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Hamelin proxy advice


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I was looking to replace my Hamelin crew as well as procure some proxies for the new rat king models. Has anyone done so already with some success? I would also like to work out some way to jazz up the rat catchers seeing as M2e Hamelin is most likely a year out.

Any input is appreciated.

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Maybe put a new 40mm round base base on the Ral Partha Giant Rat Stand?


Or a games workshop rat swarm (again, you'd need a new base)


Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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Thanks for all the input! I have a feeling it may turn skaven but we shall see.

The rat catchers are something else though, I've been looking through reaper as well as hell dorado miniatures but I have come up empty handed. I hate having to proxy these but I'm just to impatient to wait for the new plastics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week I made a couple of proxies that both look kind of like this. This was the first try. It's based around a big Skaven rat from the old swarm pack and a few of the small ones from the plague monks box, swimming. All my Hamelin bases are made of the same kind of plasticard and similar water.


I figure the rat king might be a big rat with a posse of smaller rats, the water is there to connect it to the rest of my crew and to add some action. Also, I get to use some of the small rats that are too small to use as ordinary rats.

It was hard to get my phones focus to capture all three rats, so you get a kind of awkward picture from the top down. But it should give an idea of what I did.

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  • 1 month later...


Is a great looking mini. I used one to proxy the Wretch for a while.


I've used one of these to proxy Nix. (Nix takes a while to paint...)


This looks like a good kit for Rat Kings. It's the tallest Rat Swarm I've seen.

D&D mini's has 2 different rat swarms that make decent markers.

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