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Miss Step


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Here is my progress with Miss Step so far. Sorry for the slightly blurry pic. It's all I was able to do at work. Next photos will be better.

I've blocked out her body's metal components with Vallejo's Tinny Tin and put down two thin basecoats of Citadel's Leadbelcher on the manhole cover, then put a couple of thin even coats of Citadel's Bugman's Glow on her exposed skin.

I then gave her metal body components and the manhole cover several thin washes of Citadel's Athonian Camoshade (a great "dirty" wash. Very brown, green, and black).

Next up I'll begin picking out the brass components on her body. As always, comments are very welcome!


Good start. Looking good so far. Keep us posted.

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I am new to malifaux I have never played the game. so when I heard about the game i started researching the game. I found out you need a rule book and some other stuff to play the game. I went to go buy the 1.5 rule book and I found out book 2.0 was coming out so I decided to wait till 2.0 addition came out. so why they're were at GenCon I bought book 2.0 some terraClips and some fate Decks and got misstep for free. Today is September 5th I just got my stuff in the mail and opened it all up. all the stuff looks really cool and I can't wait to play but my misstep didn't come with a stat card. I also did not see her stat card in the Arcanist section of the 2.0 rulebook. I was just wondering if anyone knew where I can get her 2.0 stat card.

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Hello and welcome to Malifaux! :)

Miss Step is an alternate sculpt version of Howard Langston, who's in the book, so you can use his rules as they're just the same as the lovely Miss Step's.

A card should have been included in your box, looks like there was a packing error. If you fill out the form here I'm sure the Wyrd guys and girls will get it sorted out for you quickly;


Once again welcome to Malifaux and any other questions please just ask. *grin*

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Nice review on miss step :) She is certainly a scary counter attacker.

Personally i think imbued energies is great on her. It makes her even more of a threat. i charged a peacekeeper while discarding this upgrade, decapitating it, and then nimbling into an executioner and decapitating that too. Later she killed a witchling, Sonnia and placed a couple of scheme markers. That's some rail golem-like crew wiping imho :)

Really good paintjob too! Where did you get/how did you make the cog base?

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Nice review on miss step :) She is certainly a scary counter attacker.

Personally i think imbued energies is great on her. It makes her even more of a threat. i charged a peacekeeper while discarding this upgrade, decapitating it, and then nimbling into an executioner and decapitating that too. Later she killed a witchling, Sonnia and placed a couple of scheme markers. That's some rail golem-like crew wiping imho :)

Really good paintjob too! Where did you get/how did you make the cog base?

Thanks! :)

Yeah she's certainly got great damage potential.

I made the base with some plastic cogs I picked up a while ago. This is the basing style I'm using for a lot of my minis at the moment. I'm going to write up a step by step article on this for my blog soon.

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Thanks! :)

Yeah she's certainly got great damage potential.

I made the base with some plastic cogs I picked up a while ago. This is the basing style I'm using for a lot of my minis at the moment. I'm going to write up a step by step article on this for my blog soon.

If you don't mind, could you tell us where you picked them up? I've found some cogs and gears before, but either they are too small, or don't hold paint very well. And I'm not very good at making them—I can just about manage a rack and pinion with an exacto knife.

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I got them from a few places so it's a little tricky;

Small ones I got some some from watch parts you can buy in bags, like those from Basecrafts.

My local hobby store sells mid sized ones.

The larger ones came from technobotsonline.com

I also used some plastruct and strip styrene to make pipes and girders.

Hope that helps :)

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Yeah, pipes and girders I can do...it's just the teeth and curves of gears that give me issues. I have found that toothed washers work well as smaller gears, but I have trouble making them take and keep paint—and they tend to be really small, so I need a lot of them to make any kind of base. On the other hand, for adding something for a magnet to grip to an arachnid, they work really well, right up until the magnet rips them off...

Yeah, I've had some problems.

Thanks for the link, though. it looks good—unfortunately, since I'm in the US, unless I find a bunch of other people to order, shipping could get cost prohibitive from there.

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While that's an excellent source for the medium and small gears, I've honestly been really searching for something Larger than a quarter. It looks like the store Mythicfox pointed to has them, whereas the best I've found otherwise were out of old lego sets(and thus waaaay too thick.

(Because having one large gear and a bunch of smaller gears balances aesthetically better, and larger gears are easier to cut in half without losing anything, for gears coming up out of the base on vertical axes)

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to use more small gears. Thanks all.

(you know, this wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have a thing about all bases being a little different from those I've made before, yet themed to fit with the other models I generally use them with)

---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

And, to bring this back on track to Miss step, I was hoping to use some larger gears to camoflauge the substitute leg I made for her after the incident. It has the right shape and for the most part looks okay, but I can't quite craft the detail I would like(I tried taking a picture with my phone to show you all, but the quality was so poor you couldn't see where the issues were.

I'd try going in with an X-acto knife or a file again, but it keeps snapping off where it was glued(I'm not convinced that my plastic glue is working right either, but it could just be that it's glued at weak points.) and the parts are so tiny(I used part of Kang's hammer for the straight, and cut up a few rail worker arms to provide the mid leg, and the knife edge/knee area then carved a new scythe blade out of one of the plastic sprues, gluing them together to make the spider leg, so none of the joints is very bix, and the scythe itself is two parted.) that I'm afraid I'll lose one or ruin it if I try too much more. I planned to try and give it a battle damage look and hide it in gears so that the alterations were not too evident.

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Have you tried using the sprue itself for spare parts? The corner knobs where you can stack sprues might make a decent ball joint. Whittle down what you need from parts of it that already are roughly the angles you're looking for, plussing up any segments with some greenstuff as needed.

Used part of a sprue to replace Cassie's forearm as she was miscast. Looks good enough after a few adjustments to it.

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Yes, I've constructed everything after the Ball either from the sprue, or spare parts of other models. Actually, the biggest issues are the scythe section and the first joint after the ball. The scythe I whittled isn't very straight in cross-section, and has no blade details, and the "knee" loks okay on first glance, but it's a bit lopsided and is not only less detailed, but the details it does have don't quite match up(although they come close).

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