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Start of a Hoffman Crew


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Hmm I'll have to check, honestly I don't know that much about my own airbrush. Will see if it has a parts sheet when I get home.

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------

[h=3]Hoffman's Crew done ... mostly[/h]

I've managed to get everyone in my initial gang done :) Now just need to get the mobile toolkit and the claw guy done. Here they are:



























I think I overdid the rust spray on the smokestacks on the Peacekeeper so I'm going to give it a black wash and a bit of metal drybrush to tone it back.

[bigger pics on my blog]

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  • 1 month later...

[h=3]Hoffman Avatar of Voltron... I mean Amalgamation WIP[/h]

I finally got my hands on the crazy Avatar version of C. Hoffman on Saturday :)


Here he is all on one well packed sprue. I clipped off all the parts and got to sanding off mold lines.


to match the rest of my crew I had to work out where to put in some gems. 1st obvious spot was to drill the eyes out of the face.


I used a round rotary bit on the back of the mask to open up the eyes area to fit in the smallest of my green gems.


They fit in nicely. I'll glue them in place after painting the mask.


The chest of the robot already had a sculpted gem in the middle of it's chest continuing the Iron Man look of the other robots. I drilled this out then used rotary bits and a knife blade to expand the hole big enough to fit the largest of gems I have. I went a bit deep drilling though so had to fill it back up a bit with a cut off bit of sprue.


There it fits in just right.

After the converting I kept cleaning parts and glued him into his stock pose.






He really is quite a beast. Nice presence on the table. The only dissapointments I have is the plastic version of C.Hoffman seems less defined and a bit weedy compared to his metal version. Not that keen on him just being kinda strapped to the robot's arm either. Lastly The design of the feet is a bit weird, and more importantly, doesn't really fit on the top of the base. Surely the sculpter knew what size base this would be going on, yet the very fragile claw tipped feet look destined to get hooked on stuff in carry cases and break off. They also seem very flat which I don't like very much. Maybe I will think of something that extends over the lip of the base for him to stand on or I will redesign his feet.

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I always thought it was meant to be protecting and cradling him. He relies on machines so much that when his Avatar manifests it is literally carrying him around. It's got other things to focus on, so he gets strapped in, similar to the harness he usually has.

Oh, and nice work so far, although I really want to face off against these on a table at some point :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hoffman Avatar Progress

It becomes pretty obvious as you try and work out how to base Hoffman's Avatar that he was designed to fit a flat 60mm disc instead of a round lipped base. He'll quite happily even stand without a base with those big feet of his. Problem then was how to base him. I was toying with the idea of him standing on big cogs or maybe another wagon wheel poking off the side of the base. Instead I decided to make a raised deck from coffee stirrers. I split one part to make the raisers filled between them with sand and texture paste and then glued down planks on top. I left a gap just for interest so some grass could poke through and added an animal skull at the front from the bits box. Also added in a small cactus at the back so it matches the rest of my bases.



I also decided to rework his feet a bit. I wanted them to look more like talons so I clipped off the spiky bits from the front of his toes and glued them to the knuckle. For the foot overhanging the side I cut it off a bit further back and pinned it back on bending down over the side. Gives a nice feeling that he's digging his claws into the ground as he walks.



After priming all the parts over the weekend I didn't have enough time to start airbrushing on the copper but I did have enough time to paint up the base. Lots of drybrushing and washes same as the other ones.





As usual you can see bigger pics on my blog

Edited by Rob_Jedi
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Looking re4ally good, especially with both of his feet within the surface of the base.

I realize it must have been asked and answered before but still if you could save me time and write where did you buy the cactuses you're using for the bases I'd be most grateful :1_Happy_Puppet2:

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The cacti are from Pegasus Hobbies. I got them through my old local gaming store, they're easy to find on ebay or online.


They make 2 sets which are identical but different sizes. Use set 1 for blocking terrain, set 2 is about 1/2 the size so is great for bases.


Here's a look at the different shapes you get.

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Yeah it seems an incredibly precarious way to ride around, all it has to do is straighten it's arm to break his back...

Why couldn't he be in the middle power loader style? Oh well, it's still a cool model.

Oh, I'm still considering using Hoffman and Lazarus together, with some other bits, as his avatar, power loader style, like so:

They're looking great, by the way. Going to have to use your crew as my tutorial, once I get started on painting models again.

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