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Leviticus and the riders


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Under the new rules I am currently in a conundrum. I love the rider models but I was wondering if they were worth wile to take with Leveticus or if ashes and dust were the better option do to the synergy. Has anyone tried using any of the riders with Leveticus and if so what did you think?

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All of those models are currently in the beta test so the rules will change. At the moment it isn't possible for Leveticus to take all 4 riders at the same time.

As long as the riders end up as solid models for their cost you will see them with Leveticus. You might even see some of them in the same list as Ashes and dust. It depends on what the strategy is. I would strongly consider multiple riders in a reckoning list at the moemnt, as they are fairly fast and durable.

And goign on the last edition, Avatar Leveticus is likely to have some interaction with the Riders

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  • 5 months later...

Riders ramp up in power -- you have to hit them hard early on, and, if the Arcanist thread is anything to go on, focus on Mechanical first.

As far as Reckoning goes, part of that strat is VP denial -- take as few models as you can, especially ones that can hit hard, have Armor, Hard to Kill, Hard to Wound, or ways to heal themselves (I'm looking at Kang, here, obviously).

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Models that do damage with something besides a Df-resisted attack go a long way. Attacks resisted with Willpower are great. So are blasts and some pulses.


You can also go Waif-hunting. Killing off all the spare Waifs can stop Leveticus's reincarnation cycle, and by extension (if the Avatar ends up similar) the Riders' reincarnation too.

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