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Hamlin the plauged and friends!


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Well, i would like to show off the first batch of WIP pics for a hamlin crew i'm painting for a friend of mine. He asked for earthy tones, but i've tried to add just a hint of other color in them to keep then entire crew from turning brown and tan. I think they are coming out pretty well myself.


The wretch is first, she is almost done. Her face needs smoothed out a tad, and her base isn't even primed yet, but otherwise i think she is about complete. There will be a tad bit of lighting on her dress as the sewer base she is on has plenty of goo.


When i got this guy primed and was thinking of how to paint him up, i couldn't help but think that he kind of looked like the actor Bill Duke. I remember him mostly from "Mac" in the original Predator flick. So, i painted him to look similar. :D


This guy... well... he just looks like a creeper. I'm not sure if he's coming after some rats, or some little children... and in a Hamlin crew, he'll get both!!! but he was fun to paint.


The base here is not finished, but i wanted to put it up here so Bill could see the first shot at mixing the grossness for the water/waste/goo. I use a combination of P3, and Citidel paint, and this is a basecoat of modly ochre, a moderate wash of a camo green wash from the new citidel line, then a 50/50 of moldy ochre and menoth white hilight dry brushed over the top. I think it looks good, but it also (as i put in an email) litterally looks like a river of ****. XD

Anyway, and C&C is welcome. I'll continue to update this as i get some more finished

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I like your take on billy duke :) nice highlights on his skin as i find ethnic groups alot harder to paint than your standard caucasian. Well done.

Also the rat base with the river off 'muck' looks really good. What bases/inserts have you used?

Im due to start on a haemlin crew myself soon and really looking forward to it :)

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Yep, i put a few more hours into this then i had planned, but I managed to get Avatar Hamlin to magnetize so my friend can use him as both the avatar, and simply as an alt sculpt for the regular Hammy.


As you can see, it's two large magnets to hold the base together, and two smaller ones mainly acting as stablizers and spacers to keep the whole thing from rocking while he's attached to the large base. It ended up being so heavy that i had to add a second heavy magnet just so you could pick him up without pulling it apart.


I ended up cutting the left sid of the bricks off to hide a larger magnet. It looks a tad rough from this angle, but i took a lot of extra care to make sure you can't tell what i did from the sides. I'll post some better pics of this once it's all painted up.


This looks terribad because i haven't done any sort of basing or painting, but this is mostly hidden once you attach Hamlin, so it will probably just get shot with black primer and a quick coat of grey just so it doesn't look so bad when it's sitting on the table after he manifests.


dun da da duhhh!!!


See? most of the underlying base is hidden. The greenstuff that sticks out was built up just to hide the gaps from the magnets. Don't worry, i'll make sure it looks good. haha

I will also add that while i am pretty proud of this attempt, i do think Hamlin is one of the easier avatars to do this to, so maybe it's not such a big deal to all you guys that specialize in this stuff, but by the time i got it finished and working correctly, i felt like i had been to war! lol.

Edited by Jewomie
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I like your take on billy duke :) nice highlights on his skin as i find ethnic groups alot harder to paint than your standard caucasian. Well done.

Also the rat base with the river off 'muck' looks really good. What bases/inserts have you used?

Im due to start on a haemlin crew myself soon and really looking forward to it :)

Thanks man! the bases of the rats and the wretch are the standard Wyrd sewer bases. The rat catchers are both on the Wyrd streets base. The stolen are going to be on some customized bases, but those are a secret at the moment. shhhh. lol

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Bill Duke looks favorably upon your reference! I'm really going to "have me some fun" with him herding rats!

It looks great so far man! Honestly I don't think the ah...sludge looks too much like human waste. More like...really creamed corn.... *grin*

Heck, I'm thinking we can roll with that color!

Also, AMAZING job magnetizing AvHammy. Sorry it took longer that you originally anticipated. I know generally Wyrd models aren't overly conducive to being magnetized. Or at least, there's generally less incentive to do so than some 40k figures.

Anyways, keep up the good work!

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i'm glad you like it so far man! As i said in the post, most of your rats are finished, but i haven't even started on their bases, which when it comes to the rats... the bases are the bigger half of the model, so you should start to see them in the next few days, for now, i'm working on the stolen. They are such great sculpts and have been a joy to paint. Luckily i have three of each! hahaha

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THanks for the kind words you two! I am really digging the earth tones. Once i get my Lucas McCabe crew finished up and posted you'll actually find that i am using the same color palette here than i am using on them. So in a way... i guess you could say i'm STILL painting cowboys... just cowboys that like to hang out in the sewers and play with rats...? anyway, Come back tonight for a new update, i hope to have some stolen finished and up here!

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Nicely done minis. Also funny to see someone had the same idea as me with AHamlin keeping the top off the pillar. Though all I did was stick a mass of greenstuff to a base and push the mini onto it, seems to work so far :D keep it up I want to see how you paint him as I need to strip him and do it all over again :D

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Okay, so this is 5 days late... but the reward will be worth it! :D (i hope)

First up is AHamlin This one is about 68% finished. The base coats are all there, and the shading is just about wrapped up, but the blue bits are just a base, and i think i can push the highlights a bit more. What do you think?


Hammy is the same in these photos, but this is the avatar base. In this form he's about 50% finished as i have yet to paint any of the rats. The cobblestones are done though. :D



Last up, here is a sneak peak at Nix. Not sure i can even give him a percentage as i only started him last night. Instead of gore and grossness comming out of the wounds, i'm going to go with a spirit effect to celebrate his ghostly side.


After this, i'm going to bombard you with the finish shots of the rest of the crew. Hope you enjoy the WIP pics though!!

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