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Malifaux "too French" to play?


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I recently moved. Yesterday I checked out the lfgs to see if anyone here plays or has even heard of Malifaux. I have a habit of moving to places where no one has ever heard of it.

They had. They explained they had no interest in seeing it because it was "too French, and French games are wierd."

I didn't really know how to reply to that.

They were serious. They had never even seen it played.

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I could see the perception of the game being "too French" as Malifaux is a french sounding word, in addition to being a part of a small town in France. There are many French sounding names in the game, but most people should be reminded that most of those are of a Southern US/Creole influence...

Such a silly reason to not play a game... You know what you need to do? Apply to be a henchman, and start getting people to play this game that is Too French *wink*

Edit: Colette and the LaCroix are most likely derived from Louisiana Creole French...

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I've tried teaching people to play the game but it is something that I am not particularly good at. Plus, most of the people I have taught are not the kind of people that would go out and invest in a new game system.

The store here is advertised as a games store, but it is clearly geared towards warhammer/40k/lord of the rings. They sell a token amount of other stuff, but the vast majority is games workshop.

I've offered to demo a game if anyone is interested.

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I've tried teaching people to play the game but it is something that I am not particularly good at. Plus, most of the people I have taught are not the kind of people that would go out and invest in a new game system.

The store here is advertised as a games store, but it is clearly geared towards warhammer/40k/lord of the rings. They sell a token amount of other stuff, but the vast majority is games workshop.

I've offered to demo a game if anyone is interested.

Thank goodness there's Vassal (unless that, too, is too French for you)!

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Actually I may be moving to Savannah, GA. According to the spreadsheet it is also a place where no one plays Malifaux.

There may not be anyone in Savannah, but if you make it near A-town, there is a group that meets on Thursdays at Tower Games in Suwanne, which is a bout 20 minutes northeast of Atlanta proper. (http://www.thetowergamecenter.com/). The Wyrd website also says that Galactic Comic and Games in Statesboro plays Malifaux, and they are much closer to Savannah.

If anyone ever says they think the game is "too French" I really need for you to put on your best Pepe Le Pew accent and shout "Mon Dieu ! Ce n'est pas français ! Vous American ignorant !"

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