesn't even need to damage the target and has a Ca of 8 and his holdout can do it if you have and mask in your hand. I play Lynch aggressively as well and I hand out Brilliance like candy.

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i run FGF on pandora and candy in my pandora list. pandora can sub in WP when she tests off candy for an extra 4" boost. if you're worried about it then activate the FGF model first and move it out of the way.

i regularly take FGF and addict on huggy. between cheating up Df duels and horror duels you can really get the decent cards out of someone's hand. it's not so bad if an illuminated fails the FGF duel if it has no damage on it.

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i run FGF on pandora and candy in my pandora list. pandora can sub in WP when she tests off candy for an extra 4" boost. if you're worried about it then activate the FGF model first and move it out of the way.

you really can't, for her to push 4" it must be "an opposed Wp duel against an enemy model". Fears given form is none of that.

i regularly take FGF and addict on huggy. between cheating up Df duels and horror duels you can really get the decent cards out of someone's hand. it's not so bad if an illuminated fails the FGF duel if it has no damage on it.

You occasionally get high cards from them, minor damage or force different activations, but they get the same against you and you're the one who paid for it. Never seemed like a good tradeoff and again never really mattered to a degree where I was like "this is totally worth it".

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Didn't realize they fixed Wanna See a Trick?. It was so bad at the end of beta I didn't give it a second look.

Now it looks like a must have with Lynch. An extra 2-8 damage just for holding cards you wouldn't be using anyway is pretty dang good.

Yeah, combo's well with Woke up With a Hand, since that encourages you to activate him after the rest of your crew has milled through your deck for aces (and draws extra cards) and holding the aces for his activation makes Final Debt brutally hard hitting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, combo's well with Woke up With a Hand, since that encourages you to activate him after the rest of your crew has milled through your deck for aces (and draws extra cards) and holding the aces for his activation makes Final Debt brutally hard hitting.

First off, I'm still very new at this game. But I'm liking Jakob and his crew a lot.

Secondly, could someone explain this to me? I like the idea of comboing these two together, but it relies on Jakob to go last to get those two extra cards. And generally if he's going last, I've used at least a couple cards as cheats by then, so it really feels like this upgrade is a wash to me.

So far, my 35ss crew is this:


-Rising Sun






This leaves 11 left over, which I'm still toying around with. I thought about trying Teddy out at some point, he seems like he could work well in this crew.

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Hey madman, welcome to the game, and the exciting world of Jakob Lynch's cheaty-face-bad-guy-ness!

Between picking up extra aces, drawing two cards for going last, and just in general having better cards in hand to cheat with, you would be surprised how many cards Jakob will still have in hand by the time he activates last. The two abilities on woke up with a hand look like a non-bo on paper, but I can tell you from experience that it doesn't usually play out that way. I will generally activate Lynch, draw the two cards, and have a about 6 cards in hand, leaving plenty of damage to be dealt with final debt. Heck, if you end up with 4 cards in hand you're still doing a lot of Dmg with a really high Ca attack. As for 'Wanna See a Trick'...? I don't know, I never take it, but that's more because I can't spare an upgrade slot for it, not because it's bad. If you're lucky enough to hoard some aces for this it is some very easy free damage, but you're at the whims of the flips, you have to prioritize keeping aces with (0)mulligan, and as I mentioned I usually have Jakob full of other upgrades.

For your 35ss list, you have the bare bones down. Those are the models and upgrades that you will almost always take. The final 11ss can be split amongst some more models and adding to your ss pool. I would suggest adding some stones to your pool as you're going to want to Dmg prevent on Lynch. I'd shy away from taking Teddy outside of a very kill-heavy strategy/scheme pool, as you run the risk of getting out activated and not having any stones left to protect Lynch. Good bets are adding some terror tots for scheme grabbing (tots plus the ace:masks makes for some serious speed) depleted for objective holding, or just another illuminated + upgrades and stones since they pretty much rock all around and extra stones help a lot.

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