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Edonil's Painting Log


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Alright, so, rather than a thread for each different project I've got, this is going to be a thread for everything I'm working on. Right now, I'm working on some Infinity pieces, a Tohaa starter set. Using the same kind of purple armor that I was trying with my Ten Thunders, trying to get that technique figured out. This is a Kamiel Light Infantry, WIP for now. The bodysuit isn't done, but the skintone, armor and weapons are. Thoughts for the bodysuit right now is a very dark, almost black gunmetal blue, to keep the shine effect of the armor.




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Thanks for the comments! And Bleach, you can pick a different color scheme for your lot. *wink* Here's some more photos of my progress from last night. First up is Kamiel #1, all done up minus his base, which should hopefully be here this weekend.




Next is the Clipsos. The green of her cloak and skin are done, but a lot of work left to do. Debating the merits of cosmetics at the moment...



And finally Kamiel 2 and Kamiel 3


Comments and criticisms definitely appreciated!

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The glamrock pink and blue work well together. That brown leathery stuff kind of doesn't. :0


How about a bone/off white color instead? :0

I am still uncertain about how to paint my Tohaa. I might end up going for the purple/red + golden yellow color scheme I had in my mind already. Another idea was neon green with black.

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I do like the idea of them having this flimsy 50's alien movie vibe. If that was the case I would do a bright silver for leatheries, just for S&Gs. You should get some corny alien like bits and use them instead of the weapons they have. XD

You know those guns with little balls at the end of a pointy thingie with several rings around it.


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  • 1 month later...

Long time no update. Muse left me for a while, but she's back and I'm working away at some pieces for fun. Both of these are still WIP, although the first one is much closer to completion than the second. First up is Magnus the Warlord from Privateer Press. He's going to be representing my character in a 7th Sea campaign over the summer, Dietrich Von Mecklenburg, an Eisen noble.





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Second is a very old piece that I'm working on painting once again. This is Monique De Noir, a Reaper Master Series 54mm piece. There's some flaws in the sculpt, partly because of the fact that I stripped the paint off and am repainting. Luckily, it's fairly minor issues, although it is noticeable on the face. The face is mostly done, haven't done the eyes or makeup, and the armor still has a lot to go. Right now, I figure I'm about halfway done with the armor. The goal of this project is to do a (mostly) monochrome purple color scheme, hence the tint of purple in the skin. I'm probably going to break it at points if I have to, but most of it will be different varieties of purple.




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  • 1 month later...

(blows off dust)

Well, we're back to painting again...working on an entry for the Gencon Diorama competition. Here's the first piece for it:


Looking for as much critique as people are willing to give, the goal is to attempt to do well come the contest!




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Id look into maybe expanding the orange a little, and highlighting the centre a bit more too. You're basically looking to do something like the source part of OSL to make it look like it glows.

I'm guessing you're planning to push the highlights all the way to white on the very very edges, so I'm not going to say anything about that until you've had chance to do those bits. But It might be good to darken and maybe widen the shadows a little, to give you more of an ice/glass effect.

Looking like a good start though!

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Yeah, when I first found out about the Hailkin that's what I thought of them as.

Yep, definitely still working on the highlighting, although I'm not quite sure how far to take it. Should I be aiming for pure white on the most exposed parts? And any advice on how to deepen the shadows, Mako? lol, I work from darkest up myself, so going back with shading is something I've never done.

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