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Freehand-along, week 3 - detailing and highlights


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Hey folks, it's that time again - the new week of the freehand along! I'm really happy to see how people have thrown themselves into this, and we're getting close to the end now.

This week, it's a case of adding in any further details onto the blocks of colour, be that highlights or patterning or whatever you feel you need. Don't worry about shading into the folds of the cloth yet though, that'll come at the end to tie the freehand to the fabric. This is where you can refine the design to get all the details you want into it and any highlights you want on the highest points.

Here's the gallery of survivors from last week:













So there we go, have at it folks and ask any questions of the group, it's looking great all round!

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So this is where I am at.


1.5 passes with white. I say 1.5 as its 1 full coat with a second just focussed on the raised folds of the robe. It does not seem to stand out in the pic for some reason.

I also gave the purple a bit of a spruce up and exaggerated the highlights in preparation for the next step.

I am also leaning towards repainting the rest of the miniature.

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Whew! Didn't think I was going to get this one done in time (and admittedly it's still a little bit rushed). Have had a HECTIC week...ugh.

Sooo... attempting highlighting. There is actually 2 distinct tones of highlighting (not that it shows in this dark photo :( ).


Does anyone have any suggestions to improve this? It doesn't look....quiiite right. Hmm.

Also, Lordgimpet - seriously, that looks AMAZING. Whhhhy repaint?

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because he missed several soulstones(one on helmet and all of them on the pistol)?

or because the direction of highlighting the gems is not from a single universal lightsource. sometimes the dark is on top, somtimes its on one side or another. the white reflection dot on the gun hand gem is on the right side, the white dot on the cloak gem is on top, while the white dot on the helm gems is top left.

after all that work on the cloak, the rest of the model looks too like its missing something.

at least thats all i could find when i actively looked for a reason for him to not be happy with the model and want to repaint it.

Edited by nagash13
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because he missed several soulstones(one on helmet and all of them on the pistol)?

or because the direction of highlighting the gems is not from a single universal lightsource. sometimes the dark is on top, somtimes its on one side or another. the white reflection dot on the gun hand gem is on the right side, the white dot on the cloak gem is on top, while the white dot on the helm gems is top left.

after all that work on the cloak, the rest of the model looks too like its missing something.

at least thats all i could find when i actively looked for a reason for him to not be happy with the model and want to repaint it.

That's pretty close to the mark, The model was painted close to 5 years ago and was/is often used on the table top. The missing gem on the helmet is from wear and tear.

Also over that time, my skills have improved and techniques changed and while painting this I've been noticing things that should be corrected etc.

Lussuria - To me it does not look right only because I am a little unclear what your are trying to portray with the eagle so the highlights contradict the highlights on the blue making it clash and not look quite right. That you yourself have that "gut" feeling something is not quite there is a good sense to have.

I will just ask you this as it may help, Is the eagle intended to be a simple solid yellow? if so, I would for the case of highlights, keep to the edges/folds of the model. As in your case it is a large flat area, you could get away with some exaggeration to create the illusion of a fold.

Hmm how to explain my crazy brain, Ok, looking at the centre when the robe splits and you have edge highlighted it, I would pull the blend gradient further into the bird and parallel with the edge until your back to base colour close to the centre of the wing.

Then (and can be tricky) from the wingtips a single gradient running parallel, to the nearest edge. With the base color. you may have to give the blue a once over to match as well but you will create the illusion of a concave fold in the flat area, just with 2 simple edge highlights.

So have I confused you? Sorry if I have but let me know and ill try to clarify.

Edited by Lordgimpet
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Yes, the 'swan' type bird is the Cygnar logo - which looks sort of typically solid gold.

Yea, it's definitely aligning the highlighting with the jacket that I think is making it look so odd. Do you mean something more like this?


^ Don't think I demonstrated what I'm thinking in my head correctly hehe.

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I think what he is saying is something like this.

post-13722-13911931373753_thumb.jpgmake the fold edges of the skirt lightest blue, and lightest yellow matching the angle. then do the same at the edges of the skirt split. so your blue and yellows are darkest in the middle of the "flat" giving the illusion of another fold. please pardon the crappy MSpaint butchery of your image.

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Ooo, that looks like it would look good. As things currently stands the logo doesn't look integrated into the skirt.

I've done a tiny bit more work on my wizard and should post him up later. There's not much noticeable difference I'm afraid apart from it got sloppier.

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

And here we go:


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Oooh thanks so much guys!! Will give that a go! Looks like it would work much better if i adjust the highlight on the skirt too! Didn't think of that!

And I love paint mash ups *grin* So handy hehe.

Oooh that's looking cool, Wings. Can definitely see the highlighting in the edging! Looks great :)

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Tell you what, since the end point is going to be a bit staggered for people (me, certainly!), I'll keep this thread going instead of a whole new one for the moment.

The final bit in the whole freehand extravaganza is to shade bits of the freehand to match the shading on the cloth behind. This is best dome with small amounts of very dilute paint, often the shade from the fabric itself, and glazing it into the folds over the freehand. You don't need to shade the whole fabric again (though you can if you've got small sections of freehand that are hard to cover exactly - using the fabric shade colour helps with this), but just fade the freehand down into the folds and shadowy regions. This is the point that really does want doing gently and building up gradually until you feel happy with the effect. Don't go nuts on it and totally paint over your careful freehand work!

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Nice stuff, steam! And everyone else too, for that matter.

I've finally managed to squeeze time in to do this (only a week late...), so here was raspy after I did some highlighting and tweaking:


And since I decided to keep this thread rolling, here's the glazes of shading I did:


How's everyone else going with the finishing touches?

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Ok here it is done for me.


don't mind the other parts of the model I have base coated and starting to redo, All I did for the final stage, was apply my "shadow wash 3" which is a custom wash I made in bulk, I actually have 5 different versions that I use depending on the colour I am shading or the mood I want to apply to the model.

My number 3 is basically a dark navy, though I did add a touch of red to pull it closer to purple but not enough to change it completely As I wanted to shadow of the white to be a cool white not a purple.

This pic I moved the light source and camera back a bit and you can see the contrasts in the shading better. I'm an ok painter, but crappy photographer


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That looks great Lordgimpet - he's got loads more character now. Post photos of him when you've finished redoing the rest!

I've got photos of my wizard waiting to go up but photobucket appears to be down at the moment. :( I'll post them up as soon as I can.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------

And the internetz works again! Here's my wizard. I can't say I'm thrilled with him but he's a good practice mini. I've added the same freehand pattern to the band around his hat and some ankhs on the fabric strips on his staff.


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