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Looking for crews (UK)


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Hi all

Our club has started to play this game and i've been looking at different crews.

I like the look of the Ortegas and also Kirai.

Has anyone got any crews they want to part with at all, to get the ball rolling for me!!!

I also liked the Dead Justice and alternative minis for these crews too but i think they were a limited release?

Would be interested in these too ie Santana, Miss sterious and Miss Demeanor

Thanks alot


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As you might know, Kirai does not have a rules update for M2E yet, (although the beta should have playable rules for her come October), so you might not want to start with her, but the Ortegas are are a great shooty crew to start with.

The other models you expressed interest in are nice (although all can be had in non limited versions, of course), but quite expensive. Expect to spend about $40 per model for the Misses (more than double that for Santana) and $120 or more for the Dead Justice box (Tara has increased the demand for undead Death Marshals).

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I have a Rasputina crew on ebay currently with M2E cards, and would also consider selling my Seamus crew (with M2E cards) at the same price and no additional postage charge.


These are demo crews which I'm replacing with plastics, hence the willingness to pass them on.

PM me if interested and we'll sort something out.

P.S. whereabouts are you in the UK?

Edited by Clousseau
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