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Bamboo bases/inserts


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They're real easy to make. I just made 16 30mm bases inserts and 2 40mm inserts in about an hour :D about 10-11 toothpicks glued together and some green stuff for the bamboo connectors. That is just if you want to save some money. :D

And nothing simulates real wood actual wooden toothpicks.

Even without the greenstuff connectors, they still look realistic.

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No idea how to do my own inserts.

Well, you are in luck then. Rebecca realized last night that she needed one more, so i bet i could get her to make a quick step-by-step for you. It's super simple, and as i_was_like_you said, even if you leave off the greenstuff for the rope tieing them together, they look fantastic.

We'll see what is on the table for tonight when we get off work. I'm sure we can throw something together for you. as she mentioned, it's really fast and quite easy for how good they look!

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I did a really basic bamboo base the other night for my Wong, as not justified to buy a set of them for one model. As I don't have plans for starting ten thunders and alike crew ... got too much to paint already.

But I got the plastic base, and a load of wooden tooth picks. And just cut the toothpicks down to size. I made the first cut just over half the width of the base, and likewise on the other side and built it up. So the edges are not all that great like, but I did file down the edges, and cut on angle, to make it look better.

But if I need to make a new one, I will make a circular piece of thin plastic the same size as the inset section on the base. And do it on there to then sand it down to get a nice fit. I didn't out any green stuff (Or thick thread I may use from my mom's sewing room ... depending how it looks) for the connections/ties on the bamboo.

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