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Seamus vs. a Ranged Crew Help


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What kind of terrain do you use? If you are getting so easily shot to pieces, it may sound like the terrain favours your opponent. Try to pick schemes that don't require as much running towards killing maybe? Other than that try to find cover and get your opponent to play into your style rather than giving him free shots.

I am not a very experienced player but I haven't yet had my belles shot down that easily. I haven't played against Creed though. I hope someone more experienced will answer your question :)

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For Belles it really is Lure, Lure and Lure. I personally would suggest luring a model after it has activated if possible. Since Your Lure is a greater range than their shots you shoudl still be able to do this before they can shoot you. And when they are lured into melee range you get to Pounce on them.

Sonnia does have the ability to ignore line of sigth, but only if you are burning. Granted Killign a stalker will probably set fire to your belles a little, but not much.

Sonnia has a 14" range, Samual is 12" as are the witchlings, so they have had to move twice inside the lure range before then can even shoot at you.

The other option is to use cover to your advantage. It doesn't hurt your attempts to lure, but makes there shooting much harder.

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Lure them in and then Paralyze them with a Nurse, or hit them with the Hanged. Or for real giggles, Lure them into Seamus' Melee Range, then use a Nurse to use Uppers on Seamus, and then use the Nurses Accomplice to have Seamus go next. Min 4 Dmg on the bag if you took it, or min dmg three with a trigger to attack again on the back hand.

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Back Alley into melee range and start hacking away!! Once she is engaged she can't throw fire balls at your crew. For an assasination run I like to run Seamus with BoT, Red Chap Killer and Decaying Aura. Combine that with a nurse, like others have mentioned and Criid will go down quite easy, especially without the aid of preventing damage with soul stones!

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