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Seamus' list ideas?

Dr. Pokett

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I find I prefer Seamus with Schemes focused on Killing a single target, like assassinate or Murder Protege' because he has the ap and dmg potential pick off a high value target but isn't a favorite when killing multiple models is must a turn. 


agree Postional schemes he is king at, between his ability to just appear places, to trigger off bag of tools to drop scheme markers, Having High mobility in himself and his crew he can do these well. He also is very good at scheme denial again with his Bag o Tools upgrade he can make models insignificant as can his man lady sybelle.

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New Seamus question: Are there any particular schemes you prefer with Seamus (and crew) over another?

Explanations are encouraged. :)



This question is a little harder to answer because it will depend on your crew "build" and the strategy of the game and to a certain degree who you are facing.


But here is a quick run down of my opinions on your options.


A Line in the sand: good if you've got a few canine remains or other runners.

Distract: I HATE this scheme so avoid taking it with any master/crew however with belles - lure-pounce-distract.

Breakthrough: this one can work very nicely with Seamus' crew if your luring your own troops round and using back alley alot.

Assassinate: This will depend on what Master your opponent is playing but can be one where Seamus and Sybelle shine.

Protect territory: again with belle's luring and Seamus' back alley this one works well but you'll want a tank or two.

Bodyguard: Dependent on your opponent but Sybelle can work as a tank for this if you give her the right support.

Cursed object Belle - Lure-pounce-cursed object (don't forget you can always lure your belles back out with another belle.

Outflank: again with belles luring your own tropps and Seamus' back-alley this should not be too much of an issue.

Plant evidence: "see outflank or breakthrough"

Entourage: this one really should not need explaining.

Vendetta: this one can be a little bit harder, the belle's 18" lure counting as an attack and casting on 7 helps (2vp is easy - 3 is not)

Plant explosives: This is very good due to the number of lures you'll be running

Make them suffer: with Sybelle and Seamus working together this can work on your favor opponent depending.

Deliver the message: cluster your belles and lure

Take prisoner: due to the surviivability of belles and the positioning ability of lure this is also an easy one (2vp shoul not be a problem)

Spring the trap: "See deliver the message/ plant explosives"

Murder Protege "see make them suffer"

Frame for Murder: This will depend on your opponents  hostility level but painting a bullseye on one model can make this easy.

Power Ritual: "see break through and outflank"



So as you can see in my opinion if you are taking a standard Seamus crew most scheme pools should give you a few nice options to work with.


It's probably not much help but it might give you a few ideas as to what to look for, I hope it helps but remember all your choices must suit your crew, your strategy and what you expect to be facing

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To start off with, sorry if i double up on something already said :)


Usually when i play Seamus, my focus points are this:


  1. Positioning: Allways make sure you have positional advantage, and has been said you really need to use your bells for this purpose.
  2. Focusing: When i fire Seamus' gun i make sure always to have the focus condition. ALWAYS! Against normal targets a focused action will make sure you will almost always get a straigt flip, and the be able to cheat. Masters will usually use ss to counter this (1AP for 1 SS is worth it for me), and undead models can be hard to take down because of hard to wound.
  3. Sybelle: Her instant kill trigger is absolutely the best thing here. You can ss the suit.....enough said. Almost auto trigger is so so so good. She has already killed off both masters and henchmen in this way for me. I tend to babysit her a bit untill turn 4 or 5, then move in for the kill when the opponent has used most of his/her ss.
  4. Want to annoy most opponents? Bring two hanged and Seamus Sinister Reputation! This will allmost certainly drain your opponents hand, and open up for way earlier instant kills with Sybelle.
  5. CCK: When positioning, always make sure you palce him in front of another model, so he wont be pushed back, and that way can get a second shot with the gun. Also remember his melee instant kill trigger. At ml5, it is pretty decent against low df. high dg models. Have killed an Ice Golem with the little guy and the trigger.

This was my two cents. I have focused a little more on the killing potential, since alot of people have given alot of good pointers on scheme running. My personal favorit scheme with seamus is "Make them suffer", pretty much tailored for Seamus. You can 1 shot most minions with a focused shot.



best regards




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